9/11 and the Plandemic cannot be seen separately, since they are using the same propaganda organization and even some of the same pharma companies and investors. Anthrax was the 5th attack on 9/11 and it started even 2 days before 9/11 when the parcels were brought to the post office (see Dr. Heiko Schoening).

The NWO has been rewritten between Rumsfeld's think tanks and Klaus Schwab's WEF team, but even back in 2001 China was actively supporting the perpetrators by destroying the WTC steel.

The global deceptocracies are now turning into global dictatorships because they don't have any other choice after too much truth got out, also thanks to you and ae911truth.org.

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Hello Richard - I was at your presentation in London when the fire alarm was set off. Of course, it was a false alarm! While it badly disrupted your speech, it confirmed the views of many of those present that you had enemies, even in London, who wanted to silence you. They may think they have silenced you now, but I am sure you will prove them wrong. I will continue to support your efforts and send you all my best wishes.

Jonathan HF

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Hi, Richard and Gail. With absolutely no disrespect intended toward AE911TRUTH, I am personally thrilled to see you expand and grow beyond the confines of the Trade Center studies themselves. Though the evidence of the towers is a crucial part of discovery, to limit the conversation to only the architectural evidence of what happened on that fateful day proves only that the bank has been robbed while refusing to ask who robbed the bank or how it relates to current robberies happening by the same gang of bank robbers today and has honestly cast a shadow over AE911 for several years to an already conspiratorial mind as to why that part of it should never be discussed. I literally exhaled a huge sigh of relief when I heard you compare the current false flag to 9/11, telling me you were definitely after the truth about the world and not just about the day. I will definitely support your work in a financial manner as soon as I can and absolutely look forward to seeing you grow and blossom as your horizons now have the ability to connect all the dots involving the cartel that is the CFR, the WEF, CIA, Mossad, et al and it does seem to me that you have just been given your wings to spread and fly. I agree a conversation or even a series of conversations with James Corbett would be great as I do believe James has the utmost respect for you. Also, David Icke would be a fantastic guest although you probably wouldn't get a lot of chances to speak. Many congratulations on the next leg of your journey both for RichardGage911.org and for you both as a still newlywed couple. I look forward to watching you fly. Respect and regards,

Bill Holoboff,

Medicine Hat Alberta Canada

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After listening to your interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, I couldn't help but think that joining forces with James Corbett of the Corbett Report might be helpful, especially as your views on the "virus" seem to be aligned

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Incredible that AE911Truth did not have the foresight to keep Richard Gage at the helm....my God ....he founded the organization and has done so much. Very sad state of affairs.

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Thank you Richard for telling the truth. You have really paid a high price and all of us who seek the truth diligently look up to you as an example of the good fight GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS

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Richard, As I told you in my last email to you; YOU ARE AE911Truth. As it turns out, this change will be for the better. Now you are free and in charge again.

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I've been supporting A&E since I attended your presentation at the UU in Harvard Square in 2005 / 6? Your presentations are focused, accessible and rich. I'm especially a fan of the presentation you gave on the SEISMIC activity on 9/11. It is one of three cornerstones of my research and analysis of "Ground Zero" on my wix site, https://lorenzonine.wixsite.com/nineelevensynthesis/project-3 - THANK YOU for all you have done and are doing to educate people on the mechanics and devices present in the demolition of the WTC. Looking forward to seeing you again.

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You have inspired me and educated so many people to the truth of 9/11

I am so proud of you and I’m sure you will continue your amazing work independently!

I wish you all the very best my friend 🙌 KD

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My thoughts, about you Richard or my thought about 9/11? It was you i went to see when you were speaking in The Netherlands, in Delft, it was you i asked a question in a wel packed auditorium of the university, after you gave your AE911 truth presentation there. It was you that complimented me on the question, but you did not have the answer, you said you never did study that aspect of 9/11. A little disillusioned i was, who was going to give me the answer to my question?

What is the question you may ask, what did you want to know from Richard, the following are my thoughts on 9/11, after studying that day for years, maybe that will give you the answer, what i asked Richard.

Explosives were used on 9/11/2001.

That explosives were used on 9/11 seems to be the outcome of nearly all alternative theories. The use of explosives on that day was never scientifically investigated by an official investigation team.

The FBI started investigating the 4 attacks on the day itself, and named their initial investigation PENTTBOM, Pentagon Twin Towers Bombing investigation. Many witnesses described explosions had taken place during and after the attacks. The destruction caused by the attacks to the buildings, was surpassed by that of the buildings eventually partly or totally coming down.

Heat was the cause, official reports claim, why the towers came down. Molten metal could be seen dripping from one of the Towers before it collapsed. Heat was also the reason part of the Pentagon collapsed 45 minutes after the attack, according to the official report on the Pentagon attack. No investigation was done on the possible use of explosives in this attack.

The last attack failed, and the plane ended up in a field near Shanksville. Witnesses around their described the massive explosion they heard and experienced, rattling windows and the shaking of the ground, some even 10 miles from the scene.

A crater was visible from the news helicopter, not much plane could be seen. Black boxes were later recovered buried deep underground in that same crater. Aircraft debris was found far from the crater, most of the debris was small, extremely small. Not only was the plane debris small, the human remains that were found were so small that only 8% of the total weight of the occupants was ever recovered. 1500 pieces of human remains were found.

That explosives were used on 9/11 seems to be the outcome. Explosives create a lot of heat, explosives blast buildings, planes and humans to bits, explosives cause craters, explosives create a sonic boom, explosives shake the earth.

"we have a bomb on board"

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You’re We #CREATORS’ Premier Professional, Señor!

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When I first saw you on PBS, I said that guy is a frigging hero. You still are Richard. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And I know you're tough!

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