OK Richard now I know for sure which side you are on. Wayne Coste is a disinformationist and a poison pill for the truth movement particularly in regard to the pentagon. It is unfortunate you have chosen him to be on your show instead of people like Craig McKee. But hey you made your choice so I am unsubscribing from your channel and I am no longer going to listen to what you have to say. BTW Craig McKee and I debated Wayne Coste on the record regarding the pentagon and he was defeated decisively with the judges of the debate voting 17 to 1 against him. Wayne himself accounted for the single vote in his favor. Richard you have just got to get better at identifying bad actors.
Hi Adam – let’s see what Wayne has to share about the freely flying structural steel sections at the world trade center before you pre-judge him.
I have invited Craig on my show to present his side of the Pentagon attack theories. Now I know the date. It will be March 19, an all day conference. If Craig won’t do it will you?
OK Richard now I know for sure which side you are on. Wayne Coste is a disinformationist and a poison pill for the truth movement particularly in regard to the pentagon. It is unfortunate you have chosen him to be on your show instead of people like Craig McKee. But hey you made your choice so I am unsubscribing from your channel and I am no longer going to listen to what you have to say. BTW Craig McKee and I debated Wayne Coste on the record regarding the pentagon and he was defeated decisively with the judges of the debate voting 17 to 1 against him. Wayne himself accounted for the single vote in his favor. Richard you have just got to get better at identifying bad actors.
Hi Adam – let’s see what Wayne has to share about the freely flying structural steel sections at the world trade center before you pre-judge him.
I have invited Craig on my show to present his side of the Pentagon attack theories. Now I know the date. It will be March 19, an all day conference. If Craig won’t do it will you?