Richard I disagree with the boards decision to remove you for two reasons. First of all your comments regarding the covid fraud may have been blamed for Spike Lee pulling that section of his project containing the interviews but they were not the real reason. The read reason the interviews were pulled is that the corporate whore media of which Spike Lee is a part do not EVER want the truth of 9/11 exposed. The whore media are the primary cover-up agents for 9/11 and for the covid fraud along with all sorts of other crimes against humanity. Whore media is the primary enemy of the truth movement. Therefore you must know that they would have found ANY excuse to pull those interviews or scuttle the whole project. Your comments about the covid fraud had nothing to do with it, those interviews would never have seen the light of day regardless of what Spike Lee may have said. If 9/11 truth is ever fully realized by the people of earth the whore media will be found guilty of not only the cover-up but for lying us into the wars that followed. The media will be dismantled and its leaders will go to prison if 9/11 truth goes viral. So no way in hell can you be blamed for the whore media blocking those interviews. It is naive to the extreme to believe that those jackals would have ever given 9/11 truth a fair hearing since their very existence depends upon suppressing the truth. I would say the board and perhaps you yourself Richard need to stop fantasizing about the corporate whore media EVER telling the truth about 9/11 or covid for that matter. Don't blame yourself for them pulling those interviews, they were NEVER going to show them anyway I guarantee it. 9/11 truth advocates like yourself should know your enemy by now and that enemy is truly the corporate whore media.

The second reason their decision was wrong is that you have a right as a human being to express your opinions about other topics just like everyone else. Covid is a fraud and 9/11 was a fraud so you said nothing that wasn't true. At the very most the board should have asked you to write and post a letter stating that your opinions about covid are your own and they are not endorsed by A+E. PERIOD!!!

To be honest with you Richard the day you withdrew your support for CIT I lost my respect for you and for A+E because as I see it you and they threw the truth under the bus. Now today the board has thrown you under the bus for speaking the truth about covid. I am NOT impressed. When in the hell are truthers going to "get it" that you tell the truth no matter the cost and you do not negotiate about it. You do not consider the PR implications of the truth you just stand up for the truth and let the chips fall where they may. This is not the public relations movement it is the truth movement and by even considering public relations you are cutting the truths throat. Some truths are just uncomfortable and downright painful to hear but they must be told. You start softening the truth to make it less painful and concerning yourself with PR you just killed the truth without realizing it.

I will regain my respect for A+E and for you when you both start telling the unvarnished, uncomfortable, painful truth about 9/11 and you both stop with this fools errand of getting the corporate whore media to help us tell the truth to the masses. Both you and A+E should wear the scorn of the corporate media like a badge of honor because that is truly what it is. If any so called truther out there doesn't like what I have said here then perhaps they can join the A+E PR team and see how much I care about their scorn.

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Thank you Richard, for all the hard work you invested in the Truth Movement and AE911. I myself am glad you have expanded past AE911, and are now free to help with not only 911 Truth, but so many other things the world needs to wake-up to! We got our work cut out for us, and I am so glad you are on-board with us!!

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This is your opportunity to weigh in on a great many things.. Seize the day! - HSL / EdlB2

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I like the new Richard more, even though the old Richard on Thursdays were excellent. The new Richard with the guests are far better. very interesting, and wondering who will Richard bring on next? All the best to your "Unleashed".

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Thanks david. And we have got some great guests coming up!

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