Join the lawsuit from Louisiana and another State - if they'll let you. Hate Speech? Where?!?!
I have seen a few bigots in the chats, talking about the role of the Zionist State ("Israel"), which seems fair/probable - and others being more inflammatory "Jews" etc.. Could that be what triggered their justification? If so - having Mods would have made a difference.
I saw that you were on CSPAN. Was that recent? The next day they had on a MOCKINGBIRD, from Newsweek, to obfuscate and coverup behind you... They even played a brief clip from the previous day's show... Seems like a set-up. Awfully convenient, they're having a very nonspecific clip cued up, and ready to go, for him to tee-off upon...🤔
One wonders if it would be possible to meet the individuals within Youtube who are claiming hate speech occurs. 9/11 itself was a hateful event, clearly assisted by individuals within our own government. (Evidence of nano-thermate and crime cover-up). Then our Government spent 20 years and Trillions in new Taxpayer debt attacking and killing many civilians along with the 'enemy combattants' in Iraq and Afghanistan who likely had NOTHING to do with 9/11. How Ironic that when the Truth is sought after, it is labelled Hate Speech now. It seems Orwellian, but nobody thinks of it like that because the USA is supposedly still a Democracy... .
Very happy to see you diversify. The more it happens, the more these better platforms will find their footing and like everyone who defends indefensible arguments on all fronts will find themselves on the wrong side. (9/11, JFK, Russia, Covid 19, etc..)
Silly, but if other platforms diversified and carried more music, i would abandon youtube altogether. Opera, symphony, jazz, performance, historical, etc... Youtube has that and think that's where most people start out and what drives most of their traffic.
I would do that to integrate entertainment with the important information.
You have been touching the nerve of the "Committee of 300". Time to save our time and yours and stay off of YouTube.
Join the lawsuit from Louisiana and another State - if they'll let you. Hate Speech? Where?!?!
I have seen a few bigots in the chats, talking about the role of the Zionist State ("Israel"), which seems fair/probable - and others being more inflammatory "Jews" etc.. Could that be what triggered their justification? If so - having Mods would have made a difference.
I saw that you were on CSPAN. Was that recent? The next day they had on a MOCKINGBIRD, from Newsweek, to obfuscate and coverup behind you... They even played a brief clip from the previous day's show... Seems like a set-up. Awfully convenient, they're having a very nonspecific clip cued up, and ready to go, for him to tee-off upon...🤔
One wonders if it would be possible to meet the individuals within Youtube who are claiming hate speech occurs. 9/11 itself was a hateful event, clearly assisted by individuals within our own government. (Evidence of nano-thermate and crime cover-up). Then our Government spent 20 years and Trillions in new Taxpayer debt attacking and killing many civilians along with the 'enemy combattants' in Iraq and Afghanistan who likely had NOTHING to do with 9/11. How Ironic that when the Truth is sought after, it is labelled Hate Speech now. It seems Orwellian, but nobody thinks of it like that because the USA is supposedly still a Democracy... .
The censors hate speech that speaks truth. YouTube is pure crap. Post on bitchute or rumble.
Locals and Rumble seem the way to go these days to avoid the Empire censorship machine.
Very happy to see you diversify. The more it happens, the more these better platforms will find their footing and like everyone who defends indefensible arguments on all fronts will find themselves on the wrong side. (9/11, JFK, Russia, Covid 19, etc..)
Silly, but if other platforms diversified and carried more music, i would abandon youtube altogether. Opera, symphony, jazz, performance, historical, etc... Youtube has that and think that's where most people start out and what drives most of their traffic.
I would do that to integrate entertainment with the important information.
Good news, art, support truth just by being.