It's one thing to speculate about the likelihood of thermite having been strategically placed and tactically positioned throughout the Towers.
Its quite another, to explain how the extremely high temperature ignition point of Thermite was achieved.
The elevator shafts were the ideal containment vessel to disperse gaseous, nano metallic particles aka thermobaric agents from the mechanical rooms above.
I recall seeing a photo of a WTC mechanical room and noticed a large number of welding tanks present.
Thermobaric agents, transported and stored in such tanks, would be inconspicuous and their purpose self explanatory.
Machine rooms need welding equipment and that equipment includes tanks with regulators.
With minor modifications to the regulators, the addition of specialized aerosol nozzles, predetermined and preinstalled placement points, and remote control activation -- the elevator shafts would be transformed into massive thermobaric explosive devices. The high temperature of the thermobaric reaction would exceed the ignition threshold of the thermite.
As for the placement, the Towers were in the process of upgrading the fireproofing on and around critical members of the infrastructure; to prevent them from being weaken during fire.
It is my understanding that the fireproofing product was a spray-on foam material that adhered to the targeted sub structure and set up in place.
Sufficient thermite was likely added to that product.
Is it not ironic, that the same structures insulated from heat exposure were being coated with a thermite agent that would cause them to fail after being ignited.
At the exact moment the planes hit the buildings, the thermobaric agents sprayed into the elevator shafts were ignited. All attention would have been directed toward the impact zone and the interior explosions in the elevator shafts, happening at the same moment would be associated with the impact. That's why there was so much blast damage in the lobby.
They explained this away by saying unburnt fuel leaked down and ignited. I don't recall any of the escapees reporting the smell of diesel fuel at the lower levels. If there were... then it was in addition and secondary to the far more powerful and far hotter thermobaric blasts. If I can think this out, after the fact, surely their black Ops agents of destruction could, before the fact.
Btw, mil/spec GPS fly by wire capability was available in 2000 to allow 757 and 767 to be flown remotely, by-passing cockpit input, and programmed, ultimately, with the exact WTC coordinates to within feet of point of impact.
One strike point was high and the other lower.
Each represented a harmonic along the buildings resonate frequency.
Hitting these points would maximize resonation and do the most substructural damage.
And lastly, there was no evidence the planes had windows.
Were they fuel tankers?
In early 2001, Boeing had built 757 and 767 fuel tanker prototypes to display at a Japanese air show.
If this was to be done, might as well go all the way.
The most extreme accelerants known to chemistry, in massive quantities, well beyond what an airliner would normally carry, would have been in those flying tankers, in the event.
After all, this was their "New Pearl Harbor" to proclaim the arrival of the New World Order; and to allow the neocon war mongers and profiteers, chomping at the bit, to have reason to do their thing.
And do it they did.
It was an open ended plan, an apocalyptic debacle, that went horribly wrong; but those who needed to cause death and destruction and get rich in the process, did so.
Then they just walked away from the aftermath to live happily ever after, among us, unscathed and unsuspected.
But why would they have simply not used standard methods? Doesn't this "banana peel" demolition of a Chinese high rise look pretty similar to the twin towers demolitions? Wouldn't it be relatively similar except rather than blowing out only a couple of floors at quite long intervals, relying on gravity to do a lot of the work in the Chinese building, with the twin towers they blew out the floors at much shorter intervals covering the more obvious sense of controlled demolition we get from what we see with the Chinese building?
I'm new to SubStack and I barely know how to use it. I posted this comment way before I actually joined and I am surprised to see it here now. Anyway, the Chinese building demolition does bear similarities although the architechtual infrastructure is concrete and the height is much lower. It's ironic that most of the professionally controlled demolition videos feature asymmetrical collapses. How do you explain building 7? How was it prepared such that it would collapse in the most picture perfect controlled demolition fashion ever witnessed? Society looks disapprovingly down on those who question glaring anomalies in the official account. I look down on a society, so willing to crush their inherent curiosity to look the other wa and to live comfortably with in an apocalyptic lie.
Who's responsible? I think we can safely infer that the Loizeaux company brought the buildings down. We're told they removed the rubble so aren't they the most likely to have brought the buildings down too since they're the specialists? Who else has the requisite experience and why wouldn't they have been tasked? Obviously, they'd know they came down by demolition so it's not as if by not using them they avoided having them be "in on it". They had to be in on it whether they brought the buildings down or not.
How credible is it that you think the orchestrators of 9/11 said to the Loizeaux? "Hey, we want you to bring those buildings down but - unlike on every other occasion - we don't want you to do the job to the best of your professional ability. We don't want you to ensure the buildings are completely evacuated, we want you to just leave the people in the buildings and bring them down with whoever happens to be in there at the appointed time." I don't think so. I don't think the Loizeaux were in on the murder of all those poor people in the buildings because ... they DID do the job to the best of their professional ability and they DID ensure full evacuation ... just as they do every single time.
The perps lied about the buildings and they lied about the planes. Why on earth would we believe what they tell us about death and injury without clear evidence? If you aren't familiar with the faking of death in their psyops, if you aren't familiar with crisis actors crying fake tears, if you aren't familiar with "drill" injured people ... then you really need to do some more research. Real death and maiming is happening now in the current psyop - but in so many psyops it doesn't because that's not what they want. They do what they want for real and fake the rest unless it's difficult to avoid and they go for "collateral murder" but it wasn't difficult to do all the evacuations necessary. Piece of cake. We saw all the damage to all the other WTC buildings but no one was injured or killed in those buildings, right? It seems they simply did an evacuation of the entire WTC - if not before then after the fake plane crashes.
It's one thing to speculate about the likelihood of thermite having been strategically placed and tactically positioned throughout the Towers.
Its quite another, to explain how the extremely high temperature ignition point of Thermite was achieved.
The elevator shafts were the ideal containment vessel to disperse gaseous, nano metallic particles aka thermobaric agents from the mechanical rooms above.
I recall seeing a photo of a WTC mechanical room and noticed a large number of welding tanks present.
Thermobaric agents, transported and stored in such tanks, would be inconspicuous and their purpose self explanatory.
Machine rooms need welding equipment and that equipment includes tanks with regulators.
With minor modifications to the regulators, the addition of specialized aerosol nozzles, predetermined and preinstalled placement points, and remote control activation -- the elevator shafts would be transformed into massive thermobaric explosive devices. The high temperature of the thermobaric reaction would exceed the ignition threshold of the thermite.
As for the placement, the Towers were in the process of upgrading the fireproofing on and around critical members of the infrastructure; to prevent them from being weaken during fire.
It is my understanding that the fireproofing product was a spray-on foam material that adhered to the targeted sub structure and set up in place.
Sufficient thermite was likely added to that product.
Is it not ironic, that the same structures insulated from heat exposure were being coated with a thermite agent that would cause them to fail after being ignited.
At the exact moment the planes hit the buildings, the thermobaric agents sprayed into the elevator shafts were ignited. All attention would have been directed toward the impact zone and the interior explosions in the elevator shafts, happening at the same moment would be associated with the impact. That's why there was so much blast damage in the lobby.
They explained this away by saying unburnt fuel leaked down and ignited. I don't recall any of the escapees reporting the smell of diesel fuel at the lower levels. If there were... then it was in addition and secondary to the far more powerful and far hotter thermobaric blasts. If I can think this out, after the fact, surely their black Ops agents of destruction could, before the fact.
Btw, mil/spec GPS fly by wire capability was available in 2000 to allow 757 and 767 to be flown remotely, by-passing cockpit input, and programmed, ultimately, with the exact WTC coordinates to within feet of point of impact.
One strike point was high and the other lower.
Each represented a harmonic along the buildings resonate frequency.
Hitting these points would maximize resonation and do the most substructural damage.
And lastly, there was no evidence the planes had windows.
Were they fuel tankers?
In early 2001, Boeing had built 757 and 767 fuel tanker prototypes to display at a Japanese air show.
If this was to be done, might as well go all the way.
The most extreme accelerants known to chemistry, in massive quantities, well beyond what an airliner would normally carry, would have been in those flying tankers, in the event.
After all, this was their "New Pearl Harbor" to proclaim the arrival of the New World Order; and to allow the neocon war mongers and profiteers, chomping at the bit, to have reason to do their thing.
And do it they did.
It was an open ended plan, an apocalyptic debacle, that went horribly wrong; but those who needed to cause death and destruction and get rich in the process, did so.
Then they just walked away from the aftermath to live happily ever after, among us, unscathed and unsuspected.
But why would they have simply not used standard methods? Doesn't this "banana peel" demolition of a Chinese high rise look pretty similar to the twin towers demolitions? Wouldn't it be relatively similar except rather than blowing out only a couple of floors at quite long intervals, relying on gravity to do a lot of the work in the Chinese building, with the twin towers they blew out the floors at much shorter intervals covering the more obvious sense of controlled demolition we get from what we see with the Chinese building?
I'm new to SubStack and I barely know how to use it. I posted this comment way before I actually joined and I am surprised to see it here now. Anyway, the Chinese building demolition does bear similarities although the architechtual infrastructure is concrete and the height is much lower. It's ironic that most of the professionally controlled demolition videos feature asymmetrical collapses. How do you explain building 7? How was it prepared such that it would collapse in the most picture perfect controlled demolition fashion ever witnessed? Society looks disapprovingly down on those who question glaring anomalies in the official account. I look down on a society, so willing to crush their inherent curiosity to look the other wa and to live comfortably with in an apocalyptic lie.
Who's responsible? I think we can safely infer that the Loizeaux company brought the buildings down. We're told they removed the rubble so aren't they the most likely to have brought the buildings down too since they're the specialists? Who else has the requisite experience and why wouldn't they have been tasked? Obviously, they'd know they came down by demolition so it's not as if by not using them they avoided having them be "in on it". They had to be in on it whether they brought the buildings down or not.
How credible is it that you think the orchestrators of 9/11 said to the Loizeaux? "Hey, we want you to bring those buildings down but - unlike on every other occasion - we don't want you to do the job to the best of your professional ability. We don't want you to ensure the buildings are completely evacuated, we want you to just leave the people in the buildings and bring them down with whoever happens to be in there at the appointed time." I don't think so. I don't think the Loizeaux were in on the murder of all those poor people in the buildings because ... they DID do the job to the best of their professional ability and they DID ensure full evacuation ... just as they do every single time.
The perps lied about the buildings and they lied about the planes. Why on earth would we believe what they tell us about death and injury without clear evidence? If you aren't familiar with the faking of death in their psyops, if you aren't familiar with crisis actors crying fake tears, if you aren't familiar with "drill" injured people ... then you really need to do some more research. Real death and maiming is happening now in the current psyop - but in so many psyops it doesn't because that's not what they want. They do what they want for real and fake the rest unless it's difficult to avoid and they go for "collateral murder" but it wasn't difficult to do all the evacuations necessary. Piece of cake. We saw all the damage to all the other WTC buildings but no one was injured or killed in those buildings, right? It seems they simply did an evacuation of the entire WTC - if not before then after the fake plane crashes.
Holy Crap!!!