Co-Produce This Powerful New 9/11 Film!
"9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom" - The Historic WTC Evidence Documentary Series - In Partnership with LC911 and ... YOU!
BIG News today !!
YOU now have the opportunity to co-produce this major 9/11 Truth Documentary Film Series along with an Emmy Award winning director!
I’ve partnered with the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to create 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom, which combines the world’s leading 9/11 WTC spokesperson with the world’s leading 9/11 litigation team led by attorney Mick Harrison. For the first time, this film will cover the hard WTC evidence from both the technical and legal sides, bringing to the screen the WTC Petition evidentiary Exhibits for both the public and the actual Grand Jury.
This exciting new creative project is the result of a combination of fortuitous factors: The launch of my new organization and website and my having been invited to join the board of directors of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry in the wake of being solo from AE911Truth last year.

LC911 has already submitted a petition to the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York for a Special Criminal Grand Jury to investigate the World Trade Center crimes, citing and supported by 60 evidentiary Exhibits, and this new film will be submitted as a supplement to the original Petition which must, by law, be given to the Grand Jury!
This film will let You see what the Grand Jurors will actually see, as Mick, myself, and other expert witnesses look right into the camera and ask you to watch and judge for yourselves the dispositive irrefutable scientific evidence for the controlled demolition of WTC 1, 2, and 7.
You will be invited to weigh in on the evidence, episode by episode, with real-time feedback for the production of the next episode in the series, including who would be the most important witnesses for the actual Grand Jury to subpoena!
Just imagine the jurors seeing this professionally made film highlighting the evidence, as deeply developed in my presentations over the years, watching Building Seven, not having been hit by a plane, and after witnesses hearing explosions, go down suddenly, smoothly and symmetrically at free-fall acceleration—as fast as a bowling ball falling from the sky—with absolutely NO resistance from ANY of the building’s 80 columns. Imagine seeing the look on their faces as they see the compelling peer-reviewed evidence of both ignited and unignited thermite incendiaries at the World Trade Center, as well as the explosive testimony from hundreds of first responders and TV reporters. And that’s just the beginning of the compelling evidence in this film series! It will be divided into several short segments and released free on YouTube-type platforms in 2022/2023.

Additional expert witnesses will dive deeper into the critical evidence, and Family Members of 9/11 victims will share their personal stories.
This film project is exactly what the 9/11 Truth Movement needs at this time. The WTC evidence in the 60 Petition Exhibits that it brings to life, and the legal framework it provides, strongly supports the testimony of the four 9/11 Families’ 20-year struggle for justice featured in the powerful recently released AE911Truth documentary Unspeakable directed by Dylan Avery.
And… here’s the even better news!! A few incredibly committed donors who know that this film absolutely must be made have together pledged $40,000 in a matching grant. So, almost half the initial heavy lifting is already be done … IF, and only if, YOU can collectively donate that amount as Co-Producers.
When you do, your donation of $20 or $100 will be instantly leveraged to $40 or $200 … AND the 60 exhibits of WTC evidence in the Grand Jury Petition will fly off the screen and into the minds of our future Grand Jurors.
I hope you are as excited as Mick, Kristina, and I am about the 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. We’re looking forward to partnering with You on this historic Project!
This is the moment to make this happen. In anticipation of your help, we are now beginning the film development and production phases!
If you require a tax deductible donation then you should make your donation on the Lawyer's Committee website, a 501c3 nonprofit, and select the "9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom" film series option. Richard Gage, AIA, Architect is an LLC.
Thank you for saving our future!!
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, and my great partners at LC911
PS We need You, to make this film happen! Please Co-Produce it with us now!