JFK a sitting President Rm killed 60 years ago no conviction papers still kept secret. Three steel constructed towers fall due to fire for 1st time in history with the BBC saying Building 7 had fallen 20 minutes before it fell, and no public enquiry.

And the US still claims to be a free democracy, it is nothing of the sort, it is an evil empire still controlled by Britain.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

I don't think "Britain" has control.

Rather, it's the parasites in the separate land known as the "City of London".

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Britain never gave up its colonies, and you are right the Empire became the City of London

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Is it also true that the towers were insulated with asbestos (an extreme health hazard) which had to be removed at a substantial cost in the hundreds of millions?

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Now discuss the large circular holes in WTC 6 from the roofline through the basement levels.

I have never seen a good explanation of this well documented damage.

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60 years of opportunism and ideological capture have touched every aspect of the built environment.

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They collect our slave taxes since 1913 when the same entities corrupted The American Church with CI Scofields bible pre trib rapture dispensationalism. Samuel Untermyer a zionist lawyer wrote the federal.reserve language and contacted scallywag scofield to high finance starting by membership in the Lotus club.

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Not to mention the fact that all four "airliners" were totally bogus.

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You hurt the movement. So many "truthers" prefer the position that if the government lies at all, everything they say must be a lie. That's why there were such high production values for the original flat earth release, the ultimate absurd proposition. If you ever met anyone who flew over both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, that disproves flat earth.

When I was a teenager I took a summer school class in effective reading. The main lesson was that professional liars realize they will better be able to get away with a lie if most of what they say is the truth.

The biggest lie about 9/11 is that even though the planes hit the towers, that's NOT what brought the towers down.

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"The biggest lie about 9/11 is that even though the planes hit the towers, that's NOT what brought the towers down." Do you believe that planes hit the towers?

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I agree lies kill. You seem capable of civil dialog. R U open to discussion of the photo included at this link? https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/4937494571630627955

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I refuse to log-in to a “google” site, sorry about that, I agree to have a dialog in chat here on substack, but if there is a requirement that I have to create yet another log-in to some other service, sorry about that but not happening. Thanks for asking anyhow.

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Here is the content of my blogspot. The photo shows WTC1 with Edna Cintron standing and waving near column where the number 135 is labeled. It also shows damage to the covering of the steel columns where the steel columns were either undamaged or bent. The aluminum wings were not strong enough to break through the steel, but the titanium engines were strong enough and did break through the steel.

Seems this website does not allow me to present the photo. Do you recognise the name Edna Cintron? Can you agree her name could not have been so widely known if there had not been an opening in the north tower?

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"The aluminum wings were not strong enough to break through the steel, " If the wings didn't cut into the wall, then where are the wings? How did the Wing Shaped Gash get there?

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Impressed at your civility. It presents a high resolution photo showing an opening in the north tower in the shape in a plane. Do you accept or deny there was such an opening?

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Yes I know about "Edna Cintron" its plain to see that there was a hole in the tower, however I am highly skeptical of the idea that the hole could have been made by an airliner. FLT175 was said to have struck the tower with its wings tilted 28 deg. and with that noted, the alleged penetration of the airliner would have had to be straight in, however the plane's true direction of travel could not possibly have been aligned with its longitudinal axis, therefore straight in penetration would have been impossible. Additionally there would have had to be shards of aluminium at the edges of the hole, where are the shards? The whole airliners used as weapons bit is completely bogus.

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“You hurt the movement” The Truth hurts, lies KILL!

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Great job! You should include because you know it better than I do, that WTC 7 fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds, rather than until it fully came down.

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You mean to tell me not one of our news agencies we're able to report on any of those points? Say it's not so! I guess it must be true that they all get specific marching orders. But this is America, the home of the free, right? I guess not so much!

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Some say nuclear explosions caused it.

How could the entire structure dissolve?

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at this stage, defining what was done, is more important than defining HOW it was done.

the "what" bit is sufficient to launch a proper investigation.

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More resources on these and other facts that I posted on my blog when researching this issue showing evidence of a false flag military psychological operation. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/new-911-investigation-vs-new-world-order-2/

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Reposted at Quora. Thank you.

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I had reached nearly a million views when quora.com threw me off. I mainly posted about 9/11.

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Ya, all too many on-line forums don't like controversy . . . oops!

censorship is the devil's work.

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