[Watch Edited Video Now] 9/11 and the Scientific Method : Part 1 - Motion w/ Jon Cole, Civil Engineer
Our guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! [1PM Pacific Sunday Feb 5]
[We edited out 5 big internet glitches in the version below.]
Welcome back to our video podcast RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! We have a very special guest today - an engineer who focuses on the actual motion of the Twin Towers. He makes it soooo clear as to what’s actually happening to the Towers that a seventh grader can see through the official narrative of the “collapses.” DO NOT MISS this one.
What was the first motion observed with the fall of Tower One?
How many theories were proposed over the years to explain the Twin Towers collapse?
What is the official collapse theory for the Twin Towers collapse?
Did the upper part of the Twin Towers speed up or slow down as they hit the lower undamaged floors and what is the significance?
How long did it take for WTC 1 to completely fall to the ground?
Why couldn’t we see the inner core columns fall clearly?
How could the remaining “spire” of WTC 1 survive the massive pile driver above? How could it have move diagonally down?
What is the most critical step when using the scientific method?
There were two fundamental motions during the towers’ fall, namely down and out. Which motion came first and can it be demonstrated experimentally?
Of all the theories proposed, which of the theories can be demonstrated experimentally and matches the most observed video and forensic evidence?
Learn more: https://911speakout.org/jonathan-cole/
Gail and I are back now, after an extended absence from our exciting podcasts. We had to focus on the filming of Phase I - WTC 7 for our new film series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. You can still co-produce Phase 2!
Our podcasts are moving to Sunday afternoons at 12 pm PT from here forward - so mark your calendars in advance!
We hope you enjoy our new high-tech edgy video intro bumper.
Learn more: https://RichardGage911.org
No 9-11 commentary is complete if it points no finger. AE911Truth/Richard Gage deserve a ticker tape parade .. but the time has come to name names. Allow me. Although an early on-board member, my opinions and findings are my own, and they are not guesses >> 9-11 was a deliberate crime with which bin Laden and Company had no part, except as patsies. It involved two jurisdictions for the purpose of putting all investigations under control of the perpetrators. 9-11 was a Silverstein / Cheney / Rumsfeld production with massive aid from the Israeli Mossad (not endorsed by Israeli citizens.) Period.
Jon is wonderful; thank you for broadcasting his thoughts and work!