WTC Towers in the High School Physics Lab - with Mr. Chandler
Back-to-School and Hands-on with the Physics Tool Kit!
Come and learn first-hand with the number one 9/11 physics teacher, Mr. Chandler, in the physics lab class! You will be seated in his class as a student in this easy classroom hour! Each student will earn one honorary high school credit (good for getting you out of one hour of FEMA detention — you’ll need all you can get.)
Mr. Chandler will teach us all about his 9/11 Tracker Tutorial — with an overview of the "Kit" that he assembled in order to enable us ordinary students to do our own measurements of the 9/11 building-related events directly from video data.
He will be demonstrating how we can also get our hands dirty with physics — working directly with video clips as our “data”.
The “9/11 Physics Tool Kit” can be downloaded from at Mr. Chandler’s website It contains the highest quality videos, calibration data, and instructions for using “Tracker”, which is itself a free download from the "Open Source Physics" project.
He will demonstrate The Kit using his (included) examples of known demolitions, including Balzac Vitry, WTC 7 and WTC 1. Once we students learn to use the tools we can actually apply them to any other suitable video, if for instance:
You are using a stable camera on a tripod
The subject is in movement perpendicular to, or nearly so, the line of sight (the line between the camera and the object).
The subject, or another object at the same distance, contains something of known size for calibration purposes.
Mr. Chandler would like us, his students, to try these measurements on our own at home during the demonstration phase of the class, so ‘bring it home’ and download the physics tool kit in preparation for the class to get a real hands-on learning experience. All the tools and materials needed are free and downloadable here:
the “Kit” with the necessary materials, (*Updated 3/18/2023)
a link to the excellent measurement tool Tracker
a link to a Video Tutorial on Using Tracker (search for other tutorials as well)
David Chandler has a Bachelor’s degree in physics, a Master’s degree in education, and also one in Mathematics! A few years ago he retired from 35 years of teaching physics and mathematics at the high school and college levels.
Since about 2007 he has been active as a researcher with the "science wing" of the 9/11 Truth Movement. For a number of years he worked directly with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and served with me on its board of directors. He is currently the Coordinator of Scientists for 9/11 Truth.
David became involved with studying the building collapses at the World Trade Center when he realized that he could use the frame tracking software he used in his physics teaching to measure various velocities and accelerations associated with the 9/11 building collapses.
He is best known for his measurements demonstrating the absolute freefall of World Trade Center Building 7, proving that the NIST claims about that building’s downward movement features were false.
His work led to NIST changing its final report, where they actually admitted freefall, even though they continue to deny the clear implications of such.
David has authored and co-authored a number of scientific papers related to 9/11, including: “Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower” and “Fundamental Physics”.
He has also created a large number of videos analyzing various aspects of the World Trade Center Collapses (including the ones he made custom for own my presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth.
He maintains a website with his own research in collaboration with several other researchers at
A quote that massively applies to the psyop that is 9/11 is:
"All propaganda is lies even when one is telling the truth."
George Orwell
A great deal of truth is said about 9/11, including, of course, that WTC-7 came down in a perfect implosion - showcased to us from seven vantage points, however, that truth distracts us from other equally if not more important truths. Anyone not subject to propagandistic hypnosis can work out (albeit perhaps with some guidance from professionals - thanks, Richard) that the three towers came down by controlled demolition but what about the answers to these questions:
1. Why did they bring down WTC-7 on 9/11 and showcase its perfect implosion to us from seven vantage points when they much more discreetly ensured damage to WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6, bringing them down later with no fanfare? (If there was anything they wanted hidden in 7 which could equally apply to any of the other buildings that didn't mean they had to bring it down on 9/11, they still could have brought it down later.)
2. If 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured as they tell us, why did journalists report "empty ambulances and rescue vehicles" parading past the trauma centre set up in West Manhattan?
3. Why are we told that Pasquale Buzzelli survived the 12-second collapse of the North Tower ... seemingly without a scratch?
4. Why is this man presented to us as a burns victim when he is clearly simply suffering from vitiligo?
5. Why did mainstream media inform us about a group of suspicious-looking men seemingly celebrating after the twin tower destructions who we were told turned out to be Mossad agents and Israeli art students working on a project in the twin towers when this alleged data undermines the Arab terrorist story?