It is important to keep the truth about 9/11 alive. It is part of a bigger story about massive government corruption and the money-makers behind them. Covid-19 can be explained by 9/11 which can be explained by JFK which can be explained by the national security act of 1947 which can be ...
That's such a cynical comment, Smarty pants. Fortunately it will be seen as such by those of us inspired by honest pursuit of honor, truth, and justice.
Not merely energy; synergy! Love it! Need more! We demand the right NOT to BARE arms. Jon
It is important to keep the truth about 9/11 alive. It is part of a bigger story about massive government corruption and the money-makers behind them. Covid-19 can be explained by 9/11 which can be explained by JFK which can be explained by the national security act of 1947 which can be ...
That's such a cynical comment, Smarty pants. Fortunately it will be seen as such by those of us inspired by honest pursuit of honor, truth, and justice.