Trump has been in the Oval Office already for 4 years, He is a New Yorker, in the Construction Business, He isn't STUPID, He knows that those WTC Towers#1, #2, #7 were PULLED DOWN by Controlled Demolition, the Greatest Crime EVER Against US, on our own SOIL, some 3000 innocents mostly American Citizens MURDERED, yet Trump had no BALLS-PATRIOTISM to ask for, DEMAND a Real Investigation, into that 'Crime of the Ages' against the American People, but went along with the "NIST"=NEST of TRAITORS Report! That makes Trump, a TRAITOR to America!!!

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Controlled opposition intended to give the people a "savior" to pin their hopes and dreams on, making it less likely the masses will make any effort to go after the secretive ruling class themselves. I guarantee when Trump leaves, the corrupt financial and corporate systems will still be in place. The military-industrial complex will remain firmly entrenched. Big Pharma will still be running health care. The intelligence agencies (known and unknown) will continue to operate. The wealthy elite will not be threatened. But just like his last term, people will be convinced he did something worthwhile.

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This is good news in so many ways. Such a constructive and informative discussion. Good for all of you.

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OK. I'm thrilled to hear that AE911 has corrected its horrendous mistake. But I'll never again trust the organization. It has permanently damaged its reputation, though it could lessen the damage somewhat by explaining why it did what it did.

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what mistake? and when was it corrected?

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Very happy for you Richard!

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Well I know nothing of the situation you have gone through, sorry about those difficulties! I do however know the American people really need the whole truth, the entire story from start to finish! I pray that it will be completely clarified! I also recently viewed the gas station surveillance video of the MISSEL that impacted the pentagon! Thank God that’s cleared up. One more blessing from the new administration!

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I might add, no doubt to wipe out particular records in a particular office!

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It’s been very difficult for you and Gail and I’m so happy this interview has brought you peace.

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Keep up the good work. God bless the both of you. The truth is coming out... as it always does.

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Glad things are back on track to uncover what is now thebswcond biggest betrayal and cover up in US history. I assume the rest of thenA&E group got vaxxed.

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