I think of what happened that day as it is repeated in Gaza by Isra Hell....

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Relentless pursuit of truth is the path to liberation from tyranny. Big step here.

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Amen! Don't let people fall for the official narrative. Live for Truth. Stand for Truth.

"For thousands of years this *chief of conspiracy* has palmed off falsehood for truth. But the time has now come when the rebellion is to be finally defeated and the history and character of Satan disclosed."

GC 670.1


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Removed (Banned)Oct 17
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Wood's investigation was personal, not formal/agency backed, and was not at all comprehensive. She proposed directed energy weapons, which requires much more evidence than is available.

Like other evidence, the seismic records can be cherry-picked and misinterpreted; they are not conclusive by themselves. All available information must be taken together, and conclusions drawn from a preponderance of evidence.

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