Capt. Raul Angulo Authors a Scathing WTC 7 Article in Mainstream Fire Journal Magazine IFSJ!
Breakthrough in the fire protection industry for Protecting All Protectors Alliance
We have worked very hard at Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) to help Captain Angulo present at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) with our three-year-in-a-row evidence booth at the helm. You paved the way by funding the efforts.
And, not only did it pay off at this year’s classroom teaching on the Expo Floor Theater with our 30-minute expose on WTC 7, but we made dozens of powerful connections with NFPA and among associated leaders among fire professionals.

For instance, at this year’s conference, we were asked by the editors of a prestigious journal, International Fire & Safety, to write an article on the destruction of WTC 7, and PAPA’s Captain Angulo rose to the occasion big time. The resulting 6,000-word mega-article is sure to turn heads and garner the attention of leaders in the fire protection industry:
Be sure to see the rest of the article in which Captain Angulo challenges the official narrative from NIST regarding the collapse of Building 7! Angulo is the author of the most recent textbook on fighting fires — including in high-rise buildings!
Every fire protection engineer of substance in the industry will feel compelled to comment on this very controversial article — separating the wheat from the chaff. Here’s the ending:
“There never has been a true forensic criminal investigation of 9/11, and there probably will never be one. At minimum, if we want to honor and remember the 343, and the thousands of other precious lives that were lost on that day, we need to petition and request that the NFPA perform an objective formal review of the UAF Report on the collapse of WTC 7 and compare their computer modeling against the computer modeling in the NIST Report to determine true cause.
We cannot simply rely upon the official narrative issued through NIST. The dismissive attitude toward the highly questionable inconsistencies in the NIST Report also suggests the influence of the executive branch that oversees NIST. This article is all about establishing transparency, integrity, trust, and truthfulness. I now view the official narrative with skepticism because it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t match the video’s observable evidence. It also does not stand up to the scrutiny conducted by the forensic structural engineers at the UAF.
NIST has declared “The collapse of World Trade Center 7 is the first known instance of a total global collapse of a tall building primarily due to fire. The collapse could not have been prevented without first controlling the fires before most of the combustible building contents were consumed.”
“The Great Oz has spoken!… Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”
–The Wizard of Oz
The links to all the reports, videos, and photographs mentioned above, as well as the NFPA petition, and the link to the fascinating must-see documentary, Calling Out Bravo-7, which exposes so much more information and evidence on the collapse of WTC 7, can be found at the website:”
This is definitely the hour to maintain your support of Protecting All Protectors Alliance as we ramp up our efforts for our next evidence booth, highlighting Captain Angulo and his article, this coming summer!
I think of what happened that day as it is repeated in Gaza by Isra Hell....
The evidence is in a rare book, but that doesn't mean the truth will see the light of day.