Presented at Red Pill Expo: "Previously Established Geostrategic Goals for the Target Country" Parallel #1 of 22 from "Gaza: Astounding Parallels with 9/11" — to Surprisingly Appreciative Audience
Plus, the RG911 WTC Evidence Booth in Rapid City — 100+ 9/11 Truth DVD's Sold!
How did all of that happen?! Gail and I towed our darling little A-frame RV trailer from our humble Northern Idaho home all the way to South Dakota, camping along the way. It was “Red Pill Expo or Bust!”
The Expo was already bustling with intense activity when we arrived, with surprisingly aware folks from all over the country visiting us at our famous (or infamous?) daring 9/11 WTC Evidence Booth. We learned more from these attendees, about all kinds of fascinating emerging truths, than they learned from us!

We set about to raise the booth right away, along with our new interview station which we readily put into action:
Here’s Christian — this 18-year old will light you up!
And Deane & Pat from Nebraska who want to share this DVD widely:
Then Larry from Seattle — who shares the breadth of the learning here at the Red Pill Expo:
Hedrick spoke of some things that even I had to censor!
We were of course honored to be invited to speak at the Expo by its founder — one of the foremost authors in the truth community — G. Edward Griffin, who authored “Creature from Jekyll Island” which exposed — more than 30 years ago now — the diabolical creation of the Federal Reserve and it’s taxation system, enslaving us still today. (Please read it.) Ed particularly wanted us to speak about our latest set of astounding parallels between 9/11 and Gaza.
We had a wonderful engaging conversation with Ed and his very sweet wife Pat.

I shared how disturbed I was in my discovery that the Hamas attacks of 10/7/23 were but the latest in a long line of false flag attacks — engineered to trigger war. In fact, drawing inspiration from Kevin Ryan — a mentor of mine who is the original author of these ubiquitous parallels which national governments seem to almost continuously feed us — I eventually discovered no less than 22 parallels that I began writing and speaking about. It takes me about three hours to deliver them all. We only had 40 minutes! So, I geared down and focused on Parallel #1 — Previously Established and Geostrategic Goals — Coveting the Natural Resources of the Target Territory.
We demonstrated, for instance, that the “neocons” had developed astonishingly bold and publicly documented goals for the middle east in their white paper “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, which included regional dominance there. It turns out that 15 of the document signers were brought into power with the Cheney administration, and following the 9/11 false flag attacks, proceeded to carry out their plans in striking detail — as discovered by Ret. General Wesley Clark just two weeks later from a former subordinate/officer at the Pentagon:
“Sir, we’re going to take out 7 countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.”
(The above list doesn’t even include Afghanistan!)
Most interestingly, this US foreign policy objective, partially completed, was strikingly similar, in fact synchronized, with the early vision established in “The Greater Israel” — as written by the founding father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl in his diary — and much further developed in the 1982 Odin Yinon Plan that has dominated Israeli foreign policy for the last 75 years.

We exposed the tacit support for the objectives outlined in that plan from many chief Israeli officials, up to and including the Netanyahu government, as currently evidenced in it’s extreme over-reaction in Gaza — i.e. killing 40,000 Palestinians and destroying 80% of their housing in Gaza with bombing and controlled demolitions of at least dozens of apartment buildings.
This level of destruction has revealed in itself the actual truth of “Israel’s 9/11 Moment” — an obvious false flag event, as we illustrate in the subsequent parallels that include:
Parallel #2 — A Rich History of Historic and Recent Provocations-False Flag Operations
Parallel #3 — Politically Useful Controlled Patsies — Foreign Operatives Developed by the State
i.e. the state-sponsored development of Hamas more than 30 years ago
Parallel #4 — A Triggering Event — An Innovative Attack with Dubious Origins; A Manufactured Invasion from Foreign Operatives
Parallel #5 — A Catastrophic Intelligence Failure
Parallel #6 — A Military Stand-Down — with an Obvious Uncharacteristic Delay in Response
Parallel #7 — Foreknowledge of the Attacks
However, these days, if you criticize Israel, or the Zionism that defines it — and I did indeed — you are accused of being “antisemitic”, and no one wants to be branded with that label. So, it was quite a sensitive topic to bring to any audience, and I was actually concerned that I would be sent packing, even though I was encouraged initially.
We’ve heard that you will soon be able to watch all the great speakers from the Red Pill Expo. Maybe by now you can:
I felt a great sense of relief to discover that the presentation was quite well received, and many attendees even came to us privately afterward to extend their very deep appreciation — including both Ed and his courageous Red Pill Expo co-leader Dan Happel, who just a week prior had me on his popular podcast to present the full 3 1/2 hour Gaza-9/11 parallels program on "Connecting the Dots.” Both had expressed that the shorter 40-minute RPE-on-stage talk had been a home run.
In fact, now Mr. Happel wants to have us back on his show “Connecting the Dots” to present all three of our unique programs, the Covid-9/11 Parallels, the Gaza-9/11 parallels, and the explosive WTC evidence.
Save $$ and get your early bird tickets for the next Red Pill Expo - in Tulsa, OK!
Please Support the 9/11 Truth Movement Today. We’re depending on you to help us wake up the sleeping public:
as to resources, everyone knows about the revising of the North American Natives "reservations" every time silver or gold had been discovered within the original boundaries of said "reservation"
Richard (and Gail)!
THANK YOU for ongoing leadership, and ongoing battles for TRUTH :)
BREAKthroughs/outs/downs are coming, after which our "leaders" will be unable to dictate our awakening Brothers and Sisters ;)
We're paying attention to evolving events with 3x/week news shows: