[Watch Archive] David Ray Griffin - 1939 to 2022 | A Celebration of His Life and Work
Did you Miss our Tribute to The 'Grandfather of the 9/11 Truth Movement'?
It was with a very heavy heart that we shared the news that our friend and mentor in the great 9/11 Truth work, Prof. David Ray Griffin, had succumbed to his long battle with cancer and passed away on November 25, 2022.
This was a very special livestream tribute to the 'Grandfather of the 9/11 Truth Movement’ on Friday, December 10, hosted by Elizabeth Woodworth, myself, and my wife & assistant Gail Gage.
Our panel of distinguished guests payed their respects to this giant of an intellectual, this author of no less than 50 books (15 on the subject of 9/11 truth) include Peter Dale Scott, Paul Craig Roberts, Fran Shure, Barbara Honegger, Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, David Chandler, and Ken Jenkins.
The event is now free to watch. We hope you will share it with all of your like-minded friends.
My personal reflection:
The Day My Life Changed Forever
His voice was deceptively gentle on the radio that afternoon, March 29, 2006. I had by chance turned to the FM station KPFA, on my way back from a construction observation duty in the San Francisco Bay Area. There was a very brave talk show host, Bonnie Faulkner, who was the only one at the station willing to take deep dives into exposing the Deep State, but I didn’t know about that, or her, yet – nor of her mysterious guest that day, David Ray Griffin.
She was asking him to share with her audience his findings, having just discovered Graeme MacQueen’s deep research into the 500 pages of explosive testimonies of the Oral Histories of hundreds of 9/11 first responders – released by New York City under court order in August of 2005.
This professor of theology carefully read many of these eyewitness statements of explosions, one after another. I found myself entering a state of cognitive dissonance. I had never heard of any alternative theory about how the Twin Tower’s came down.
I couldn’t drive and listen to this at the same time. It required all of my brain power to try to process his message. The testimony was powerful – and already contradicting my very world view. I pulled my car into the parking lot and just sat and listened – in horror actually. I thought I knew pretty well what happened on 9/11. I was a Reagan Republican and wanted to go into Afghanistan and Iraq and get those bastards who did this to us.
But here was this very well-spoken, seemingly objective, elderly gentleman, telling me about beams flying out of the towers laterally, dripping with molten metal, impaling themselves into buildings hundreds of feet away. He even tried to tell me that a third tower came down – one that wasn’t even hit by a plane! “What?! I’m an architect! I would know if a third tower came down! They would have told me!
Either this guy is the biggest con artist – or I had been conned by my government – and I just couldn’t go there – not yet anyway. I would prove him wrong. I went to see him the next night at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA. But I was late. And he had attracted a sell-out crowd of 600. I couldn’t get in!

I could listen to him on what they were calling a “livestream” (brand new back then!). What I heard, online that night, was a deeply moving presentation that covered a whole lot more ground than I had heard on the radio, and it was delivered with a simple logic that I couldn’t fight. David Ray Griffin stepped aside and let his evidence do the work. I was in trouble. By the time he was done with me, I felt like I had been turned upside down and inside out. I was confused – raw and vulnerable, yet this had turned to anger in the days and weeks to come, and the anger turned to action, as I independently verified his outrageous insinuations about my government and the media who had lied to me on a colossal scale. It was his unique unassuming style that had stripped me defenseless and enabled me to see the truth. I learned that millions of others were equally taken apart at the seams by the logic in his 15 books and dozens of presentations around the world.
Looking back on the painful transformation, caused by this innocent man, I have indeed arrived at a state of deep gratitude.

For he, and others inspired by him such as Steven Jones, over the course of the following years, mentored and encouraged me to follow in some giant footsteps and speak my new-found 9/11 truth. He will live in my heart and continue to be heard as long as I have breath to speak.
The poignant reflective article posted on Global Research David Ray Griffin (1939-2022) The Man and His Work: A Synopsis by Elizabeth Woodworth, his right-hand for more than a decade, is quite inspiring.
Many of the presentations by David Ray Griffin have been filmed by Ken Jenkins and are available at 9-11TV.org.
David Ray Griffin’s books on the subject of 9/11 Truth include:
The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004)
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions (2004)
9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, Vol. 1 (2006) with Peter Dale Scott
Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006)
The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God: A Political, Economic, Religious Statement (2006) with John B. Cobb , Richard A. Falk , Catherine Keller
Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and the Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (2007)
9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press (2008)
The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-up and the Exposé (2008)
Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? (2009)
The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 (2009)
Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (2010)
9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed (2011)
Bush and Cheney: How they Ruined America and the World (2017)
The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic? (2018)
9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation (2018) with Elizabeth Woodworth
Dozens of his other books can be found here on Amazon.com.
We hope that you are as deeply impacted by this special event for David as we were in creating it for you!
The tragedy is that at least those, who are interested must have learnt by now that 9/11 was a false flag, whose sole purpose was to introduce the (un)Patriot(ic) Act that, along with the federally-imposed "medical emergency," is still in effect and is chipping away on the tiny remnants of what used to be the American illusion of freedom...
Apparently, knowing facts (sometimes mislabeled as "the truth") makes next to no difference; the globalists' goal of control and genocide hasn't changed even after public announcements by the criminals, and the WEF's 2030 agenda is quietly being implemented.
David was having back pain for years and did not let that stop him from his life work.
A hero in the truth movement.