With exception of you mixing up the classifications and differences between FAA Air Traffic Controllers and NORAD's "radar techs", this interview is terrific!
Here is a primer on the above noted differences between the "two":
1. NORAD's "radar techs" only "monitor the skies" and report their suspicious findings [if any] to their superiors. Its those superiors who decide what actions are, or are not, needed. NORAD's "radar techs" DO NOT control aircraft.
2. The FAA's Air Traffic Controllers DO CONTROL AIRCRAFT in order to keep them safely apart. And this includes all military aircraft outside of special use military airspace [in which they execute War Games] etc. The only exception to this is when a national emergency is declared and then NORAD and/or other control entities take over the national airspace. [SCATANA] This happened mid-morning on 9/11/2001 when the skies were closed to all aircraft with the exception of those approved by the USAF. [The Bin Laden family escape is an example.]
3. FYI I have not found ONE PIECE of radar evidence...not one transcript...nor one interview testimony that states that ANY FAA Air Traffic Controllers had ANY false radar "blips" on ANY radar scope ANYWHERE within the FAA radar coverage areas on 9/11/2001...AKA...over the entire United States. [FYI..."blips" is a commoner term...the actual word is TARGETS...as in "false radar TARGETS"]
4. Additionally, NORAD radar systems [both real time radar data and computer generated radar targets] DO HAVE false radar TARGETS show up upon occasion. This occurs during "War Game EXCERCISE" activities. And those TARGETS are usually called "inserts or inputs" and are generated by NORAD's training program computers so as to make "false TARGETS" seem as real as REAL TARGETS.
4. So, when you get on air next time, please become enlightened from this reply and use the proper name..."RADAR TARGETS". And please do not state that "Air Traffic Controllers" [meaning FAA ATCs]had such "blips or TARGETS" on their radar scopes. We DO have evidence and testimont that NORAD "radar techs" indeed DID HAVE
We do have evidence and testimony that NORAD's "radar techs" indeed DID HAVE FALSE RADAR TARGETS on some of NORAD's radar scopes. That testimony involves NORAD's techs and supervisors deciding to "stop the sims"...meaning cancelling the "War Game training programs" that were happening on 99/11/2001. The "sims" are "simulated-computer generated TARGETS".
Failure to make these distinctions makes you appear to support the Pentagon's [and the OLIGARCH MEDIA's] "meme" that it was the FAA's "failures to intercept"...and not NORAD's "failures to intercept who re responsible FOR the "failure to intercept".
Perhaps I did not do a fair or clarifying job of explaining this to you in our two hour interview at the beginning of your new venture. Hopefully this more well defined writing will assist you in being more factual and correct the future.
Richard; This crime against humanity and the civilized world has been twenty years of war against the wrong people, making some incredibly wealthy and creating a massive river of over 38 million refugees out of the area of the middle east. These are massive crimes that have been done in the name of the United States People. We need to stop our imperialism and reign-in our military industrial complex.
YES, AND the Medical Industrial Complex! it is riddled with dishonesty, corruption, obfuscation, and censorship of honest investigators, just like the 9/11 team.
The Medical Industrial Complex is wide ranging and has been running this game for far too long. They extend into food production and the gradual scrubbing of meaningful nutrient from our food and blocking the absorption of other nutrients to help cultivate disease in our population. For example, Aspartame has been a standard additive to much of what we eat. In solution, Aspartame breaks down into methanol and formaldehyde at 86 degrees F and stays that way even if it is later iced down. It is getting more and more certain that Gulf War Syndrome was Aspartame Poisoning. Palates of Diet Coke were sent to the middle east in 114 Degree F and left on the tarmac for weeks. When it was called for, it was iced down and served to dehydrated troops. Would Methanol and Formaldehyde cause nerve damage. Yes, it could in a large spectrum of ways. The soldiers who added Ethyl alcohol to their drink first had much less effect. The Ethanol turns on an enzyme system called ethanol dehydrogenase in the body to denature the Methanol and Formaldehyde. That is just one. There are many others. The pandemic was a self-inflicted wound just like 911, but had more time to set it up. Most of this effort has been to build a frame and then to hand the Chinese the smoking gun so we could blame them for our bad deeds. Gain of Function ran from 2009 thru 2014 and got the Universities a lot of research dollars, and handed the army new bio-weapon very much like COVID-SARS-1, but a lot more contagious. The real spread of this disease was not a lab leak but a willful act to spread the virus to the 9,000 participants of the Chinese Military Games in October of 2019 with our 170+ participants to the games. Look up the results for these games and see if you can spot the rat in the line-up.
True enough, this is not the only time that the military has declared war on its own troops. During the first atomic weapons tests they had troops placed in forward positions to see how much radiation that they could survive. The forced vaccines for anthrax and then the forced vaccines for COVID-19 reduced our standing readiness significantly. The vaccination of pilots made them ineligible to fly due to FAA regulations that active pilots could not participate in experimental medical procedures and retain flight status. We have met the enemy and they is us.
Richard...Robin Hordon checking in:
With exception of you mixing up the classifications and differences between FAA Air Traffic Controllers and NORAD's "radar techs", this interview is terrific!
Here is a primer on the above noted differences between the "two":
1. NORAD's "radar techs" only "monitor the skies" and report their suspicious findings [if any] to their superiors. Its those superiors who decide what actions are, or are not, needed. NORAD's "radar techs" DO NOT control aircraft.
2. The FAA's Air Traffic Controllers DO CONTROL AIRCRAFT in order to keep them safely apart. And this includes all military aircraft outside of special use military airspace [in which they execute War Games] etc. The only exception to this is when a national emergency is declared and then NORAD and/or other control entities take over the national airspace. [SCATANA] This happened mid-morning on 9/11/2001 when the skies were closed to all aircraft with the exception of those approved by the USAF. [The Bin Laden family escape is an example.]
3. FYI I have not found ONE PIECE of radar evidence...not one transcript...nor one interview testimony that states that ANY FAA Air Traffic Controllers had ANY false radar "blips" on ANY radar scope ANYWHERE within the FAA radar coverage areas on 9/11/2001...AKA...over the entire United States. [FYI..."blips" is a commoner term...the actual word is TARGETS...as in "false radar TARGETS"]
4. Additionally, NORAD radar systems [both real time radar data and computer generated radar targets] DO HAVE false radar TARGETS show up upon occasion. This occurs during "War Game EXCERCISE" activities. And those TARGETS are usually called "inserts or inputs" and are generated by NORAD's training program computers so as to make "false TARGETS" seem as real as REAL TARGETS.
4. So, when you get on air next time, please become enlightened from this reply and use the proper name..."RADAR TARGETS". And please do not state that "Air Traffic Controllers" [meaning FAA ATCs]had such "blips or TARGETS" on their radar scopes. We DO have evidence and testimont that NORAD "radar techs" indeed DID HAVE
American quartel...
Has to be erased...
American cartels has to be erased...(English)
Finishing up on TARGETS etc.
4. continued
We do have evidence and testimony that NORAD's "radar techs" indeed DID HAVE FALSE RADAR TARGETS on some of NORAD's radar scopes. That testimony involves NORAD's techs and supervisors deciding to "stop the sims"...meaning cancelling the "War Game training programs" that were happening on 99/11/2001. The "sims" are "simulated-computer generated TARGETS".
Failure to make these distinctions makes you appear to support the Pentagon's [and the OLIGARCH MEDIA's] "meme" that it was the FAA's "failures to intercept"...and not NORAD's "failures to intercept who re responsible FOR the "failure to intercept".
Perhaps I did not do a fair or clarifying job of explaining this to you in our two hour interview at the beginning of your new venture. Hopefully this more well defined writing will assist you in being more factual and correct the future.
Peace...Robin Hordon
Richard; This crime against humanity and the civilized world has been twenty years of war against the wrong people, making some incredibly wealthy and creating a massive river of over 38 million refugees out of the area of the middle east. These are massive crimes that have been done in the name of the United States People. We need to stop our imperialism and reign-in our military industrial complex.
YES, AND the Medical Industrial Complex! it is riddled with dishonesty, corruption, obfuscation, and censorship of honest investigators, just like the 9/11 team.
The Medical Industrial Complex is wide ranging and has been running this game for far too long. They extend into food production and the gradual scrubbing of meaningful nutrient from our food and blocking the absorption of other nutrients to help cultivate disease in our population. For example, Aspartame has been a standard additive to much of what we eat. In solution, Aspartame breaks down into methanol and formaldehyde at 86 degrees F and stays that way even if it is later iced down. It is getting more and more certain that Gulf War Syndrome was Aspartame Poisoning. Palates of Diet Coke were sent to the middle east in 114 Degree F and left on the tarmac for weeks. When it was called for, it was iced down and served to dehydrated troops. Would Methanol and Formaldehyde cause nerve damage. Yes, it could in a large spectrum of ways. The soldiers who added Ethyl alcohol to their drink first had much less effect. The Ethanol turns on an enzyme system called ethanol dehydrogenase in the body to denature the Methanol and Formaldehyde. That is just one. There are many others. The pandemic was a self-inflicted wound just like 911, but had more time to set it up. Most of this effort has been to build a frame and then to hand the Chinese the smoking gun so we could blame them for our bad deeds. Gain of Function ran from 2009 thru 2014 and got the Universities a lot of research dollars, and handed the army new bio-weapon very much like COVID-SARS-1, but a lot more contagious. The real spread of this disease was not a lab leak but a willful act to spread the virus to the 9,000 participants of the Chinese Military Games in October of 2019 with our 170+ participants to the games. Look up the results for these games and see if you can spot the rat in the line-up.
>>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_at_the_2019_Military_World_Games - Wikipedia - US Standings at the Chinese Military Games 2019 - 3220410
>>https://www.sott.net/article/431367-New-evidence-the-US-did-bring-COVID-19-to-Wuhan-during-the-military-games - 3220131
>>https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8327047/More-competitors-reveal-ill-World-Military-Games.html - 3220118
>>https://thevaccinereaction.org/2022/01/senator-ron-johnson-panel-on-covid-19-a-second-opinion/ Congress - 3220202
>>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Military_World_Games Wikipedia - Game Results - 3220215
Great informative post! But also don't forget the forced anthrax vaccines.
True enough, this is not the only time that the military has declared war on its own troops. During the first atomic weapons tests they had troops placed in forward positions to see how much radiation that they could survive. The forced vaccines for anthrax and then the forced vaccines for COVID-19 reduced our standing readiness significantly. The vaccination of pilots made them ineligible to fly due to FAA regulations that active pilots could not participate in experimental medical procedures and retain flight status. We have met the enemy and they is us.
9/11, a monstrous lie which sucked in the world.
One of your best shows
We've been lied too!
It was all smoke and mirrors! I never bought the idea of what we were told, we've been lied too, betrayed by our own government!