One thing that finally occurred to me was the fact that the perpetrators of 9/11 would have never rigged those buildings with some kind of explosives like that just to rely only any real hijackers and real hijackings pulling off the rest of the scam for them. This also points to remote-controlled planes on 9/11.

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A few days after 9/11, newspapers all over the world published passenger lists of all 4 airlines. Not one of the alleged hijackers is listed as a passenger, nor is there anyone with a Middle Eastern name! There were no explanations that would explain why alleged hijackers were removed from list. Why would their names be removed anyway! There were NO hijackers on these airlines ever! Further, all of those listed passengers seem to have been accounted for by relatives and friends!

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You are right. With buildings set for demolition and all the stage set to pull off this risky operation, the perpetrators would not rely on any kind of hijacking let alone successful ones four times over! Each airline is replaced in flight by a large remote-controlled drone. Watch the commercially banned "Operation Terror". Here is what I believe happened which also helps explain some of how the fake phone calls were made.

There wasn't any concern for the lives of the airline passengers. Faking passengers would be very difficult to cover-up. Real known people on those flights died or disappeared. Each airline's pilots are informed of a possible bomb on board. Ordered to land at nearby military airbase. Drones assume airline flight paths. To avert panic, passengers told of a minor plane malfunction, but will need to land for safety reasons. Once all 4 have landed, they are advised of bomb threats, phones confiscated as possible detonation devices. Or maybe passengers have their phones confiscated in flight and told of bomb threat then. Eventually, all airlines have landed, and all passengers and crew are reboarded onto a new single plane. Conveniently all 4 airlines were quite low on passengers. "Operation Terror" suggests many passengers, unknowingly, had roles in making the 9/11 attacks successful. Plane lands at Cleveland Airport which has been conveniently abandoned due to its own bomb threat. Also, all planes in air have been ordered landed due to 9/11 ongoing events. Passengers unload at NASA building at airport and are exterminated. Many possible witnesses concerning 9/11 attacks conveniently eliminated! https://progressiveissuesblog.wordpress.com/2021/09/07/the-9-11-attack-government-conspiracy/

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Well done

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Nothing to See Here.

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I always say "alleged hijackers".

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Hi Richard, Back in '15 or '16, Bonnie Faulkner M.C.'ed the showing of a movie re-enactment of 9/11. In that movie, based presumably upon plane-spotter info from original Loose Change movie, the Tail Numbers of all four 9/11 aircraft were ID'ed by a flight attendant @ Cleveland Intl. after the FAA 'Ground Stop' event. Perhaps you could ask your guest about this privately. Might make for an interesting future discussion. Cheers.

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