For many years, I was convinced that the official (non-)story of a pulverized WTC7 collapsing on its own footprint was so ridiculous that anyone I would tell about this would be instantly converted to 9/11 Truth. However, this has not been the case & the majority I tell this to instantly want to turn the discussion around and skeptically ask "Well, who did this and how?" -- refusing to let the horse (controlled WTC7 demolition) guide the cart (centralized master plan).

For this reason, I now think it's important for a critical mass of the 9/11 Truth community to come together with a straightforward summary statement of the principal elements of the Master Plan. Of course, there must be a next-level-down set of detailed information, and a level below that, etc. But if we could come together behind a simplified summary such as the following draft statement, not only will it help interest current Official Story adherents, but it will also eliminate a number of distracting arguments from within our own community (and the counterintelligence operators planting dissension):



1. A number of national intelligence agencies were aware of a plot brewing for a stunning attack on New York and Washington, and they allowed this to proceed in a controlled but ineffectual manner in order to create a spectacle that created a clamor for USA invasion of Iraq.

2. Three World Trade Center towers were clandestinely wired for controlled demolition.

3. Four planes were planted with explosives to destroy all plane-related evidence.

4. These four planes also had state-of-the-art remote guidance capabilities secretly installed.

5. Everything went as planned on 9/11, except that the ground delay in Newark of the last-scheduled plane required that an audible be called -- UA93 was crashed to the ground in Pennsylvania, and WTC7 was "pulled" in the late afternoon.

6. AA77 was loaded with explosives to destroy its evidence after its improbable flight path crashed it into a wedge of the Pentagon that had been heavily reinforced during a yearlong "repair" project.

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The #1 issue that too many in the 9/11 Truth Movement have missed is that the Master Plan was for three planes to strike three WTC towers and the fourth to strike the Pentagon (NOT 2 NYC + 2 DC, which was disinformation largely incited as a sneering aside comment by Rumsfeld, who I'm sure was stunned by how "successfully" this myth took off). The Master Planners inserted flexibility by having whichever would be the first two planes on the way to NYC strike the two 110-story towers. Even though all four planes experienced ground delays, they did arrive in NYC in the scheduled ordered. However, with the 42-minute UA93 ground delay at EWR of the last-scheduled plane, this meant too many eyeballs and cameras trained on NYC to risk this third NYC strike. So UA93 was sent to the ground in Pennsylvania, and WTC 7 was "pulled" late in the day.

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Goodonya, Richard. We’re CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) facilitating the formation of a #NewUnitedFront coalition to coordinate and effect a strictly nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness (ref. Bollyn.com) to achieve #EmancipatoryInternationalism (ref. #UniversityOfFloridaProfessorPaulOrtiz) and #TruthAndReconciliation (ref. #NelsonMandela).

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Richard - I've been pondering and investigating all those issues to the best of my ability for 20 years. I have no special insight into any of them - but here is what I do know - USA is under the complete domination of a Capitalist Elite - according to Oxfam, they estimate that 20 people control half the wealth of the World - and that of course means 100% of the power. Regardless of the exact statistics - this system is radically un-balanced - and hence must be overthrown. People talk about "psychopaths", and dark forces - Chomsky says, "They would have to be insane" to do something like this. Well, is not "destroying every town, city and hamlet in Korea" (LeMay) crazy enough - or destroying Millions in Viet Nam, Iraq, Libya, Indonesia, etc, - my point is this - insanity, however defined, is not the issue - it's the radical imbalance of power itself - characteristic of every Capitalist dictatorship - and so, the only road forward is a revolutionary road.

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To be clear - what is lacking in the Truth Movement is not the last word on what happened to the passengers, and similar questions - what is lacking is a Revolutionary perspective - imho.

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Question? Has any DNA or body parts of any of the passengers, crew or hijackers who were purported to be on the four planes involved in 9/11 ever been recovered?

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343 of My Brothers are still screaming for Justice Tim Nolan firefighters for 9/11 truth

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Your point is well taken, and most recently exemplified by #CREATORS hero, #RudyDent’s death.

We #ConspiracyRealistEducatorActivistTrutherOrganizerReaderSocializers are dissidents of the “loyal opposition” opposed to the propagandizing #PowersThatBe of the criminal zio-CON #NudeWorldOdor, er, #NWO.

We’re CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) facilitating the formation of a #NewUnitedFront coalition to coordinate and effect a strictly nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness (ref. Bollyn.com) to achieve #EmancipatoryInternationalism (ref. #UniversityOfFloridaProfessorPaulOrtiz) and #TruthAndReconciliation (ref. #NelsonMandela).

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Similarly, we met after a film you previewed; anyway; one of the important points of the structure of the two big towers came out in a film on youtube called "voices from the tower". It was my understanding the two towers were designed to withstand multiple airline hits due to the fact they were the tallest buildings in the world when they were completed in 1973. In that film, Brian Clark describes his escape from the 84th Floor of the South Tower. As he walked down the stairwell, by the time he got to the 74th floor, 4 floors below the impact, he found normal conditions - electric, air conditioning, and telephone. Therefore the building did exactly how it was designed to do! Check out Brian Clark's story around 22 minutes into that film.

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Upon learning the US Attorney (The DOJ's Southern Fed District of NY) withheld the Lawyers Committee's court petition with 60 evidentiary exhibits, keeping a grand jury at bay and from seeing-investigating; the Truth Action Project (TAP) decided to take it (the evidence) to the streets this year.

Truth Booths' debut outing 9/11/2021 of the exhibit summaries included hanging 12 exhibit summaries, 2 pages each, produced by TAP volunteers. They hung from 10 ft (x) 10 ft sturdy tent frames in Truth Booths. NYC, Boston and Portland had good starts and several teachable moments which will be absorbed into our continuous improvement mindset. If you want to see how they look, a new 7-page booklet, "What is a Truth Booth?", is available so we're happy to share it upon request.

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I stand for Truth , and I am sure glad we have honest citizens who can't be bought off.

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Keep with it Richard. I knew from watching the optics on that day it spelled inside. Planes that hit anything will burst with black smoke . I didn't see anything like that happening. How is it that one news media reported the building being attacked before it happened. How many people saw this live and seen the towers still standing. We had a building taken down in our city and it was done with experts. Straight down. So your so right along with many others who know it was controlled .

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#WeThePeople were effectively Traumatized by the #911FalseFlagAtrocity’s repeated display on our televisions. Then, the #NewWorldOrderCriminals exploited the #PrimacyEffect to kick off/initiate the #BigLie of #19ArabHighjackers.

We’re CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) facilitating the formation of a #NewUnitedFront coalition to coordinate and effect a strictly nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness (ref. Bollyn.com) to achieve #EmancipatoryInternationalism (ref. #UniversityOfFloridaProfessorPaulOrtiz) and #TruthAndReconciliation (ref. #NelsonMandela).

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Hello Lew -- Thank you for liking my comment. I'm happy to find Christopher Bollyn's site. Are you involved in exposing ALL the lies, including the covid fraud?

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I’m a regular Serenity Prayer reciting CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer) who expressly refrains from speaking hyperbolically by using the words All, Always, None & Never, except with qualifications.

And you’re welcome about my liking your comment. Check out my website: LewWelge.com. It’s antiquated and overhauling it is on my “to do” list, but it's functional and references my copyrighted Counseling technique, the #ILikeGame.

Namaste & Have a Great Day,


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Thank you, Lew. I visited your website and saw you looking like Lincoln. Are you helping to expose the covid fraud?

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Richard, we met a while back.... years ago. 1) Who did it? Amongst others... Mossad, Saudi Royals, Bush team and associates... many others. 2) How did they do it? The towers via controlled demolition, Pentagon.... a Cruise missile, Shanksville I believe was headed to tower 7... and then shot out of the sky when the plan got averted. 3) Why did they do it? Many reasons.... A) oil is the backbone of the world's economy. Without oil America's economy collapses. It was necessary as a military strong hold to secure at least part of the world's largest oil supply. B) Money... plenty of these big wigs with their defense contracts and construction contacts made vast amounts of money. C) Since Israel was behind the attacks at least partly... it got the US to attack its enemies. D) There has been an ongoing erosion of civil liberties... dismantling of the Bill of Rights... and 9/11 certaintly helped erode the US citizens rights. E) There was a huge theft of silver and gold 250 million and 750 million (2001 prices)... not to mention all the money on put options (stocks).

I think your other questions are answered within these comments. It was ashame what happened with Spike Lee's documentary... but not surprising at all. I also spent so much time and energy trying to inform people about 9/11... and more people are aware... but it's just such an uphill battle. I don't know how to get to that "critical mass point". I guess the only way is to keep sharing... keep speaking... keep posting videos. I think you need to push the strongest points of the 9/11 truth movement... in otherwords... short and sweet... and powerful. In my opinion, that is footage of the collapse of building 7.... the Jane Stanley BBC interview describing the collapse while building 7 is still standing during live footage in the background.... documentaries like Loose Change... video of Silverstein saying "we had to pull it".... the firefighter's 10 minute audio recording of him ascending 80 floors or so all the while the building is supposedly so hot to melt steel and concrete (how can that be?)... maybe the photographic evidence of the Pentagon, that shows it was not possible for a 737 or 767... whatever it was to create that damage. Maybe it is incorporating the fact that Bin Ladens and Bushes were partners in the same company. Maybe it is bringing attention to the fact that duting a nation wide flight shutdown the White House flies to private planes full of Bin Laden family members and Saudi Royals out of the contrary.... maybe the photographs of the cardboard boxes with (BB19) printed on them ( fuses) packed inside the Israeli art students room with these guys wearing rappeling gear... not to mention the drawings in their overpriced book needs to be pushed.... maybe, more likely all these things need to be pushed. They control the media... they remove, hinder youtube videos.... remove or shadow ban facebook posts...they dismantle 9/11 news groups... they instill shills, trolls & disinformation agents to thwart and confuse new curious members. Unfortunately I don't think anything is going to change to reach this critical mass point. The only thing is the ones that know the truth about 9/11 will be smarter because of it.... and yes there are definately some similarities between 9/11 and what is going on with all this Covid stuff.. as well as chemtrailling.... the stronger / smarter will survive.. avoid some of the traps, because they will notice the writings on the walls... the signs... the similarities... and the others will not. It's ashame they can pull the wool over so many heads.... but so be it. Keep up the good work. I would like to reconnect with you when you are in the LA area, but don't feel like leaving my contact information on here. Maybe I'll try reaching out to you.. or come to another of your presentations.

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many grammatical and spelling errors in my comment... my apology... didn't have a chance to proof read... but I think the message and thoughts are clear.

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Tell the Truth, and "let the chips fall where they may" . . .

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Hello again Richard -- I have let you know how this could be done. I spoke to Mike Berger yesterday, and he agreed. We also need to put 9/11 Truth into the context of current issues

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