It will help substantially to spread the word of the parallels between 9/11 and COVID if a concise article, even a point-by-point listing, was made of the relevant specifics and events. I'd post this to social media and even make flyers to distribute.

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Is there going to be a 911 conference at the Grand Lake Theater this year? Michaan seems to have drank the kool-aid, even Micjey Huff!

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Great presentation Richard! If we can get people to understand the basics of the 9/11 scam and then the weaponized anthrax scam starting seven days after where many of us in the military were harmed by unproven anthrax vaccines, they should be able to grasp that this Covid 19 bs is a psyop scam also partly from "our" legacy mainstream media talking heads and "our" representatives. We should all spread awareness of government psyop scams on us and others and not use our TV's as much we can. The more we're able to educate ourselves and our families online while living our lives the better we can defend our liberties. Thank you and Gail for all you've done and do.

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