I wish to thank Richarg Gage and his wife and the rest of his amazing team. You are all inspirational. You are helping the world to wake up and see what is really going on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Blessings upon you, Stephen.

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Thank-you Gail for all your hard work. You are amazing. The truth is coming out, step by step, day by day, hour by hour...

God Bless you and Richard

Love and Light,


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Now each time I watch a movie re-run, these predictive-programming components ‘jump-out’ and its shocking nobody has noticed them before. The subliminal suggestion stuff has been in print media and movies since Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays brought Freudian psychology into Advertising globally. People are slowly waking up to it, but what if anything can really be done to stop or reverse it?...

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I think you're adding a common spin to the La Quinta vaccine ingredients research.

The obvious, most plausible explanation is that the 'rectilinear structures' are "crystalline-like" because they are in fact crystalline. Anyone who's familiar with natural mineral crystals is familiar with all of the rectilinear shapes seen in the vaccines. All it takes is dissolved minerals in water and subtle electrical current provided by the Earth. Of course man-made EMFs will affect the crystallization process. Assigning some mysterious 'intelligence' to it is fantasy prevailing over reason. You know we're in a mass Stockholm syndrome when the ruling class pretends they're gods and the public wants desperately to believe them.

The La Quinta finding that matters is the graphene oxide. Its toxicity in animal tissue is well-researched and explains perfectly all of the adverse health effects of the vaxes, yet it's being almost universally ignored by the alt media. Instead, 'intelligent self-assembly' nonsense is everywhere, and people seem to love believing it without any evidence whatsoever.

I also think you're missing the hidden truth behind why the 'rulers' go public with their plans. It's not about getting some inferred 'consent' that comes from people not stopping them. What they really need is mass creative power in order to manifest their plans, and each person's creative power goes where their attention goes. In other words, they need constant attention, best if it's charged with fear and other strong emotions, to capture mass creative power. As long as they hold the mass creative power via stoking fear and dread of their plans, they're supercharged and can manifest everything they want, while the people giving their attention and power feel drained and helpless. It's all about attention and creative power, and each person could take their power back in an instant if they wanted to.

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Sorry for the duplicate posts, if anyone saw before I deleted them. Substack is acting weird today...

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