[video] 9/11: 'Able Danger' Meets Explosive WTC Demolitions - Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer Pressed
Why did Bush/Cheney order the destruction of all US Army investigation data on Al Qaeda terrorists pre-9/11?
We speak directly with Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, (US Army, Ret.) about his role in the US Army data mining project Able Danger which uncovered 2 Al Qaeda terrorist cells that were already being “infiltrated” (recruited?) by the CIA.
We’ll get to the bottom of what really happened with Tony - and what he thinks about the 22-page bombshell sworn testimony of Guantanamo defense investigator Don Canastraro, which points indelibly to CIA complicity—at least in actively shielding two would-be hi-jackers and their Saudi-intelligence handler from the FBI’s awareness, and spying on the FBI — but in “infiltrating” the hi-jackers, and potentially exposing much greater involvement in 9/11. It’s all coming to light. And, Tony Shaffer worked with Canastraro for ten years, so we’re getting lots of insight here.
WHY would the CIA withhold key intel from the FBI, as well as block the FBI agents installed in the “Alec Station” facility in Langley, from informing their superiors about Al-Hazmi and Al Mihdar in the US, immediately following their participation in an Indonesia Al Qaeda meeting, which was secretly videotaped — unless the CIA was complicit in 9/11?
What possible reason could the Bush Administration have had to order the total destruction of all 2.5 terabytes of data from Colonel Shaffer’s multi-year investigation of Al Qaeda via the remarkably successful US Army Able Danger project— unless they were also complicit?
Do these actions collectively show that 9/11 was an inside operation from beginning to end?
Well… we also ask, “What does Col. Shaffer think about the explosive destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers?” We ask because this evidence demonstrates unequivocally that 9/11 was indeed planned months, or years in advance - and by those who had access to three of the most secure buildings in the world, outside the Pentagon. Or, was it Saudi hijackers (who failed Cessna flying school) who were responsible for the controlled demolitions? Let’s ask him!
Our Guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! is Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (Retired). He is the President of the London Center for Policy Research, a New York Times bestselling author, and CIA trained intelligence operations officer with 35 years of experience in global and national security. He is also an advisor to senior members of the White House, the Intelligence Community, Pentagon and key members of Congress.
As a senior DoD intelligence officer, he received the Bronze Star and the Commander’s Award for Civil Service for his work on cutting edge, highly classified, DoD special activities. He has detailed operational and policy expertise regarding the full spectrum of strategic national security issues; from being a pioneer in cyber operations, to being at cutting edge of U.S. counterterrorism efforts and helping develop and use of “weaponized technology”.
Tony has commanded and directed several key operational intelligence organizations that conducted “compartmented” (black) operations. These include Special Mission Task Force STRATUS IVY, that conducted direct support to DoD compartmented activities (OSD, SOCOM, JSOC, Army) which was focused on offensive information operations.
In addition, he commanded Field Operating Base Alpha, a joint DIA/CIA unit conducting classified collection and special operations support regarding terrorists just after the 9/11 attacks.
He was brought to active duty by the Army for the first Gulf War in 1991 and transitioned into the Army’s Military Intelligence Excepted Career Program (MIECP) where he became the chief of Army’s global Controlled HUMINT collection program and ran specific Special Access Program (SAP) operations.
In 1995, Tony transitioned to Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), as part of the consolidation of all Service (Army, Navy, Air Force, USMC) HUMINT into the Department of Defense. He became a Senior Intelligence Officer (Operations) and created Task Force STRATUS IVY that conducted the full spectrum of support to Department of Defense, Special Operations Command and other non‐ DoD agencies.
This included support to the controversial counterterrorism project known as ABLE DANGER – a pre‐9/11 offensive operation suite designed to detect, degrade and counter Al Qaeda capabilities.
In 2001, just after the 9/11 attacks, he was returned to active duty for a 30-month period, during which he commanded a DIA special mission operating base (OB Alpha) and had two successful combat tours to Afghanistan. During his two successful, undercover, combat tours he participated in the search for senior Al Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan.
His New York Times (NYT) and internationally bestselling memoir, Operation DARK HEART: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan – and the Path to Victory, provides an unprecedented look at intelligence operations during a period in the Afghanistan war, in 2003, where a small number of operators were able to effectively control this large country.
Tony is a frequent guest on national electronic media (TV and radio) and is frequently quoted in print media as an analyst regarding defense and national security issues and a trusted advisor to members of the US Congress.