Plz ask Tom Sullivan if CDI might be accomplice. Perhaps they were told buildings would not be demolished with people inside? CDI was hired to sanitize steel / ship to China. Company above was partner in this +…..

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Have Grand Jury subpoena CDI

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I think they CDI helped install . But didn’t think would be activated w/ people inside. And then told the planes / fires activated ; freak accident. and then fold to hide evidence. A theory.

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To ad my $0.02 worth

No airliner ever flown could have crashed in the manner alleged by the official fairy tale.

If you are really uncertain about why(?) Please feel free to send me a private message.

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checkout Pilots for 9-11 Truth. Its a totally technical issue.

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do you have a link to Pilots for 9-11 Truth?

search engines default to Wiki hit-piece articles & also AE911truth . . . oops!

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The only thing I was able to find, was a page allegedly for "Pilots for 9-11 Truth" that tells me that I'm blocked from entry because they don't trust me . . . . what a Crock!

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Another front co like ACE. This one? Wireless electronics.


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Don’t let the Sep 11 date creep you out ! Exactly a year prior.

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Join me in demanding those guilty of misprision of a felony face justice. These people sold you the official story, they lied about 9/11

We have the US justice department, the 9/11 Commission whose report was a cover up, and the US Supreme Court that refused to empanel a grand jury of citizens to use their common sense to say NIST lied.

These people sold you the official story, they lied about 9/11

Go to this video


And more direct evidence:

1. …The north face of Building 7 (WTC7) fell at free-fall acceleration, for a distance of several floors which is only possible if all the columns were cut or failed at the same second. One possibility for this to happen is by explosives or nano-thermiate used to cut the steel columns.

2. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition. This means it fell and did very little damage to the two buildings to the east and west of WTC7.

2. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse.

4. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.

5. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the "collapses" of the Twin Towers.

6. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed.

7. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below.

8. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3" thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it.

9. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don't know where they could have possibly come from.

10. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS.

11…. experience airlines pilots say they could not flying a 767 hit the Twin Towers and no human could do so also flying some 500 knots per hour. They also could not hit the Pentagon when trying to do so in a flight simulator.

12… cell phones could not work on 9/11 when the airplane is at some 30,000 feet of altitude and moving at some 500 knots as occurred on 9/11. So all the telephone calls to loved ones from the passengers was faked and that is the only direct evidence that hijackers took control of the airplanes. But the hijackers did not have the skill as pilots to fly like an experienced airline pilot.

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The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions

Dr. David Ray Griffin lists in his book over 100 lies or omissions in the official 9/11 Commission report. He concludes his story with the comment: Why would the minds in charge of this final report engage in such deception if they were not trying to cover up very high crimes?" (Source: The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions by Dr. Griffin)


Here is a summary of a few of his points:

• The omission of the fact that President Bush and other members of his administration repeatedly spoke of the 9/11 attacks as “opportunities” (pages 116-117).

• The omission of the fact that the fires in the Twin Towers were not very big, not very hot.

• Did not mention long-lasting fires in several other steel-frame buildings, but none collapse.

• The omission of the fact that WTC building seven also collapsed. The one not hit by an airplane.

• The omission of the fact that the collapse of the Twin Towers (like that of Building 7) exemplified at least 10 features suggestive of controlled demolition.

• The omission of the fact that WTC7 wreckage was removed first and the official reason for the rapid removal of the steel was that people might still be alive in the rubble. That reason made no sense given all the people working in WTC7 had been evacuated long before it collapsed.

• The omission of reports that both Mayor Willie Brown and some Pentagon officials received warnings not to fly any airplanes on 9/11.

• The omission of the 3.5 hours of testimony to the Commission by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds--testimony that, according to her later public letter to Chairman Kean, revealed a serious 9/11-related cover-ups by officials at FBI headquarters.

• The omission of evidence that Pakistani ISI Director-General Mahmud Ahmad had ordered Ahmad Umar Sheikh to send Mohamed Atta $100,000 prior to 9/11. And the omission of the report that the Bush administration pressured Pakistan to dismiss Mahmud Ahmad as ISI chief after the appearance of the story that he had ordered ISI money sent to Mohamed Atta. The 9/11 Commission stated that origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks was a question of little practical significance. Senior government sources have confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they said that Indian inputs, including Sheikh’s mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link. Ahmad Omar Sayeed Sheikh, a close associate of Masood Azhar a leader of the Pakistani terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed which want to separate Kashmir from India. https://www.911myths.com/index.php/ISI_funding_of_the_attacks

• The claim (lie) that in those days there were only two air force bases in NORAD's Northeast sector that kept fighters on alert and that, in particular, there were no fighters on alert at either McGuire Air Force Base or Andrews Air Force Base.

• The omission of evidence that Andrews Air Force Base did keep several fighters on alert at all times.

• The claim (lie) that the Otis AFB fighters were not airborne until seven minutes after they received the scramble order because they did not know where to go.

• The omission of evidence that there were at least six bases with fighters on alert in the northeastern part of the United States.

• The omission of any explanation of (a) why NORAD's earlier report, according to which the FAA had notified the military about the hijacking of Flight 175 at 8:43, which is now to be considered false and (b) how this report, if it was false, was published and then left uncorrected for almost three years.

• The omission of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta's testimony, given to the Commission itself, that Vice-President Cheney and others were in the underground shelter by 9:26 am that an aircraft was approaching the Pentagon. Mineta seemed shocked to learn that the 9/11 Commission Report claimed Cheney had not arrived there until shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58 am -- after the Pentagon had been hit (at about 9:37 AM).

• The omission of the report that Osama bin Laden was treated in July 2001 by an American doctor in the American Hospital in Dubai and visited by the local CIA agent.

• The omission of reports of a visit to Osama bin Laden at the hospital in Dubai by the head of Saudi intelligence.

• John Farmer, Jr., senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission stated that the Commission "discovered that...what government and military officials had told Congress, the Commission, the media, and the public about who knew what when — was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue." Farmer continues: "At some level of the government, at some point in time … there was a decision not to tell the truth about what happened...The [NORAD] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public." Thomas Kean, the head of the 9/11 Commission, concurred: "We to this day don't know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth."

• The failure to point out that President Bush and Vice President Cheney both contacted Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle in the months after 9/11 to insist on strict limits in the scope of any investigation into the attacks. Newsweek reported on February 4, 2002, that Vice President Cheney called US Sen. Tom Daschle to threaten him not to open hearings into the attacks. Cheney "implied Sen. Daschle would risk being accused of interfering with the mission" against terrorism. The White House then placed many obstacles in its path, including giving it extremely meager funding. President Bush/Cheney only relented on November 27, 2002, a year after the attacks.


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The Truth about the JFK Assassination

Some Unpopular History of the United States

JFK Secret Service agent says he moved “magic bullet” and he LIED


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From: Richard McManus Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, US Army retired, combat paramedic South Vietnam, BS psychology and nursing, Everett, WA

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what do you think about Dr Judy Wood, her powerpoint-data, etc?

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Her work is unfortunately very much speculative . . . Bummer . . .

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