I’ve been retired for several years - my wife and I are on a very tight budget which only allows us to make a very small donation gladly do. But seeing the work that you and Gayle are doing along with countless other freedom warriors and truth seekers has inspired me to start a new venture that will hopefully raise our level of support. And I’m excited about that for sure!

Just listening to this witness stirs up a lot of emotions inside of me. I was home in bed sick and sound asleep when it all was going down 25 miles away from my home on that bright sunshine drenched morning. I was awakened by a call from my wife - then made a decision to keep the TV off and meditate. But I thought about the fears, the sadness and all of the confusion that people must have been going through; and the cruelty of whoever was responsible.

My red pill moment occurred some 10 years later when I met some people on a street corner who handed me a flyer that pointed out the anomalies regarding Building 7, the simplest most straightforward line into the rabbit hole. Many who are reading this have been been down that same hole. While the controllers who ran the PsyOp conditioned us all to believe that the brutes involved were Islamic fundamentalist who came from far away, we discovered that many who planned and executed these evil acts were from right here. These were the good guys, our protectors who claimed they were just as shocked and unprepared for what happened. How could they lie like that?

I just pray that all the efforts everyone is making will end up opening people’s eyes to what they did and we can finally see justice served. We along with families and loved ones of those who died deserve it no matter what.

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All good and necessary ... but the real clincher is the solid "no planes" evidence. As long as people believe in planes (four of them) they will still believe in (foreign) "terrorists". There never were any.

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