Sneak Peek: RG911 Team all set up in San Antonio Texas - “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid”
Advanced Medicine conference hosted by Dr. Rashid Buttar
We are in San Antonio at the 4th annual International Conference of Advanced Medicine, where Richard presented - this time with emphasis on Kevin Ryan‘s excellent work “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid”.
Why would we be invited to speak to hundreds of healthcare professionals about the World Trade Center destruction? 
The host of the conference - Dr. Rashid Buttar - another speaker at the Anarchapulco conference in February - said that it was very important to round out the collective worldview of the emerging medical profession with the truth about 9/11.
As you are no doubt already aware, there are numerous parallels between the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers 20 years ago on 9/11 and the medical crimes against humanity being inflicted on the world these days.
Richard has incorporated Mr Ryan’s clear and concise parallels between these two world-changing events into his Building Seven PowerPoint show.
Richard also believes that it is important to bring to the awareness of the 911 truth community the facts that he’s learned at this enlightening conference. So, stand by for a few great interviews with some leading and controversial doctors!
I’m so glad that you were able to present at this conference. The 9/11 truth was my first leap into the rabbit hole and put a serious crack into any cognitive dissonance built up over years of mainstream propaganda programming. As more people realize who much they’ve all been duped by government lies in media, finance, medicine, elections etc, it is natural for them to ask “what else are they lying about?” Good job!
This is good enough for me. For many years I was convinced that the events of 911 needed a full explanation, especially regarding the collapse of WTC 7. I am no longer convinced. Seeing Mr. Gage next to Dr. Rachid Buttar (is he really a doctor or a fake doctor? Osteopathy is not science!) is disheartening. So, I think it is now clear. If what Dr. Rachid claims about Covid 19 is as true as what Mr. Gage says about the 911 events, then it is all one big lie.