DAY 2 - 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom Campaign EXCLUSIVE: PATRICK DILLON, First Responder / Eye-Witness to Molten Metal & WTC7 Explosions - Pre-Release Film Footage / $54K Fundraiser
Co-Produce 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom: Phase 2 - Twin Towers TODAY!
Welcome to DAY 2 of 8 of our C2C Phase 2 Campaign for the Film Series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom.
Phase 1, WTC Building 7, is “in-the-can” and in post-production, and we’re NOW MOVING FORWARD with the critical WTC Twin Towers Phase 2 of the Film Series!
Today we bring you exclusive pre-release testimony from 9/11 eyewitness and first responder Patrick Dillon who will be featured in Phase 1 of the Film Series, (as well as Phase 2 - when we succeed this week in raising our goal of $54,000 from YOU - our Co-Producers)!

Patrick is a first-responder who showed up on site at the World Trade Center when he got the call that his best friend, firefighter “Paddy” Brown of Ladder 3, was in the North Tower when it was destroyed in a series of thousands of explosions.

Patrick arrived and was put to work on a harrowing task - spelunking down into the voids of the Tower’s aftermath. Let’s watch a couple of highlights of his incredible testimony - witnessing the flowing bright orange molten metal, hearing the explosions of WTC 7 before its collapse, and then describing it’s unbelievable demise in this short pre-release 3-minute video clip:
Yes - it’s among the strongest of testimonies that we’ve been waiting for in the 9/11 Truth Movement. And there is soooo much more that he shares in the film. In fact, each of our experts and eye-witnesses featured in this film series will be just as powerful for the Grand Jury. So be sure to join us each of the 8 days in this series to see the additional astonishing content we’ve uncovered for you!
In this fundraising drive we take you “behind the scenes” because we want you to know what’s happening on the film set and in the editing room.

And that’s just a taste of the excitement on the set.
And, thanks to a couple of rapidly-responding and wonderfully-generous donors who gave a total of $26,000, the remainder is now only $28,000 !!
So, jump on board - while you still can! We still have to raise the total goal of $54,000!
This film series shifts the tectonic plates of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and more critically, of public awareness. It will be submitted to the U.S. Attorney's office and to a court, as a Supplement to the original WTC Grand Jury Petition and Evidentiary Exhibits.
This Film Project is a partnership of RichardGage911 and the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and features Attorney Mick Harrison, the LC911 Litigation Director, and me presenting the most comprehensive explosive WTC evidence and legal analysis ever assembled.
Mick, I, and the team are now preparing for Phase 2 where we go back to Washington DC with our professional film crew – the best in the business. (This is where YOU come in!)
We are now inviting each and every one of you to co-produce Phase 2 of 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom.
You may not be able to make a film series with 2-dozen point-by-point episodes like this one. But guess what? WE can! Mick and I, who have earned your trust for our respective areas of 9/11 expertise, are showing up to do it for you!
So, it’s an easy stretch! For me, it started with my deep resolve about the importance of 9/11 Truth - and giving my resources to a cause that I believe in wholeheartedly.
Will you also contribute what you are capable of?
Mick, I , and everyone at LC911, have been stretching ourselves financially very thin for more than 15 years. But it’s different for each of us. It’s a matter of finding our own personal giving level, based on our means, and how inspired we are about our freedom in this country. Because—let’s face it—the Powers-That-(shouldn’t)-Be are out of control; and it’s only getting worse.
Where do you draw your line in the sand?
If we all participate, then its painless! And we will raise the required $54,000 together THIS week!
Here’s how it works:
We can ALL find our place on this giving ladder! Where is yours?
$500? (Co-Producers at this level get your name on the film series credits!)
Maybe you’re the one who can give at an even higher level because you understand the importance of this unique project for a historic Special Grand Jury which is also designed to wake up the public!

Tomorrow you will see Seattle Fire Captain, Ret. Captain Raul Angulo exclaim that firefighting tactics haven’t changed at all after the NIST Report claimed that normal office fires brought down WTC 7. They should have, if NIST was taken seriously. But don’t wait until tomorrow to show your support.
No - let’s get started right now! Our film-crew is ready to spring into action, and they are waiting on us!
This is the time.
This is the film.
The world is ready for 9/11 justice & accountability!
Thank you for caring!
Richard, Mick, and the Team
P.S. Don’t let us miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don’t wait for someone else to step up for you. Only you can make this happen.
P.S.S. In case you missed the introductory Day 1 video of myself and Mick Harrison, here it is again:

I’ve been retired for several years - my wife and I are on a very tight budget which only allows us to make a very small donation gladly do. But seeing the work that you and Gayle are doing along with countless other freedom warriors and truth seekers has inspired me to start a new venture that will hopefully raise our level of support. And I’m excited about that for sure!
Just listening to this witness stirs up a lot of emotions inside of me. I was home in bed sick and sound asleep when it all was going down 25 miles away from my home on that bright sunshine drenched morning. I was awakened by a call from my wife - then made a decision to keep the TV off and meditate. But I thought about the fears, the sadness and all of the confusion that people must have been going through; and the cruelty of whoever was responsible.
My red pill moment occurred some 10 years later when I met some people on a street corner who handed me a flyer that pointed out the anomalies regarding Building 7, the simplest most straightforward line into the rabbit hole. Many who are reading this have been been down that same hole. While the controllers who ran the PsyOp conditioned us all to believe that the brutes involved were Islamic fundamentalist who came from far away, we discovered that many who planned and executed these evil acts were from right here. These were the good guys, our protectors who claimed they were just as shocked and unprepared for what happened. How could they lie like that?
I just pray that all the efforts everyone is making will end up opening people’s eyes to what they did and we can finally see justice served. We along with families and loved ones of those who died deserve it no matter what.
All good and necessary ... but the real clincher is the solid "no planes" evidence. As long as people believe in planes (four of them) they will still believe in (foreign) "terrorists". There never were any.