TEN IRREFUTABLE, DEVASTATING 9/11 FACTS - Elias Davidsson and Craig McKee
The U.S. has utterly failed to provide hard evidence to substantiate its version of events.
(Reprinted in honor of the late Elias Davidsson - a renowned 9/11 researcher.)
Scholars who attempt to elucidate the crime perpetrated on 9/11 – who are commonly referred to as 9/11 truthers – are often criticized for relying on conjecture and speculation in support of their claims.
Such criticism may at times be justified, though often made in bad faith. There is actually no need to resort to speculative arguments that the official account of 9/11 is a fraud since there are hard facts that support this conclusion. Here are 10 such undisputed facts:
1. U.S. authorities have failed to trace, arrest, try (prosecute), and punish anyone responsible for the crime against humanity committed on 9/11.
The mass murder committed on September 11, 2001 represents, under international law, a crime against humanity. The State where it was committed – in this case the United States of America – bears the obligation to the international community to trace, arrest, try, and punish individuals responsible for that crime.
Since 2002, U.S. authorities admit they have detained a handful of persons at Guantánamo Bay who are accused of helping to orchestrate 9/11. Their identities remain in doubt; their alleged confessions were made behind closed doors; and their trial by a military court does not fulfill minimal international norms of due process.
U.S. authorities claim to have sentenced Zacarias Moussaoui to life imprisonment for not having warned the FBI about the preparations for 9/11, an allegation he denied. No evidence was presented that he was involved in the preparations for 9/11 or knew anything about these preparations. No evidence was presented that he even knew the alleged hijackers. U.S. authorities also claim to hold, since 2003, a man by the name of Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) in Guantánamo who allegedly confessed to have masterminded 9/11 and more than 30 other terrorist operations. He also allegedly confessed to having planned an attack on a bank in Washington State that did not exist until after he was already in Guantánamo. The man, whose identity remains murky and whose connection to 9/11 is limited to what he said in his ludicrous confession, has not been prosecuted, let alone sentenced. No one seriously expects him to be ever brought to trial, let alone a trial fulfilling international norms.
2. When announcing to the United Nations their decision to attack Afghanistan, U.S. authorities failed to provide evidence that the crime of 9/11 was in any way connected to Afghanistan. In fact, such evidence has still not been produced.
See the letter from U.S. Representative John Negroponte to the President of the UN Security Council, October 7, 2001 (mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/fake/569.pdf).
3. The United States government did not authorize an investigation of the events of 9/11 that could have fulfilled minimal international standards: The 9/11 Commission was neither independent nor impartial, and its investigation was neither thorough nor transparent.
Regarding minimal standards of investigation, see Elias Davidsson, “The Events of 11 September 2001 and the Right to the Truth.” (https://www.scribd.com/document/59150870/Right-to-the-Truth or http://aldeilis.net/terror/1918.pdf)
4. Despite vilifying Osama bin Laden as a terrorist leader, judicial authorities in the United States have failed to charge him in connection with 9/11. He was not even wanted in connection with this crime.
The FBI admitted in June 2006 that it possesses no concrete evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11. (See; Ed Haas, “FBI says, it has no ‘hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11,” Information Clearing House, June 18, 2006, mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/fake/853.pdf)
5. Authorities in the United States have failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that the 19 persons named by the FBI as 9/11 hijackers even boarded aircraft that they are alleged to have subsequently hijacked.
To be precise: U.S. authorities have failed to produce authenticated passenger lists that would include the names of the alleged hijackers; witnesses who saw these alleged hijackers in the airports or boarding the aircraft; authenticated security-camera videos proving their presence in the airports of departure; and DNA identification of these individuals’ bodily remains (see detailed analysis in Elias Davidsson, Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 [Algora Publishers, New York, 2013], Chapter 2).
6. U.S. authorities have failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that passenger airliners crashed at the known landmarks on 9/11.
The FBI admitted in a letter to the Nevada District U.S. Court on March 14, 2008, signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick A. Rose, that records detailing the collection and positive identification of the wreckage of the crashed aircraft do not exist (Letter mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/terror/1083.pdf). He thus admitted that the FBI failed to formally identify the wreckage found at the various crash sites as belonging to the allegedly hijacked aircraft. It is, therefore, not established that the allegedly hijacked aircraft crashed at these locations.
7. U.S. authorities have failed to explain why more than 1,100 persons, who were present at the World Trade Center on 9/11, vanished into thin air.
Vast parts of the Twin Towers were literally pulverized as can be seen from video recordings, photos, and testimonies. Of more than 1,100 missing persons, not a single tooth, nail, or bone has been found as of 2011 (See, inter alia, Anemona Hartocollis, “Connecting with lost loved ones, if only by the tips of fingers,” The New York Times, September 11, 2011 [mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/fake/616.pdf]). U.S. authorities have never explained what could have caused more than 1,100 persons to vanish without leaving a trace. They bear the obligation, under human rights law, to determine the reason for such disappearances. [NOTE: only HIGH EXPLOSIVES are capable of pulverizing concrete and blowing human bodies to tiny bits. Such body fragments were found on nearby rooftops.]
8. U.S. authorities compensated families of 9/11 victims that agreed to waive their right to further court action. The compensation exceeded by at least seven times what was paid to the families of firefighters who died in rescue operations on 9/11.
The families of 9/11 victims received from the U.S. Compensation Fund, established in October 2001, an average of $2.1 million if they agreed to waive their right to engage in civil proceedings (see, inter alia, Brian Bernbaum, “9/11 Fund Chief Faults Payments,” CBS News, 4.9.2003 [mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/terror/ 951.pdf]). As of 2013, spouses of firefighters who die in line of duty can obtain $333,605 under the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Act (42 U.S.C. 3796). The figure for 2001 was undoubtedly lower. The 95 families, who did not apply to the Compensation Fund and preferred to let courts determine their rights, obtained an average of $5.5 million in out-of-court settlements (see, Ashby Jones, “The 9/11 Victim Settlements: A Chat with Skadden’s Sheila Birnbaum,” The Wall Street Journal, 13.3.2009 [mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/terror/959.pdf]).
9. U.S. authorities have failed to explain the effect of numerous military drills conducted on the morning of 9/11 – including the simulation of aircraft hijackings – on the commission of the mass murder.
Military drills caused confusion and surprised military and civilian personnel responsible for air traffic, as reported in U.S. media. For example, NORAD Major General Larry Arnold said that, “By the end of the day, we had twenty-one aircraft identified as possible hijackings.” (See, Eric Hehs, “Conversation with Major General Larry Arnold,” One Magazine, January 2002 [mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/fake/1052.pdf]). Colonel Robert Marr, NEADS battle commander, said he had been told that across the nation there were “29 different reports of hijackings.” (See, Robert A. Baker, “Commander of 9/11 Air Defenses Retires,” Newhouse News Service, March 31, 2005 [mirrored on www.aldeilis.net/fake/1049.pdf]). U.S. authorities failed to explain how these drills affected the commission of the crime, including the apparent failure to intercept hijacked aircraft.
10. U.S. authorities promoted numerous officials who, according to the official account on 9/11, had failed to carry out their duties with regard to 9/11. Not a single person has been held accountable anywhere in government for what went wrong on or prior to 9/11.
Here are few examples: Richard Myers, in charge of the Pentagon on 9/11, was promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 1, 2001; Ralph Eberhart, in charge of NORAD on 9/11, was promoted to head the new “Northern Command” a year after 9/11; Captain Charles J. Leidig, acting NMCC Director on 9/11, was promoted in 2004 to the rank of admiral; Brigadier General Montague Winfield, who on 9/11 was in charge of the National Military Command Center (NMCC), was promoted in May 2003 to the two-star rank of major general; Marion (Spike) Bowman, who blocked FBI investigations into the alleged hijackers before 9/11, was given an award for “exceptional performance” after a 9/11 Congressional Inquiry report claimed that his unit gave Minneapolis FBI agents “inexcusably confused and inaccurate information” that was “patently false.”
The above facts are sufficient to reject the official account of 9/11 and consider the administration of President George W. Bush as the main suspect for this crime against humanity. [It must be observed that politicians, even Presidents, take orders from and must answer to wealthy, powerful individuals and corporate entities NOT elected by the people.] While the facts are not sufficient for leveling criminal charges against specific individuals, they permit general conclusions to be drawn regarding the dangerous nature of the U.S. regime and the complicity of the political class, mainstream media, academia, and the justice system of NATO member states in covering-up the crime of 9/11 and shielding those responsible for that crime.
Wikipedia notes Elias Davidsson (Icelandic spelling Elías Davíðsson; born Elias Kahn, 23 January 1941 - 7 April 2022) as an Icelandic composer, 9/11 truther and conspiracy theorist author.
He was born in Palestine to German Jewish parents who had emigrated from Germany in 1931 and 1935 respectively (he later replaced his original surname with the patronym Davidsson, in accordance with Icelandic naming conventions). Davidsson grew up in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.[1] Temporarily, he lived in France until he finally moved to Iceland in 1962 and became an Icelandic citizen.[2] He studied piano and composition in Cologne, Freiburg and Basel.[3] He worked as a programmer for 22 years.[4] Davidsson lived in Germany since 2008.[5] In 2022 he lived in Kirchen (Sieg).[6] He died on 7 April 2022 in Germany.[7]
He has written several books including:
Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence, Algora Publishing, 2013, ISBN 978-0-87586-972-8
Psychologische Kriegsführung und gesellschaftliche Leugnung: Die Legende des 9/11 und die Fiktion der Terrorbedrohung. Zambon-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2017, ISBN 978-3-88975-252-9
The Betrayal of India: Revisting the 26/11 Evidence, Pharos Media, New Delhi, 2017, ISBN 978-81-7221-088-5
Der gelbe Bus: Was geschah wirklich am Breitscheidplatz in Berlin?, Zambon-Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., 2018, ISBN 978-3-88975-274-1
The London Transport Bombings of 2005: Unsolved Crime, Kindle, eBook, 2019
America’s Betrayal Confirmed: 9/11. Purpose, Cover-up and Impunity, Toost Verlag, 2020
I'm sorry to hear that Elias has died. His work is very valuable.
It helps to be aware of three aspects of 9/11 not generally alluded to in the prominent truther community:
1. The US administration told us loud and clear that THEY were responsible for 9/11. No need to pussy foot around with "they didn't show this and they didn't show that." They told us that THEY did it by making their story so utterly ridiculous and over the top.
--- They didn't need four passenger airliners lumbering around the best-defended airspace in the world untroubled by a breath of interception for their terror story, two into the twin towers would have been more than sufficient but no, they went way over the top with four including one sailing right into Defence HQ.
--- They didn't need to showcase WTC-7's collapse on 9/11 - they didn't need to bring it down at all on 9/11 - but not only did they bring it down, they showcased it from at least seven perspectives. It was they who filmed it. Who else? Who else knew to have their cameras poised at the seven particular vantage points? But they knew that the Emperor's-New-Clothes effect would prevent the majority from recognising the superlative implosion right before their very eyes. We need to recognise that they KNOW how ridiculous and in-your-face their story is but they also know that they can still get away with it. Well, haven't they?
--- Not only is their basic narrative ridiculous and/or in-your-face, they over-egg the omelette with all kinds of gratuitous details - they have the alleged flight instructor of Hani Hanjour the alleged executor of the impossible manoeuvre into Defence HQ tell us that little Hani used to cry when asked to attempt steep turns and stalls, they have journalists pre-announce the collapse of WTC-7, they have Larry tell us he said to "pull it", they have an alleged witness, Mark Walsh, say in a most inappropriately excited manner that he saw the second plane ream right into the building "exploding through the other side".
It's called "revelation of the method".
2. A massive propaganda campaign was directed to the anticipated disbelievers of their cockamamie story including but not limited to:
--- Israel did it! (... and Saudi Arabia, Pakistan). In fact, every man and his dog was in on 9/11. My own Prime Minister, Little Johnny Howard, happened to be paying a "surprise" visit to Washington on the fateful day (in Australia we had: August, first fake refugee boat affair; September, 9/11; October, second fake refugee boat; November, federal election ... that so very unsurprisingly little Johnny won).
--- Grieving and angry loved ones played by actors - so very many people acting their hearts out for 9/11
--- Various theories for the kind of demolition used involving various materials but no real reason not to believe that they were done using very conventional methods. Why would the Loizeaux company (who we can infer were tasked with the demolitions) use a method not tried and true?
--- Various theories for what hit the buildings. Nothing hit the buildings! The planes were all faked!
3. The main purpose of the propaganda campaign targeted to the anticipated disbelievers of the silly story was to maintain the disbelievers' belief in real death and injury when, in reality, 9/11 was a massive exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills. The planes were faked as were death and injury. There isn't a single skerrick of visual evidence that favours real death or injury over fake. Perhaps some people really died or were injured but I think the Loizeaux company takes great pride in their record of minimal injury and no deaths and I don't think they wanted that record blemished on the day - not that it would have been made public of course.
Sorry to hear that Elias passed away. He was a true patriot for truth and what is right!
The People must take the power away from wealthy, powerful individuals and corporate entities of Catastrophe Capitalism!
“The above facts are sufficient to reject the official account of 9/11 and consider the administration of President George W. Bush as the main suspect for this crime against humanity. [It must be observed that politicians, even Presidents, take orders from and must answer to wealthy, powerful individuals and corporate entities NOT elected by the people.”