Richard Gage nails it. What memories and what an impact. On one of David Ray Griffin’s Montreal visits, I asked him to autograph the despicable Popular Mechanics hatchet job (in book form, courtesy #DeepState) on 911Truth, complete with greasy introduction by John McCain.

He responded -- and cooperated -- with his trademark equanimity, modesty, and quiet humour. “Nobody ever asked me to do something like this before,” he remarked, almost to himself, as he signed.

The man and his work have made a 💓 huge 💓 difference.

His epic dissection of the deceptions of #Sept11OfficialNarrative are bookmarked, for me:

* on the one side by what we now know of the hit job on #JFK.

* and, on the other, by the horrific truths finally beginning to be understood about the pathway to tyranny charted by #DarkForces since March 2020.

May David Ray Griffin forever Rest In Peace. 🥀

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David R Griffin stood as the uncontested primus inter pares among 9/11 researchers. His inimically sharp mind, incorruptible commitment to truth, and fearless moral integrity will live on forever. The entire world is grateful to him for his outstanding work in exposing the official deceit surrounding an event that changed the world.

Rest in peace, Professor Griffin.

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did he say the jews did it?

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