Spike and others who are accosted with this lie, this grand falsehood about "debunking conspiracy theories" have to stop being so nice, so passive. Return what is intended by them as an insult but REALLY, ACTUALLY is not. So to those who play this silly game of GOTCHA, return it in kind, but with the professional demeanor of a "person of evidence".

There are many professionals in everyday life that deal with conspiracy theories all the time, INCLUDING the "justices" of the USSC, the Canadian, Aussie, UK, ... high court justices, prosecutors, lawyers, scientists, academics, doctors, ... . The media people who interviewed Spike Lee are conspiracy theorists also but the GRAND DIFFERENCE is, in this case as regards 9/11, Spike Lee has ALL THE EVIDENCE, his brain dead conspiracy theorist interviewers not a single shred of evidence. Ask them for some, ONE FUCKIN' SHRED of evidence for the USGs' Conspiracy Theory, none will be forthcoming. Because none exists.

So Spike, go back to these people, interview them for a real short movie you want to make about how easy it is for the US government to dupe the gullible with silly memes like "conspiracy theory" and demand of them their evidence.

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Well said & so true. Back at ' em!

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That's great news. Nice to see you vindicated, Richard!

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I can’t believe 911 truth dumped you because of speculation. You’re better off alone Richard, you have always been the leading rational voice for the movement with or without their backing. We support you!

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Spike Lee now knows that it was an inside job - That in itself is a major accomplishment and is a major plus for the 9/11 truth movement.

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Vindicated. So happy to read this. I wish A&E911 had been a stronger org and backed your Covid claims as well.

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Glad you're home Richard. wb

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Just like the "USS LIBERTY"-1967, '9/11/2001' is a NO'NO subject, on Mass Media, since the TRUTH would undress, 'The Powers That Be', who are responsible for the 'success' of the Controlled Demolition of the WTC. Towers and the murder of some 3000 innocent Collateral Victims! INSIDE JOB! Any way You Slice It Dice It?

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Goodonya both.

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