Aidan Monaghan: Were the Planes Remotely Guided on 9/11?
9/11 Researcher of 15 years brings the rubber to the road
[[[The video version below corrects/removes the technical difficulties. ]]]
Electrical Engineer tracks down the answers to questions that most of us wouldn’t even think to ask:
What were the capabilities of the GPS guided autopilot flight control systems on Boeing 757/767’s navigation prior to 9/11? How about its performance on 9/11?
What was the capability to remotely deliver flight plan waypoints to aircraft flight management systems before 9/11? And what was the history of remote "backdoor" accessibility to Boeing flight control computers?
What was the significance of 9/11 flight transponder activity of the highjacked aircraft on 9/11?
What is the significance of United Airline flight175’s observed and measured performance prior to impacting WTC 2?
What is the significance of the extreme and low-visibility weather the day before 9/11 on the alleged hijacker’s hoped-for outcome?
Is the publicly released American Airlines #77 Flight Data Recorder an accurate record of the flight that hit the Pentagon?
What was the flying capability of the alleged hijackers? Could they have flown the profiles on 9/11?
Aidan Monaghan is a tireless 9/11 researcher of almost 2 decades. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering and had a career in “Electrostatics”! He’s been conducting data collection from the government via the Freedom of Information Act requests that have yielded the 9/11 Truth Community a treasure trove of valuable data proving the official narrative of 9/11 can’t possibly be true.
Since the alleged hijackers were still alive on September 12th 2001, the aircraft must have been remotely controlled.
It’s almost as easy to photoshop video as it is ordinary photographs. The was no live TV viewing on the 9th only supposed private videos were available on the 10th with added dialogue and screams. Also, there was one impossible clip showing an intact cockpit emerging from the building. The videos also improved with time. On the video showing a road gang, that was swung over to the first tower to be hit, contained a plane that was ridiculously small, and grew larger in later versions.
Also, what happened to the engines? Only one engine as found but it was of the wrong make.
An aircraft overflew all the towers at precisely the right time, but at the Pentagon, without the city canyon effect, the idea failed. Four air craft crashes, with no luggage saved, one engine of the wrong sort, no bodies, the same scenario being enacted by the military on the same day, modern passenger aircraft being flown by amateurs. Only in the USA would people believe such rubbish.
What became of the passengers and crews of these four aircraft?