John Perkins does not have a full understanding of "global Warming" and fails to equate the cyclical nature of the environment and how Co2 is being manipulated by governments to undermine people's freedoms, but not the jet setter Davos crowd. The new Covid...Co2 Certainly it is time we have an impartial world conference of the Pro and Con experts debating the environment and the natural strengths of the earth. Certainly there is pollution that must be prevented due to the immediate effects on people's health and safety ie: microwave radiation, smog, water contamination, etc. while Co2 global warming is a natural occurrence that the earth's own immune system easily handles. Being bias, it is proposed that Co2 is a farce on humanity where the attempts to cure are more injurious than the Co2 itself, not unlike the mishandling of Covid.

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Carbon dioxide does lead to a warmer World. But the warming can be reduced independently from controlling carbon emissions. A very sharp chemist/engineer invented a concept using surface reflectors to reflect some incoming Sun rays, back to space. The chemist/engineer is Dr. Ye Tao, MIT PhD. Presently, his organisation, MEER.org, is deploying this concept in two representative cities in parts of the world suffering from extreme heat. (One in Western Africa, and the other in India.)

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.....QUESTIONS, Richard - why IS it that the Rockefellers, other CAPITALISTS are WHOLLY responsible for OUR familiarity with (9-11, EVIDENCE of as much) the SADISTIC German TROPE meaning, 'Work Will Make You Free'? Is FUNDAMENTALLY-hierarchal, NEOFEUDAL capitalism an economic model which was EVER worth SALVAGING - or, even remotely SANE to WILLFULLY live this - THEIR, way? Not HARDLY.....an existential LONG CON - again, of THEIRS - has gone on for DECADES (if NOT centuries) and it NEEDS to STOP; an intellectually-HONEST conversation had about what ALTERNATIVE approaches to DECENT material support might be FAR more DESIRABLE, healthy.....

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