Brilliant work. Am wondering if the rumours of the stolen gold ending up in the Ukraine somehow are true. Thanks for persevering.

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As much as I tend to agree with your studies, I have to recall a story I read decades ago about the great Chicago Fire of 1870 something. Rivers of molten iron flowed in the streets from the cast iron facades. Temps there must have reached at least 2500 deg. F. from normal building fires. Enclosing and wind channeling brick party walls, wood frame walls, partitions, floors, roofs, furniture and merchandise must have provided enough fuel to create furnace like temps . The Dresden fires during the British bombing of WWII were also furnace temp in as much as the entire city was burning at once and the flames were hundreds of feet high..

It's the collapse of Bldg 7 that seems so unexplainable. But if 7 was so suspicious I suppose the towers are just as suspicious. There was so much secrecy afterward that breeds its own paranoia and doubts.

i can't shale the idea that 9/11 was made to order to mobilize a population that really didn't want any more overseas adventures or nation building or even much to do with the second intifada or

Iranian hostility to the Israelis. etc. Articles were appearing in the press about the waste and misuse of huge pentagon budgets. (/11 pout an end to any questioning of military budgets and opened a flood gate of funding. The Pentagon still hasn't submitted a proper accounting for its funds like every other department of the federal government has to do annually. The pentagon is not quite like the Myanmar military but awfully close when it comes to how they account for their money. .

I also think NIST didn't try to find the truth because if they had say id anything that cast doubt on the official line, all the insurance money would have been questionable and the mostly European insurers could have reclaimed the payouts. I tend to think that day and the subsequent study was a massive act of insurance fraud. . .

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The videos tell the story of the total destruction of all three towers. Towers 1 and 2 were the spectacular, pluming/mushrooming cascading falling pillars of smoke and ash that imprinted on the minds of America a blank slate upon which the 'official narrative' could be written, even though it bore no resemblance to the truth of what actually happened. The first two Towers were the psyop climax and Bldg 7 was the 'stealthy exit' of the criminals from the scene of the crime...leaving not a trace of evidence behind, no Enron prosecution, no $240 Billion in black-ops bonds (Project Hammer) coming due on the 12th of September, no gold in any of the WTC tower buildings where the day before there were billions in bullion! It was first and foremost a crime of theft: theft of the US Constitution and its protections- gone! Theft of millions of innocent lives taken to promote the highly lucrative war-industry. And Theft of the Good, Orderly Direction of a once and future Nation under God, sent off to endless wars for profit, the most unGodly thing one could pursue. Lucky Larry Silverstein was the real winner, of a $114 Million 100 year lease on the WTC, he landed some $4.5 Billion in insurance payouts....oh ya, it was and still is a crime that MUST be prosecuted.

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