Quite often, the interviews of RichardGage911 are a passionate presentation of the explosive evidence of the 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. Here though, Ricky Varandas of The Ripple Effect encourages Richard to share his thoughts on the recent unique twists, turns and opportunities with his 9/11 activism.
Richard Gage, AIA is an architect of 30 years from the San Francisco Bay Area, a member of the AIA, and the founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (now acting independently). He continues to lead the charge toward a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. He touches on many other topics in his new show RichardGage:UNLEASHED!
Well do I remember Kim HILL. What a day that was. Filled TePapa to overflowing. Sent over 100 people away but with free DVD.
If HILL had managed half the sense she pretends; and the physics being so important to the 'science based' intelligentsia she represents; she'd have flipped right then. Right when you asked her how 81 columned steel framed high rises come down at free fall.
It's a comfort to know Leni Reifenstahl was right, when she responded to John Pilger: “In the 1970s, I met Leni Reifenstahl, close friend of Adolf Hitler, whose films helped cast the Nazi spell over Germany. She told me that the message in her films, the propaganda, was dependent not on "orders from above" but on what she called the "submissive void" of the public.
"Did this submissive void include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie?" I asked her.
"Of course," she said, "especially the intelligentsia.... When people no longer ask serious questions, they are submissive and malleable. Anything can happen.”
HILL never asked the serious question.
And I should have warned you. Now; we have Christchurch. How does it fit? What are the forensic anomalies? Was John PODESTA being here two days beforehand incidental?
Could it be staged?
it could.
When will Richard, Lawyers Committee and A&E include this EVIDENCE?