
Thanks, Martin – we speak anywhere, and to everybody we can!

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You’re a very good public speaker, however this will do nothing to stop the bush’s and their secret 911 club. Without going to the genie you are wasting your time. If you really wanted to immediately beat NIST and the bush’s who did 911, you would be contacting the magic genie

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the president, when sworn in, took an oath to defend the constitution which includes free speech; however, it has become impossible to voice any critical opinion about israeli policies in public or in academia without the risk of losing your job, contract, funding or future employment opportunities. this is with biden in power; how much worse would it be if trump was in power? israeli influence over federal policies is unchecked and unbalanced. a foreign entity should not have this much power over us; this is not the united states of Israel. this parasitism can be demolished/controlled only with patriotism (american revolution). the founding fathers of this country are turning in their grave, wishing they could be here with us, with richard gage, his wife gail, and all the american patriots who are willing to fight for the integrity of the american constitution.

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Why places that are way left of the center? Makes no sense.

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I saw you speak in Berkeley there at least once or twice, informal sessions, also w Mike Gravel, where did that dude go¿

But the first time I saw you, there on Sutter, that was a breakout of truth....

The press conference not one press outlet attended except g and b Bonnie Faulkner?

Don't hear much from her anymore since kpfa deplatformed her, but now most of the kpfa news is straight up lies

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What good are these events with no remedy?

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Hi Anne Lane, the EUA that approved the use of the vaccine was devised in the days leading up to & following 9/11. That alerted me because I knew 9/11 was a ruse from the work of Gage and others. I alone couldn’t convince family members, like my brother that died a month after getting the jab. Events like the one Gage does wakes people up, connects dots, and saves lives.

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The vaccine is POISON I just commented on FB that “Big Pharma is trying to kill us.” I was within seconds banned from FB for 180 days and maybe never to return. They most likely did me a favor. 😉

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Maybe a few more people wake up.........

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