Can we just get to the bottom of who did it? We know the buildings were wired with explosives, PETN, gelignite, Detcord, nano-Thermite, etc., we know they were demolished, we know who held the security contract and ownership for the WTC complex and we know through Elias Davidsson and other astute researchers includng Pilots for 9/11 truth that there were ground and in flight swaps with passemger jet drones and it is official through ACARS that UA93 and flight 175 wefe flying well after their alleged crashes hundreds of miles westward. All I want to know is who rigged the towers, what company did it or who contracted out that company to do it.
Can we just get to the bottom of who did it? We know the buildings were wired with explosives, PETN, gelignite, Detcord, nano-Thermite, etc., we know they were demolished, we know who held the security contract and ownership for the WTC complex and we know through Elias Davidsson and other astute researchers includng Pilots for 9/11 truth that there were ground and in flight swaps with passemger jet drones and it is official through ACARS that UA93 and flight 175 wefe flying well after their alleged crashes hundreds of miles westward. All I want to know is who rigged the towers, what company did it or who contracted out that company to do it.