Powerful 2025 Shaping up for 9/11 Truth Movement!
Be an important part of the action with RichardGage911
Greetings friends of 9/11 Truth:
RichardGage911 has several extraordinary opportunities for 9/11 truth coming right up here in 2025, and we will need your personal help to make them happen. We've arrived at the end of the year when two powerful sets of complimentary circumstances converge:
The first is the absolute requirement for RichardGage911 to succeed with our ambitious goals for 9/11 truth in 2025. You may not have heard yet about our latest opportunity which we must capitalize on — the point-blank promise by Trump to declassify 9/11.
RichardGage911 and other leaders in the 9/11 TM have been invited, via senior members in the new Trump cabinet, by former Congressman Curt Weldon to launch a Presidential Commission on 9/11. Seattle Fire Captain Raul Angulo is his man, and he has assembled top leaders in the 9/11 TM.
(RichardGage911 speaks at 1:36:32 regarding the RG911 contribution to this historic effort, and at 2:36:05 regarding how this project has already shown itself to be a healing process in the fractured 9/11 Truth Movement.)
By the way, Raul is our featured expert in Episode 2 of 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom — "The Grand Jury Meets the WTC 7 Fires — and the Deception of NIST." It gets released on January 5. Don't miss it!
We will be preparing for the Trump team review in the coming weeks a palette of the major elements of evidence for the explosive demolition of the 3 WTC high-rises. That is historic for the 9/11 Truth Movement.
How else?
All guns blazing in 2025 to complete the remaining episodes of our docu-series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom — our best chance to shape the forthcoming Grand Jury Investigation.
We will report in greater detail on all of these critical projects after we hear from you, because...
The second end-of-year converging circumstance is… the miracle of YOU!
It is what YOU make of these opportunities that will allow all of the above to happen next year simply with your year-end donation. You are depending on us to get the job done, right? Well, Gail and I are depending on you as ardent supporters of RichardGage911 to step forward — today — so that we know you are behind us — so that we know we can count on you — so that we know that we can keep going.
Otherwise, we can't carry out these big plans that we expect will bring awesome fruition in 2025 and compel a real investigation into the 9/11 events.
Time is of the essence, though. We must hear from you before the end of the year. We have very limited time to engage our 2025 strategies and tasks in early 2025. It is upon us now. Will you help RichardGage911 make a real 9/11 investigation happen this coming year?
Can you afford to stretch a little bit? We are! Gail and I are month to month here, and many months of the year we find ourselves unable to meet basic expenses. Nevertheless, we work tirelessly to speak the 9/11 truth in 100 interviews and Speaking Engagements per year in our effort to reach everyone out there who needs to hear it. That is our first priority, and we are happy doing it — if we do not have to go further into debt to make it happen. So, we are essentially volunteers who work for who? YOU!
So, this is your chance to support our critical 2025 work! Any size donation will be appreciated — because it is a ladder of giving. Many of you can give only so much — $10 to $500 — but you are still a most valuable part of our team and we appreciate each of you so very much!
Some can give much more, $1,000 or $5,000, and you particularly make a difference for the 9/11 Truth Movement, because without you we will not have our 2025 breakthrough victory!
We have a gift for you when you donate $300 or more before the end of the year! We’ll send you our 3-DVD super-pack of documentaries, my best ever, which you will want to share with your friends, family, and coworkers who may not believe you but will not be able to argue with this forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony backed by thousands of Architects & Engineers. (Note: RichardGage911 is now independent of AE911Truth.)
We will also include you in our RG911 Inner Circle monthly conference call!
But we hold all of you deep in our hearts no matter how you support us — with your donation or your moral support!
We love you and hope that your 2025 is filled with joy — and 9/11 Truth!
Richard and Gail
P.S. If we don't achieve 9/11 Justice next year with these golden opportunities, then we may not get another chance. This is the best chance that we have ever had. Don't miss this opportunity to take meaningful 9/11 action today!
It's definitely time for truth to come out about 9/11! Americas painful past needs to be exposed.......shame it's taking so long. Good on you all for doing this for the people. Healing cannot begin without truth......
Titanic & 9/11