Greetings! Most of you are familiar with my recent independent status, but there are also several of you who are newcomers here as of today who haven’t heard from me in a long time. Welcome back! I am writing to you today to reconnect, update you, and encourage your continuing support of our mutual cause - 9/11 Truth.
This is quite a story - regarding my separation from AE911Truth - and you can catch up on it here at my new power-packed website:
I have also joined the board of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Truth as Technical Advisor and we are already embarked on one of the most exciting efforts ever - the film series “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom - Taking the Hard Evidence of the World Trade Center to Court.” Mick Harrison and I will be filmed in a courtroom along with other experts bringing to life the 60 Exhibits of the LC911 Grand Jury Petition. We will be presenting our case directly to the Jurors and it will be submitted as a supplement to the original petition. Emmy Award winning investigative journalist and filmmaker Kristina Borjesson (TWA 800) has already begun directing the film.
This is the film series that the 9/11 Truth Movement has been waiting for - they will be able to feed bite-size pieces of professionally presented evidence, with explanations of the legal implications for the court to the public in their 9/11 activism.
My wife and assistant, Gail Gage, and I have already stacked up more than 2 dozen high quality video podcasts on our show “RichardGage911:UNLEASHED!” in which we bring high-profile guests from in and around the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Activists are passing these episodes around like hotcakes: Director Massimo Mazzuco, Paul Craig Roberts, Niels Harrit, Graeme MacQueen, psychologist Fran Shure, Barbara Honegger on Anthrax and the 9/11 Wargames, the LC911 Lawyers, Captain Dan Hanley of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers, Daniele Ganser on False Flags, Scott Bennett on Psy Op’s, and many many more!
Coming up we have Professor Leroy Hulsey SE, Foster Gamble of Thrive On, Richard Grove of Autonomy, and experts like Tom Sullivan explosives loader, Aidan Monaghan on the remote control of the 9/11 planes, Art Olivier on the film 9/11 Operation Terror, 9/11 author Glenn Zarminov, and “economic hitman” John Perkins!
Tomorrow we launch the promotion our first of our quarterly conferences 9/11CON. The first will be on the Pentagon.
We’ve assembled the most dedicated Pentagon researchers in the world - all together in one place and one time - on Saturday March 19, 10AM to 10PM. It will be livestreamed right to your home, work, or car!
You can see that we have been extraordinarily busy these past few months since flying solo from AE911Truth. It’s the hardest I’ve ever worked in my life because this is where the rubber meets the road - getting out the TRUTH about 9/11! I know you share my passion and I know that you may not be able to put in the time that I am into our mutual cause. So I am hoping that you will continue to support my efforts here over at our new venue!
You can be a member for $7/mo. or $70/year. This level of donation will for instance, promote, produce, and distribute the video Podcast of John Perkins - a dedicated 9/11 Truth advocate.
Or join the Founding Members Circle at $300/year and join our exclusive monthly strategy conference call and keep me heading in the right direction! This level of donation will for instance get me and Mick to the courtroom to be filmed for “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”!
I am so very grateful for YOU and our partnership that will very soon precipitate changes in the world that must be forthcoming!
I remain yours in truth, solidarity, and persistence,
Richard (and Gail) Gage
There may have been no remote aircraft. The videos did not appear until the following day, once the aircraft had been added by photoshopping. No bodies, no wreckage, no luggage. What happened to the missing passengers.
Just watched Theory C - I agree 100% that neither AA 77 or any other 757 hit the Pentagon. The CIT investigation witnesses seem credible, especially the two Pentagon police officers, that the plane approached the Pentagon north of the Citgo gas station. Based on Xander Arena’s analysis of those Pentagon security camera video snippets, what is the guesstimate of the dimensions of the aircraft that appears in those video bytes?