Was 9/11 an Inside Job? Clues from a Federal Aviation Administration Expert
My RG911-Unleashed! Guest: Robin Hordon - Air Traffic Controller
6 important questions, plus a bonus:
Why didn't the airliners get intercepted on 9/11, as per standard protocol?
Were hijackers really flying the planes?
Was it an actual civilian aircraft that hit the Twin Towers?
Why was the Pentagon attacked?
Was it just a coincidence that drills involving plane-hijackings were scheduled on the morning of 9/11?
Why did a “Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction” before 9/11/01 modify the “Intercept Scramble Protocols" from two protocols into a single one?
Bonus Question: “What was the hijacker’s name that brought WTC 7 down?”
Robin Hordon, former Air Traffic Controller may just have some answers for you:
Robin Hordon worked at the Air Route Traffic Control Center, located in Nashua, NH, 1970 - 1981. He was an FAA certified commercial pilot, and FAA certified Flight Instructor and certified Ground Instructor.
In his 11-year FAA career as an Air Traffic Controller, Robin Hordon worked in the development of "procedures and airspace design", including military operations, and was part of the team which trained other Air Traffic Controllers and transitioned the FAA from its old broadband radar and simple flight data processors into the RDP (Radar Data Processing) and computerized radar displays.
He was a Facility Training Instructor and was certified to create transcripts from audio tapes, to interpret radar data in tracking aircraft from computer files, and to analyze computer tracking data, all of which would combine to "tell the story"of air traffic incidents. He was also the main creator of the Boston Center Profile Descent and Metering Program for Boston Logan airport.
While "on the boards", He personally worked one commercial airliner hijacking and assisted on another.
Robin states, "I knew within hours of the attacks on 9/11/2001 that it was an inside job—based on my 11-year experience as an FAA Air Traffic Controller in the busy Northeast corridor, including hundreds of hours of training, briefings, air refuelings, low altitude bombing drills, being part of huge military exercises, daily military training exercises, interacting on a routine basis directly with NORAD radar personnel, and based on my own direct experience dealing with in-flight emergency situations, including two instances of hijacked commercial airliners.
He notes, “It is important for people to understand that scrambling jet fighters to intercept aircraft showing the signs of experiencing "IN-FLIGHT EMERGENCIES" such as going off course without authorization, losing a transponder signal and/or losing radio contact is a common and routine task executed jointly between the FAA and NORAD controllers. The entire "national defense-first responder" intercept system has many highly-trained civilian and military personnel who are committed and well-trained to this task. FAA and NORAD continuously monitor our skies and fighter planes and pilots are on the ready 24/7 to handle these situations. Jet fighters typically intercept any suspect plane over the United States within 10 - 15 minutes of notification of a problem.”
Be sure to ask him your tough questions during the livestream.
Good question. It depends - "prior knowledge", YES, but only within the context of those multiple, confirmed reports, circulating among emergency responders that WTC 7 was "UNSTABLE AND MIGHT COLLAPSE", which has been well documented by 9/11 Truthers. Given the chaos surrounding Ground Zero on 9/11, it seems reasonable that most people including MSM reporters or FDNY emergency responders, would not instinctively suspect rumors or warnings of possible or imminent collapse of WTC 7, however, we know from AE911TRUTH and other 9/11 Truthers that lots of scientists, engineers and even ordinary folks immediately suspected controlled demo when they first witnessed the collapse of WTC 7. However, "IT WOULD BE TAKEN DOWN", is a huge red flag of criminal prior knowledge, because it basically acknowledges that WTC 7 was either rigged for controlled demo BEFORE 9/11, or someone rigged WTC 7 for controlled demolition AFTER the "hijacked planes" hit the Twin Towers, the latter of which is totally ludicrous: nobody can rig a 47-story steel-reinforced skyscraper for controlled demolition on the fly in few hours in the midst of a destroyed World Trade Center.
Why would Larry "pull it" Silverstein make such a dumb statement? Why wait all afternoon to "pull it"? Your guess is as good as mine, but the real 9/11 perps finally decided to "pull it" without the plausible deniability of another "hijacked plane", i.e., there was no Arab Lee Harvey Oswald with box cutters to account for the bogus jet fuel fires that NIST could then claim weakened steel and collapsed WTC 7, which was the spook central command post. In fact, "pull it" seems like a stupid way to jeopardize a long-planned false flag operation, but not everything went according to plan on 9/11, unless those Dancing Israelis intended to be arrested in New Jersey after filming the WTC collapse with multiple passports, $$$ stuffed in their socks and driving a moving van for a front company easily identified as Mossad. There were also reports that other false flag hijacking missions were scrapped on 9/11, after FAA ordered all airborne aircraft over CONUS to land. So, it seems to me that WTC 7 posed quite an unintended predicament for the real false flag perps to handle on the spur of the moment. They couldn't risk leaving WTC 7 standing and risk discovery of its previously rigged controlled demo equipment, right? So, after several hours of deliberation, they had no other option. One plausible deniability theory is that UA 93 was intended to hit WTC 7 - NOT the Capitol, however, it's delayed departure from Newark messed up the false flag timeline and allowed the good guys or forced the bad guys to shoot down whatever really crashed thru the woods and across the pond behind the official Shanksville crash site, whether that object was the remote-controlled UA 93 or its radar swap.
I don't know what the hell made that strange hole at the official Shanksville crash site, but it certainly wasn't made by UA 93, right?
NB: CBS newsman Dan Rather also reported the live collapse of WTC - verbally recognizing that its collapse reminded him of standard controlled demolition. Years later during an interview about 9/11, Rather chose to stand by the official NIST story. Dan Rather, just like Brian Williams and the rest of the MSM, now stand by the official NIST explanation for the collapse of WTC 1, 2, and 7 and "controlled demo" is "conspiracy theory". Dan Rather and Brian Wilson are all now a witting part of the 9/11 coverup. No bout a doubt it.
The bonus question is a softball!
The “pilot” was Larry Silverstein, but the question is WHY did the real perps wait all day to give Silverstein the green light to “pull it”?