It's heartening to know that a day is coming, thanks to your efforts, and others in the 911 Truth movement...when the evidence, and alot of it, will finally have it's day in court and be presented in abundant detail to a grand jury. Finally, any juror, with common-sense, and free of bribery...will find it next to impossible to deny...that we've been lied to about who caused the the attacks, and were able to cover it up, for the last twenty years.

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Another massive effort by honest competent people searching for truth and justice. Thank God they were able to carry out and publish their results. The day is fast approaching when our freedom to speak and publish will be severely curtailed. We are already experiencing it in the US.

This report exemplifies the necessity to combat evil. When good people do nothing, evil grows.

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The zio-CON and corrupt neoliberal-enabling criminals of the #nefariousNewWorldOrder exercise NEARLY total CONtrol over the #BigMediaPowersThatBe which parroted the #911FalseFlagAtrocity’s “architectural level” perpetrator’s “Official LI(n)E,” thereby utilizing the #PrimacyEffect to fool/deceive #WeThePeople from the get go; and now for over a score of years, sadly.

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Apr 30, 2022
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Thanks Dr. Judith – I did add paragraph brakes - after I emailed it though! So if you’d like to share this then it will be a lot easier to read from the Substack home.

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Paragraph BREAKS, yes. ; )

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More to the point is the fact that "truth" aimed at dispelling toxic "Official Narratives"..such as those surrounding JFK's murder....or the claim that Arabs "took down" the towers on "9-11" is MASSIVELY important. These "myths" can have PROFOUND affect on foreign policy...and even on our "daily lives."

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It's the DAMNEST thing...how the National Security State will create a "narrative" (or MYTH) surrounding some event or military action....and the major media and gov't agencies will get SOLIDLY on-board...and accept this (propaganda) junk "hook, line & sinker!!"

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Even TODAY, you'll find contributors online...who'll say--e.g.--some sensible things about President Kennedy...but, a moment later...will add...you know there were MANY "irregularities" about the investigation of his murder, but we DO know that Oswald got off three shots from that sixth floor window. (I'm not kidding about this; I read this just a day or two ago on this assassination research site!!...and it friggin' BLEW me AWAY!!!).

If the truth be TOLD, the one thing we DO know (just to continue with his line of thought) is that suspect Lee Oswald DID NOT fire ANY shots from that (supposed) sniper's lair, but served MERELY as the "prime...and ONLY serious...suspect"). Meaning that the poster was either a seriously ignorant numskull...or a JUST as SERIOUS propagandist (and--as Sylvia Meagher termed it--an "Accessory after the Fact"...and a REAL STINKER!!!). ; )

And, of course...within a very short period of time...it became BLATANTLY clear that the Warren Report was politically motivated "BALLYHOO!!!" meant to calm down the American public...and "put the subject to bed."

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In the case of the "felling" of the "Twin Towers, we had a VERY early report spewing the "cover story" for an intelligence operation...designed to serve as a pretense for a MASSIVE increase in "military-intelligence" budgets. If you'll review the PNAC report, you'll recall that the "Powers that Be" had been ruing the fact of relatively meager budgets...and reflected that the ONLY thing which might serve to change this (in their view) disappointing prospect would be something akin to the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese in 1941.

Next thing we knew...there was this HORRIFIC and MASSIVELY shocking attack on American soil...which left the average American citizen in a more or less PTSD state of stupor and dysfunction. If you happen to know anything about PTSD (and about altered states, like those created by hypnosis), you'll know that this was pretty much IDEAL from the position of someone wanting to "plant" an "Official Narrative." This is also related to a concept known as "cognitive dissonance." ...and your average person is VERY loath to examine the 2001 disaster...except in the most simplistic, superficial way...along the lines of "The Arabs did it, and I want 'PAYBACK!!!'"

This was a Major event (a "False-Flag" operation, planned and executed by the "National Security State")(displaying INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence of "controlled demolition"), and it accomplished its purpose. The "perpetrators" got their funding and twenty-year war...and even (fascistic) tools to abuse the domestic population via the "Patriot Act" and "Dept. of Homeland [sic] Security!!" War correspondent George Orwell would be turning over in his grave!!!

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Just to clarify this a bit...there HAD been a handful of other suspects in Dallas in those days immediately following that DREADFUL day in 1963, but most of them were released in a couple of days. One (I believe it was either Malcolm Wallace, LBJ's personal "hit-man,"...or L.A. based hit-man, James Braden/ Brading (who was on the second floor of the Dal-Tex building at the time of the shooting) was released after some three weeks. Yet...ONLY Oswald was seriously indicted and prosecuted, based on EXTREMELY weak evidence.

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