This seems to be just another controlled opposition group. Mossad and their sloppy 9-11 operation wasn't as clean as they would like. The goyim are figuring it out. AIA refuses to mention the "Jewish" issue regarding 9-11 or the "Five Dancing Israelis". Until they do, I have little trust in AIA and their work "exposing" the false flag operation of 9-11 by Israeli Mossad.

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Thanks Richard. You're a true American hero in my eyes. Not righting the 911 event has made all else since , wrong. Merry Christmas to you.

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Thank you, Richard (and Gail)

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Richard, You do not make it possible for me to change my credit card. And you do not make it possible for me to pay something, maybe not what you are asking. I am a not so rich senior long

interested in this—in fact was part of a group in NH near Dartmouth who some years ago had you speak and then took you out to dinner for some interesting conversation (and some laughter too) long into the night. So let me know how to change the credit card and know you have some fans out here in New England (now I'm in western Massachusetts). Wish there were a way to find

groups or individuals interested in pursuing this in our area. So much thanks for all you do and for staying with it. I am really wanting to hear this new info on Building Seven. If you want to add people to your notification list when you travel, I would like to be on it. peagreen81@icloud.com. Thanks again.

Patricia Greene

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911 needs to be squeezed like a lemon to get out every drop of truth out of it. All we are left with from the government are lies and stonewalling. Thanks to the AIA the inside job truths are coming out. Thank you.

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Nothing against the information -- but does anyone else cringe at Dr. Zelenko's name being used like this?

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9-11 Was probably created in Hollywood. It had to be a Spectacular, Shocking, Horrifying Event. To achieve the required Public Reaction. Seeing the Live Video News , you could see the Large Airliners Crash into the Twin Towers and Ignite in huge Burning Explosions. You realized in Horror ,that Thousands of Office Workers would Die. Just after 9.00 AM , 40,000 should have been inside the Towers. When, just over 1 Hour Later Both Towers Collapsed, the Horror was Magnified Over Again. When ChickenHawk Baby Bush said that Osama Bin Laden did 9-11; The American Public wanted Vengeance. Afghanistan was Invaded and Bombed. 2 years Later 2003 , Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was named as , also Guilty of 9-11 ? Another Hollywood Spectacular was Created over Baghdad.

"Shock and Awe". Hundreds of Innocent Iraqis were Burned Alive ,with White Phosphorus and Napalm. Hundreds of Office Workers were Vaporized in Towers 1,2 & 7 ; Their Body`s DNA Never Recovered from Ground Zero. Intense Heat; far above that generated by Burning Jet Fuel was Created ?

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