RichardGage911 Reaches Tens of Thousands on the MG Show with @InTheMatrixxx and @Shadygrooove
Join Jeff and Shady for my 2-hour 9/11 WTC Evidence Slide Presentation! [Cover-photo not my artwork]
We had the opportunity today to bring a full slide presentation of WTC 7 and the Twin Towers explosive evidence to this unique and very large group of patriotic truth seekers. This interview/presentation will actually reach more than 200,000 when it populates on all of the MG Show platforms.
We wind up the show with the 9/11 & Covid Parallels - originally researched by Kevin Ryan - so do watch till the end to get a concise summary of the 12 parallels. And no, Trump was not there. ;)
#MGShow is very excited to welcome @RichardGage_911 to a -LIVE- discussion regarding the connections between 9/11 and #COVID19 as well as a whole lot more.
Be there and share!!
@intheMatrixxx @shadygrooove
And be sure to check out the great comments left by the live viewers.
Thanks again Jeff and Shady for bringing the 9/11 Truth to your wonderful audience!
The segment of citizens referred to as "patriotic truth seekers" who frequent the 'Matrix Grove' blogs are not the only ones who need to know the truth. Among independent voters there just has to be a popular blog or youtube channel which is viewed by a majority of US citizens. In the last 20 years we have seen journalists in the popular media, right and left who were fired or resigned from their TV shows if they noted discrepancies in the 9-11 story. So, we won't find it on pop-media. Where then?