Captain Dan Hanley: The Hijackers & Planes on 9/11 - What Really Happened? [Part 2]
My Guest on the RichardGage911:Unleashed! video podcast
Do you really know what happened with the airplanes and the hijackers on 9/11?
My guest is Captain Dan Hanley, a retired civilian, military, and commercial airline pilot of 35 years who was illegally terminated in violation of RICO laws from United Airlines in 2003 for speaking out about his research on the 9/11 flights & hijackers.
Dan is an American citizen who has resided in Islamabad, Pakistan for over 10 years. He currently serves as director and international public spokesperson for the global grassroots effort 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers. The website is and the YouTube channel there is “911pilots”.
For more info:
One thing that finally occurred to me was the fact that the perpetrators of 9/11 would have never rigged those buildings with some kind of explosives like that just to rely only any real hijackers and real hijackings pulling off the rest of the scam for them. This also points to remote-controlled planes on 9/11.
Well done