It's definitely time for truth to come out about 9/11! Americas painful past needs to be exposed.......shame it's taking so long. Good on you all for doing this for the people. Healing cannot begin without truth......

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I was there, and found pre-warning in Bldg on 59th St before opened from night before on that day within hour of crashes /explosions it's all relative to nano moment before 112263 in addition to peace efforts against Cabell's cabal, JFK with Khrushchev's abortion of nuclear war 7 times, including most closely related. "Operation Northwoods " JCS Gen Lemnitzer planned false invasion of Miami by false Cuban brigade attack leaving 300,000,000 dead the first day in 1962. I must write fro Bobby McElvaine

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Thank's for everything you do my friend. I will try to be "present" Sunday, for the War Room.

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LVI got contract for asbestos abatement; just pre 9/11? And then sub’d it out! To WHO? Likely knowingly or not…. removed asbestos-containing fire protection from steel frames; and replaced with something containing nano thermate. Think recent exploding pagers; where supply chain was intercepted & sinister. https://lviengineering.com/demolition/

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Speaking of hinges and doors and policies of deception: The door that opens once Demolition is understood, has mighty BIG hinges; because on it swings the weight of an entire world order - leading directly to the disgusting genocide underway right now in GAZA; an eschatological slaughter in the holy land.

Dressed in the clothes of Islam, the wolf of angloZion attacked itself in NYC, and began this epoch of the great shit storm.

So, go go go and shake that bastard tree to it's root-core deep as you can...is all I can say, from the other side of the world. We have always had to rely on US system specialists, citizens and advocates to crack this 'sprit-cooker' LIE. US exceptionalism being as it is. Which is why it's called an inside Job; because it blew up from the inside and it is inside the USA are the networks that created the deception, laid the charges, designed the cover-up and from where the truth-seekers required to fix it, will ascend. JOB, so the story goes, had patience.

The good American men and women represented here, are needed now more than ever.

Dr. Hulsey's report, alongside John Beaty's "Iron Curtain over America", David Ray Griffins work, Orwell's '1984' and the testimony of Paul Rassinier, are the 'bestest' most essential reads Iv'e recently had in this regard.

Thank you Richard and Gail.


says it all.

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if texas want to be bigger finally than Alaska they must admit truth as we're all 9 billion in back of 61 Lincoln in '63 in last cadence motored

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Why bomb sniffing dogs removed, days b4 9/11? Find out



I think there is explosive amount of real 9/11 info; just beneath surface. Many retrofit workers still around today. What is cost of ad on giant Times Square digital? !!! FBI must be left out of this investigation; and , rather, considered a suspect. Always look in the ”least likely” places. Right?

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Richard Gage, they had to remove fireproofing from lots of steel, correct? Likely a similar “upgrade” as elevator. Have you advertised for info from workers hired to this (unknowing what the new material was - - fake insulation that contained nano thermate)? Original steel insulation likely asbestos; was company hired to replace this? Any replacements would also be UL approved/ tested; so is this on file @ UL? Likely not tested LOL it would explode. But lack of certifications = clues.

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Anyone else think they intended for 93 to hit WTC7? And when 93 crashed PA; they had already loaded WTC 7 w/ explosives/ thermate; so had to carry on w/ demolition? Very likely. Just didn’t have false flag plane crash for WTC 7. What records does NY Port Authority have; and what records does Silverstein have? Names of all companies involved in renovation. What info do Port Authority & Silverstein have as to contractors hired to “renovate?” Likely hundreds of workers , that participated unknowingly; but KNEW afterwards. Find them.




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Yes! Some asbestos replaced. Likely with fske, nano thermate containing product.


FIND THE WORKERS! Advertise this search.

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Let’s see how Trump responds to Ukraine coup 2014-to-today. Coup was Zionist; as was 9/11. If Trump doesn’t reverse the coup; and instead arms Ukraine as part of “peace deal” then lose all hopes for 9/11 investigations via Trump. But if Trump fails? You don’t need him. The deep state will try to infiltrate RG911 and AE911; the way they did Malcolm, King, etc. Be very weary of honey traps, and coups! Richard, don't let ANYONE take charge of this from you; you must stay in control as main point of contact. This energy is equally threatening to deep state as MLK, Malcolm. They very likely have some plants in both RG911 and AE911; the types that are at peaceful anti war protests on campuses; but act violently to ruin the peaceful protest. These types..... keep eyes open cede control to no one.

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Trump said he'd release JFK files, last time in office. What was released was mostly useless, heavily redacted, crap. I think this 9/11 truth movement's real Grand Jury is going to have to go directly to US voters / citizens; and be another revolution; toss out zionists, imperialists, etc; from power. They can stay in country; I guess; but no power. So , the fact that you are making Grand Jury presentation via videos; is HUGE; great idea. Could easily go viral via TikTok, etc. All it would take is some celebrity's to "go there." Remember how Osama's "Letter to America" went viral on TikTok? The young generation said they no longer hated Osama; and understood the bigger picture (imperialism / zionism).... which is why some asstards want to ban TikTok. This brings up one more intriguing connection to 9/11. Osama was part of the conspiracy. He might have been used; very likely. Yes, planes hit the twins; but no that's not why the buildings fell. But this connection must be sought and figured out.

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The Deep State would love this site to be in conflict with the AE911 you created; they'll try to do that; the same way they do coups in foreign countries like Syria, Ukraine, Iran. I hope RG911 and AE911 can realize all attempts; and , instead of any conflicting energies; remain united in truth; whoever gets the credit is irrelevant. Lots of heroes; Richard Gage, Steven Jones, Chris Bollyn, etc; but as long as truth gets out and makes change (Revolution); none of these care how it happened.

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I "ran into" a deep state op in Charlotte, NC today (Sat 28th Dec ). I told him that 9/11 would be exposed via grand jury of citizens; not counting on deep state (courts / justice system). He said "so what. What can people do when they do realize 9/11 truth?" So, I think that Trump will fail you / us; as he is Zionist . If 9/11 files released ;they'll be allowed to be mostly redacted; sadly;, madly. So, it's likely gonna have to be 1). educate the masses 2) let them know the solution: make sure we don't elect any zionist candidates; and that we remove those already in power (dual citizens, etc). from Supreme Court; State Dep't, think tanks that are listened to. Richard, I am truck driver; and we are doing lousy in this economy; many of us bankrupt; so I can't donate yet; but that should change this year. Intend to donate money and time and advertising. and stolen data.

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9/11 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience.


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