Mahalo & Thank You Mr Harold Saive for reposting this 911 & C-19 dots. I also subscribe to Richard Gage and know of his extensive research. I have no degrees or letters after my name or any academic credentials. So this comment comes from a different perspective of just a simple person who's belief is that there is a God and that he sent his son Jesus Christ who was sinless to pay the debt I should have paid.
I lost my daughter in a hiking accident at the age of 22 back in 2016. She was getting her Masters in Criminal Justice. So by Faith I believe she is at the right hand of her Heavenly Father, so this is just a few additional dots for people to ponder or not because God will always allow us to choose but Evil will not allow choice but will instead lead by Fear. I'm just a messenger...
Please know the 911 Memorial also has two Pits that can be lit up like fire in Red & Orange.
Revelations 9:11
"And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon".
Luke 4:6-7 to Jesus,
Who Runs this World...? SATAN
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
1) September 11, 2001, Worst Disaster in US History...Two Pits for Abaddon and Apollyon...?
2) Why do you dial Satan @ 911 for Emergencies...?
3) Why the Twin Towers Destroyed Exactly 33 Years After Steel Construction Began? 1966 Ground Breaking, 1968 Steel Construction, 9-11-2001 DESTROYED, 1968 + 33 = 2001
Evil is Never by Accident...!
Evil uses Signs, Symbols and #'s to Reveal Future Evil, Chaos & Destruction, but Evil must first DECEIVE before He can Kill & Destroy...
FREEMASONS Top Level is the 33rd Degree, Because...
1) Jesus Christ was Crucified @ age 33,
2) Satan was kicked out of Heaven with 1/3 of the Fallen Angels or 33.33%.
3) GOD'S Number is the #3" for the Trinity, so Satan created his own #3, his Trilogy of LSD or "Lucifer, Satan & the Devil" a COINCIDENCE...?
Understand that even "COVID -19" just as it is "SPELL"ed was Planned by Satan Years Ago...
It is an Acronym for... (C)-"CERTIFICATE", (O)-"OF", (V)-"VACCINATION", (ID)-"IDENTIFICATION",
(19) Where the "First Letter" of the Alphabet is ("A") and the "Ninth Letter of the Alphabet is ("i") or (Ai) for "Artificial Intelligence", which is What Satan is...
An Artificial God...
Another Coincidence or is "Evil Hidden in Plain Sight" to create "Ordo Ab Chao"...?
I disagree with connecting the negative side effects/affects from the Covid vaccine and 9/11. The CDC has learned a lot more about this illness since their assumed high probability the disease was turning into a pandemic and could overwhelm the US health care system. Secondly, the non-actions by former President Trump and false statements he made counter to medical science add up to being the crime of manslaughter. Yes, it appears one out of 35 vaccinated people had negative side affects/effects as a result. Medical science is not perfect yet.
I do not believe someone would secretly put a microchip or part of one into a vaccine.
Here is a story based on lots of direct evidence.
THE REAGAN YEARS (1981 to 1988) and Governor Bill Clinton’s cocaine trafficking and money laundering and DoJ failing to prosecute and covering up of CIA drug trafficking.
From: Richard McManus Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent (more like an FBI agent than CIA officer), US Army retired, combat paramedic South Vietnam, BS psychology and nursing, Everett, WA
Dear Mr. Richard McManus, you wrote: "(COVID) the disease was turning into a pandemic and could overwhelm the US health care system."
COVID, being part of the gain-of-functionality research, was engineered to be highly contagious, but with a 97% survival rate across the population and 99.7% among healthy people, it was hyped to be more dangerous than it was -- equivalent to the flu.
All of the re-purposed medicines that could have been administered even out-patient had extensive disinformation compaigns run against them involving fraudulent studies. HCQ and IVM comes to mind.
You wrote: "Yes, it appears one out of 35 vaccinated people had negative side affects/effects as a result. Medical science is not perfect yet."
That number (1 out of 35 vaccinated people) -- assuming is valid -- is HUGE and should have doomed the vaccine from ever being considered something to mandate on the population.
In fact, that number (1 out of 35) is significantly worse than the effects of going through the COVID virus, which was really only made bad because they suppressed and skewed the medicines and treatments that could help alleviate symptoms.
Those number (1 out of 35) can't be trusted, because their databases exclude injuries that exhibit themselves more than 2 weeks after the injection.
Something I read is that normal mRNA has an expire-by-date whereby it doesn't hang out beyond what the DNA in the body tells it to do. The body purges it. The mRNA technology was running against this clock and not see the desired longer-term effectiveness. So they changed its make-up for the artificial mRNA to last longer.
Connect this dot with the new anomaly noticed by morticians after the technology was used. When preparing a body for embalming and draining a body's blood, they noticed long strands coming out, as if the flushing was removing this residue (never seen before) from having coated the lining of blood vessels.
So if we have long-living mRNA creating a build-up in the lining of our blood vessels, what effects would a healthy and strong heart -- one involved with sports, for example -- have on this coating? My bat-crazy-speculation is that a healthy, strong heart as a result of an athletic feat might have sufficient blood flow to knock a portion of this lining loose. Boom, heart attack. Boom stroke. It just took several months for this build-up to happen.
Sure, medical science is not perfect yet, and should not be promoted as if it were. The vaccines had a shitty record. The new mRNA technology at one-dot-oh should not have been labeled a vaccine; that's equivalent to "stealing glory" from the other vaccines for their successes for something that is completely different.
I Agree 💯 with you Mr M. Bridges, the Deceptions of this World are because when we See and Hear with our own Physical Eyes & Ears and not use the Spiritual Disernment and the Lord's Word that was left from our Heavenly Father we will be Deceived, because we were all born of Sin, Deception & Murder, that is our inherited identity and without Christ that debt could never be paid by us in full...
You wrote: "COVID, being part of the gain-of-functionality research, was engineered to be highly contagious.”
I don’t know anything about gain-of-functionality research, only something about a lab in China/PRC may have been doing research into this. Do you have any source for you claim that that research had anything to do with making this new illness more contagious?
I trust the CDC acted with most honorable motives given the extreme threat of a pandemic that started. I also think the medical profession acted in the best interest of the health of people. I disagree with your assumption that Covid was hyped to be more dangerous than it was. 1.2 million people died and many people who had other serious illnesses could not receive timely medical care as our health care system was overwhelmed. We had a shortage of nurses and other medical professionals during the people where people were dying.
I am sorry people being hurt financially do to the lockdowns, but our elected public official did the right thing and should not be criticized for that.
You wrote: “All of the re-purposed medicines that could have been administered.”
You are right looking back on things today. I think the push to get people to get vaccinated stopped this pandemic and those who lost their jobs by refusing to get the shot, they were stupid and accessories to a pandemic (manslaughter). Those people did not trust medical science and they listened to a very extreme minority. An un-educated people do not know enough basic science, who listened to witch doctors, and who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
Dear Mr. Dick McManus, I apologize for this tardy response; I missed the notification of your comment.
You wrote: "I don’t know anything about gain-of-functionality research."
That's a pretty big gap in your education to be talking, almost like an authority, about COVID and the CDC. In a nutshell, Congress voted that research into bio-weapons on US soil was prohibited. The loophole was that "bio-defense" efforts were permissable. So Dr. Fauci and his NIH invested in the efforts of the Wuhan lab into gain-of-function research, which effectively is bio-weapons. Whether by accident or on purpose, a lab leak was bound to happen.
You wrote: "I trust the CDC acted with most honorable motives given the extreme threat of a pandemic that started."
Your trust is not well founded. The many doctors quoted in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book "The Real Dr. Fauci" and Dr. Malone's book are the references you need to read.
The CDC never had the reputation that bootlickers and appealers-to-authority want to bestow upon it. RFK's AIDS chapters were particularly revealing.
Labeling the brand-new mRNA technology a "vaccine" as if it could muscle in on the successess of other traditional vaccines was a huge fraud.
You wrote: "I also think the medical profession acted in the best interest of the health of people."
Maybe true, but contrary voices in the medical profession who urged caution, they were censored, suppressed, deplatformed, and fired.
You wrote: "I disagree with your assumption that Covid was hyped to be more dangerous than it was. 1.2 million people died and many people who had other serious illnesses could not receive timely medical care as our health care system was overwhelmed. We had a shortage of nurses and other medical professionals during the people where people were dying."
Dr. Fauci and the others, based on their work on other COVID variants, knew what off-the-shelf medicines were available to mitigate both the symptoms and spreading. Ivermectim and HQC had massive disinformation campaigns run against them, they were taken from pharmacy shelves, etc. They were holding out for their brand new mRNA technology, so told be to isolate and only go to the hospital in dire cases... often too late for the off-the-shelf remedies to be applied.
You wrote: "I am sorry people being hurt financially do to the lockdowns, but our elected public official did the right thing and should not be criticized for that."
No they didn't. Not in the least. The were fear-mongered into making bad orders for the public.
You wrote: "I think the push to get people to get vaccinated stopped this pandemic and those who lost their jobs by refusing to get the shot, they were stupid and accessories to a pandemic (manslaughter)."
Wrong. Natural immunity coupled with the weakening of the COVID strain stopped the pandemeic. Now those vaccinated have a shorter clock running on their life expectancy.
You wrote: "1.2 million people died and many people who had other serious illnesses could not receive timely medical care as our health care system was overwhelmed."
The details are in the statistics. The death toll was equivalent to a flu outbreak every year (except that year). Owing to the suppression of out-patient off-the-shelf medicines, those with comorbidites suffered. It wasn't people who were otherwise healthy with sound immune systems. 97% survival rate for the vast majority of population who got infected.
You wrote: "Those people did not trust medical science and they listened to a very extreme minority."
The doctors who researched this and weren't on Dr. Fauci's payroll were not "very extreme minority."
You wrote: "An un-educated people do not know enough basic science, who listened to witch doctors, and who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old."
Talk about a complete bullshit sentence. Has no place in this discussion. Dr. Fauci is the witch doctor in this analogy.
transmission of illness thru flu shots in 2019
Covid----another inside job.
Anyone who failed to see 9/11 as an inside job was more likely to be injected with poison.
Thanks for outlining these overlapping red flags for both Sept 11th and the "pandemic"
Mahalo & Thank You Mr Harold Saive for reposting this 911 & C-19 dots. I also subscribe to Richard Gage and know of his extensive research. I have no degrees or letters after my name or any academic credentials. So this comment comes from a different perspective of just a simple person who's belief is that there is a God and that he sent his son Jesus Christ who was sinless to pay the debt I should have paid.
I lost my daughter in a hiking accident at the age of 22 back in 2016. She was getting her Masters in Criminal Justice. So by Faith I believe she is at the right hand of her Heavenly Father, so this is just a few additional dots for people to ponder or not because God will always allow us to choose but Evil will not allow choice but will instead lead by Fear. I'm just a messenger...
Please know the 911 Memorial also has two Pits that can be lit up like fire in Red & Orange.
Revelations 9:11
"And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon".
Luke 4:6-7 to Jesus,
Who Runs this World...? SATAN
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
1) September 11, 2001, Worst Disaster in US History...Two Pits for Abaddon and Apollyon...?
2) Why do you dial Satan @ 911 for Emergencies...?
3) Why the Twin Towers Destroyed Exactly 33 Years After Steel Construction Began? 1966 Ground Breaking, 1968 Steel Construction, 9-11-2001 DESTROYED, 1968 + 33 = 2001
Evil is Never by Accident...!
Evil uses Signs, Symbols and #'s to Reveal Future Evil, Chaos & Destruction, but Evil must first DECEIVE before He can Kill & Destroy...
FREEMASONS Top Level is the 33rd Degree, Because...
1) Jesus Christ was Crucified @ age 33,
2) Satan was kicked out of Heaven with 1/3 of the Fallen Angels or 33.33%.
3) GOD'S Number is the #3" for the Trinity, so Satan created his own #3, his Trilogy of LSD or "Lucifer, Satan & the Devil" a COINCIDENCE...?
Understand that even "COVID -19" just as it is "SPELL"ed was Planned by Satan Years Ago...
It is an Acronym for... (C)-"CERTIFICATE", (O)-"OF", (V)-"VACCINATION", (ID)-"IDENTIFICATION",
(19) Where the "First Letter" of the Alphabet is ("A") and the "Ninth Letter of the Alphabet is ("i") or (Ai) for "Artificial Intelligence", which is What Satan is...
An Artificial God...
Another Coincidence or is "Evil Hidden in Plain Sight" to create "Ordo Ab Chao"...?
Money and the 911 Twin Towers, Coincidence...?
These are just more dots that may or may not connect but they are dots that are connected to the Oldest Book Ever Written...🤔
Understand the 1% live by a different meaning of the "Golden Rule", the Elites believe that, He WHO owns the Gold can make the Rules...because
He WHO Controls the Oil...?
Controls the Nations...
He WHO Controls the Food...?
Controls the People...
He WHO Controls the Money...?
Controls the World...
Aloha & God bless, kyle
Words from my daughter ⚘️
Yesterday was a gift, from GOD...
Today is an opportunity, allowed by GOD...
Tomorrow never promised, except by the hands of GOD...
Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets...
Richard Gage, Here is what I am doing to get 9/11 to the top of the political issues list where I live.
Snohomish County WA Grassroots Democratic Party Meetup
I disagree with connecting the negative side effects/affects from the Covid vaccine and 9/11. The CDC has learned a lot more about this illness since their assumed high probability the disease was turning into a pandemic and could overwhelm the US health care system. Secondly, the non-actions by former President Trump and false statements he made counter to medical science add up to being the crime of manslaughter. Yes, it appears one out of 35 vaccinated people had negative side affects/effects as a result. Medical science is not perfect yet.
I do not believe someone would secretly put a microchip or part of one into a vaccine.
Here is a story based on lots of direct evidence.
THE REAGAN YEARS (1981 to 1988) and Governor Bill Clinton’s cocaine trafficking and money laundering and DoJ failing to prosecute and covering up of CIA drug trafficking.
Send me an email at
and I will reply with book for FREE or For sale at Amazon Kindle books
Here is my way of trying to get a new 9/11 investigation
Richard McManus for Congress, WA 2nd CD | Facebook
From: Richard McManus Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent (more like an FBI agent than CIA officer), US Army retired, combat paramedic South Vietnam, BS psychology and nursing, Everett, WA
Dear Mr. Richard McManus, you wrote: "(COVID) the disease was turning into a pandemic and could overwhelm the US health care system."
COVID, being part of the gain-of-functionality research, was engineered to be highly contagious, but with a 97% survival rate across the population and 99.7% among healthy people, it was hyped to be more dangerous than it was -- equivalent to the flu.
All of the re-purposed medicines that could have been administered even out-patient had extensive disinformation compaigns run against them involving fraudulent studies. HCQ and IVM comes to mind.
You wrote: "Yes, it appears one out of 35 vaccinated people had negative side affects/effects as a result. Medical science is not perfect yet."
That number (1 out of 35 vaccinated people) -- assuming is valid -- is HUGE and should have doomed the vaccine from ever being considered something to mandate on the population.
In fact, that number (1 out of 35) is significantly worse than the effects of going through the COVID virus, which was really only made bad because they suppressed and skewed the medicines and treatments that could help alleviate symptoms.
Those number (1 out of 35) can't be trusted, because their databases exclude injuries that exhibit themselves more than 2 weeks after the injection.
Something I read is that normal mRNA has an expire-by-date whereby it doesn't hang out beyond what the DNA in the body tells it to do. The body purges it. The mRNA technology was running against this clock and not see the desired longer-term effectiveness. So they changed its make-up for the artificial mRNA to last longer.
Connect this dot with the new anomaly noticed by morticians after the technology was used. When preparing a body for embalming and draining a body's blood, they noticed long strands coming out, as if the flushing was removing this residue (never seen before) from having coated the lining of blood vessels.
So if we have long-living mRNA creating a build-up in the lining of our blood vessels, what effects would a healthy and strong heart -- one involved with sports, for example -- have on this coating? My bat-crazy-speculation is that a healthy, strong heart as a result of an athletic feat might have sufficient blood flow to knock a portion of this lining loose. Boom, heart attack. Boom stroke. It just took several months for this build-up to happen.
Sure, medical science is not perfect yet, and should not be promoted as if it were. The vaccines had a shitty record. The new mRNA technology at one-dot-oh should not have been labeled a vaccine; that's equivalent to "stealing glory" from the other vaccines for their successes for something that is completely different.
I Agree 💯 with you Mr M. Bridges, the Deceptions of this World are because when we See and Hear with our own Physical Eyes & Ears and not use the Spiritual Disernment and the Lord's Word that was left from our Heavenly Father we will be Deceived, because we were all born of Sin, Deception & Murder, that is our inherited identity and without Christ that debt could never be paid by us in full...
Revelations 9:11
Luke 4:6-7
Aloha & God bless, kyle
You wrote: "COVID, being part of the gain-of-functionality research, was engineered to be highly contagious.”
I don’t know anything about gain-of-functionality research, only something about a lab in China/PRC may have been doing research into this. Do you have any source for you claim that that research had anything to do with making this new illness more contagious?
I trust the CDC acted with most honorable motives given the extreme threat of a pandemic that started. I also think the medical profession acted in the best interest of the health of people. I disagree with your assumption that Covid was hyped to be more dangerous than it was. 1.2 million people died and many people who had other serious illnesses could not receive timely medical care as our health care system was overwhelmed. We had a shortage of nurses and other medical professionals during the people where people were dying.
I am sorry people being hurt financially do to the lockdowns, but our elected public official did the right thing and should not be criticized for that.
You wrote: “All of the re-purposed medicines that could have been administered.”
You are right looking back on things today. I think the push to get people to get vaccinated stopped this pandemic and those who lost their jobs by refusing to get the shot, they were stupid and accessories to a pandemic (manslaughter). Those people did not trust medical science and they listened to a very extreme minority. An un-educated people do not know enough basic science, who listened to witch doctors, and who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
Dear Mr. Dick McManus, I apologize for this tardy response; I missed the notification of your comment.
You wrote: "I don’t know anything about gain-of-functionality research."
That's a pretty big gap in your education to be talking, almost like an authority, about COVID and the CDC. In a nutshell, Congress voted that research into bio-weapons on US soil was prohibited. The loophole was that "bio-defense" efforts were permissable. So Dr. Fauci and his NIH invested in the efforts of the Wuhan lab into gain-of-function research, which effectively is bio-weapons. Whether by accident or on purpose, a lab leak was bound to happen.
You wrote: "I trust the CDC acted with most honorable motives given the extreme threat of a pandemic that started."
Your trust is not well founded. The many doctors quoted in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book "The Real Dr. Fauci" and Dr. Malone's book are the references you need to read.
The CDC never had the reputation that bootlickers and appealers-to-authority want to bestow upon it. RFK's AIDS chapters were particularly revealing.
Labeling the brand-new mRNA technology a "vaccine" as if it could muscle in on the successess of other traditional vaccines was a huge fraud.
You wrote: "I also think the medical profession acted in the best interest of the health of people."
Maybe true, but contrary voices in the medical profession who urged caution, they were censored, suppressed, deplatformed, and fired.
You wrote: "I disagree with your assumption that Covid was hyped to be more dangerous than it was. 1.2 million people died and many people who had other serious illnesses could not receive timely medical care as our health care system was overwhelmed. We had a shortage of nurses and other medical professionals during the people where people were dying."
Dr. Fauci and the others, based on their work on other COVID variants, knew what off-the-shelf medicines were available to mitigate both the symptoms and spreading. Ivermectim and HQC had massive disinformation campaigns run against them, they were taken from pharmacy shelves, etc. They were holding out for their brand new mRNA technology, so told be to isolate and only go to the hospital in dire cases... often too late for the off-the-shelf remedies to be applied.
You wrote: "I am sorry people being hurt financially do to the lockdowns, but our elected public official did the right thing and should not be criticized for that."
No they didn't. Not in the least. The were fear-mongered into making bad orders for the public.
You wrote: "I think the push to get people to get vaccinated stopped this pandemic and those who lost their jobs by refusing to get the shot, they were stupid and accessories to a pandemic (manslaughter)."
Wrong. Natural immunity coupled with the weakening of the COVID strain stopped the pandemeic. Now those vaccinated have a shorter clock running on their life expectancy.
You wrote: "1.2 million people died and many people who had other serious illnesses could not receive timely medical care as our health care system was overwhelmed."
The details are in the statistics. The death toll was equivalent to a flu outbreak every year (except that year). Owing to the suppression of out-patient off-the-shelf medicines, those with comorbidites suffered. It wasn't people who were otherwise healthy with sound immune systems. 97% survival rate for the vast majority of population who got infected.
You wrote: "Those people did not trust medical science and they listened to a very extreme minority."
The doctors who researched this and weren't on Dr. Fauci's payroll were not "very extreme minority."
You wrote: "An un-educated people do not know enough basic science, who listened to witch doctors, and who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old."
Talk about a complete bullshit sentence. Has no place in this discussion. Dr. Fauci is the witch doctor in this analogy.
Listen to this California science teacher's COVID nightmare:
Listen to this dumpster fire of a wage claim hearing related to unconstitutional COVID policy: