RG911 Delivers WTC Evidence in Spades to Conservatives at "America Fest" Convention in Phoenix, AZ
14,000 Conservative Christians Exposed; 1,500 Brochures Accepted; A Dozen Interviews & Requests - like Roger Stone and Tim Poole of TimCast; Also... Speaking Engagement Requests!
How fortunate we were to hear of this major relevant convention just in the nick of time—thanks to our booth neighbors Kim Yaeter and Johnathon Alexander who, having interviewed us the week before, had to beat us over the head in order for us to realize and seize the great opportunity, and “Get To Phoenix Next Week For AmFest” where thousands of American patriots were gathered in determination to fix this country by understanding the scope of our problems and speaking out - very loud.
The action in the main arena included about 4 dozen top speakers - all taking swipes at the uni-party - RHINO’s & Democrats alike. It seemed almost as exciting as the action at our booth:
Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point USA — the sponsor of the entire convention. Please encourage him to put RichardGage911 on the stage next year!
Day 2 - We were invited to give a livestreamed tour to the folks assembled on the weekly Sunday 9/11 WarRoom :
Day 2 - RG911 Livestream from Phoenix to the 911WarRoom - 49 mins:
2:12 - Tour of “Media Row”
6:15 - Jacob Chansley - the “Q-Anon Shaman”
8:24 - Exhibitor Booth Tour
10:50 - Main Stage tour - live with Vivek Ramaswamy (Donald Trump was not in Phoenix after all)
20:30 - Tour of RG911 Booth
20:49 - Corrinne Clifford - personal breakdown
21:55 - Meet volunteer Xander Arena
26:23 - RG Red-pills young folks live
27:19 - Students interact & invite RG911 to speak in Pittsburg
38:55 - WTC 7 red pill lands with young folks
49:30 - Mona Caldwell worked in WTC 7!
49:03 - Gail says good by!
Day 2 - The popular Chips & Salsa podcast was actually excited to have the 9/11 Truth delivered to their fan base.
Well, we spoke a lot of truth ourselves - 9/11 Truth - in this case as fast as we possibly could:
Day 1 - How to Red-Pill 40 people individually in 2 minutes!
Well… we’re “month to month” here at RG911, so… we had to call upon some very special supporters who seem to always come through for us in magnificent trust and graciousness. And, here we are — in Phoenix after 4 days of hard work and exhilarating discussions & interviews. We even got to see some of these inspiring national speakers — in the flesh!
Day 1 - Sheriff Richard Mack - “You don’t tell me that 9/11 was properly investigated when you allowed and even participated in the destruction of evidence at Ground Zero, and claim that ‘we’re trying to bring closure to our country with this horrible situation’…. How is it that both Twin Towers came down exactly the same way? Corruption and crimes from Wash DC is the greatest threat to America today.”
We ran into our old friend Luke Rudkowski at the Chips & Salsa booth where I got snagged for yet another interview!
Here’s the great news about this particular group of conservatives who are inspired by convention host Turning Point USA. They are all accustomed to being lied to by the government and media, and are quite aware of a number of conspiracies — from the Covid/Vax plandemic, to the January 6 “insurrection”, the college education scam, the dismantling of all relevant border security, the Critical Race Theory scam, to the manufactured Transgender movement, the destruction of America’s economy by international corporations and to the issues associated with Cultural Marxism.
We ran smack dab into yet another patriot - none other than Patrick Henry from Georgia - '‘What are the parallels of 9/11 to 1776?!”
So… when they stop by our booth and get handed a brochure, along with our bark: “9/11 truth - very important”, 70% of them are pre-disposed for open-mindedness about it and, often gratefully, accept the brochure. Half of those stop in their tracks and say, “I know about that!”, the other half asking “What’s this about?” We engage in great conversations about 9/11 with about a third of those who take a brochure, like with this open-minded young man whose world seemed rocked by this information that was brand new to him — just like me in 2006:
Four Candidates for Office!
Four different candidates for State office stopped by our booth — each of whom were not only quite aware of the truth about 9/11, but fearlessly intent upon making the issue square upfront in their candidacy:
Candidate #1: Valentina Gomez, Secretary of State - Missouri
Candidate #2: Paul Jones, CA State Assembly - Southern California
Candidate #3: Burt Thakur - Congress - on a 9/11 Platform! Giving up our rights for the sake of safety will be our destruction. “One of the first thing I will do is to repeal the Patriot Act.” “I’ll make a promise: A Congressional inquiry of 9/11.”
Candidate #4: Abhash Gautom - CA State Assembly - Sacramento Area
Day 2 - Wade Wilson: Question - “With all the people that had to be in on it, how do we get justice for the American People and the people of the world? How do they control us?”
How auspicious that RG911 is also a “media company”, via our podcast RichardGage911:UNLEASHED!, and as a result we were able to secure a booth on “Media Row.”
Day 2 - Tim - from Minnesota & Seattle - What are the plusses and minuses of the Internet for the Truth Movement? Who are “they”? Who is Dutch whistleblower Ronald Bernard? Who are the 20 top families exposed Fritz Springmeier?
The 4 of us at the booth - Phoenix local 9/11 Truthers Xander Arena & Steve Cohn, along with Gail and I, didn’t have much of any breaks. We worked hard. We were driven. And we all felt deeply rewarded, as revealed by our local Phoenix volunteer Steve Cohn who we interviewed along with our student guest, Steven Wallace:
Day 1 - How a great RG911 volunteer, Steve Cohn, discovered a very awake 9/11 activist Steven Wallace at AmFest.
Gail and I found ourselves dining one table over from Roger Stone. I’m typically quite shy when confronted with these types of opportunities, so Johnathan Alexander had to cajole me into going over there. I’m not very familiar with his work, and didn’t even know that Roger had a podcast, so I simply told him who I was and asked him if he knew about what really happened on 9/11 at the World Trade Center. Well, he knew about Building 7.
I told him that I was the guy on this subject, and that he could count on me if he needed me, as I handed him my card. He gave it to his assistant, and told him to get me on his podcast “Stone’s Throw”! I threw out, “that would be important for your audience.”
Day 2 - Phillip Weisbecker - on Cognitive Dissonance in the family, and in the military contracting world.
We were able to move over a hundred DVD’s into the conservatives’ hands - many of which we gave without charge because we were touched by their open-mindedness and rawness at taking in this new information. We could actually see some people quivering as they came face to face for the first time with the concept of the truth of 9/11, asking “could this really be so?! “What would that mean?” “How did they get away with it?” “Who did it?” These questions are terrifying to answer because we need to, above all, honor the vulnerable space that they are in and not just dump a bunch of info that they won’t be ready for - for months probably.
Day 3: Andrew M. (TimCast agent who will get us on with Tim Poole); Alex Jones video game; former Editor & Chief of WeAreChange.)
We only had a couple of lost angry souls visit our booth. This is waaaaay different from our other efforts in the 9/11 Truth Movement tabling in public, where we’re sometimes lucky to get people to take a flyer, and where we can even sustain verbal attacks.

Here at AmFest we ran into many very aware people with unique personal experiences and research of their own. We share many of those with you here:
Day 1 - How it works: “3600 Architects & Engineers demanding a new investigation…”
Day 2 - Young Conservatives have a 9/11-truth vision of the future: Nathan Koenig, Bernan Blackledge, Louis Kohn, and Gideon Kanig:
“I’m so glad you guys are here. I didn’t expect it!”
“If another building fell they would have talked about it.”
“I hate to break it to you, but your grandchildren will be paying for the $6.5T Global War on Terror”
“These planes wouldn’t have done that damage attributed to them. We’re not suppose to object to that.”
“We’re not trying to downplay the deaths of those people; We’re trying to set it right for them - and get to what really went down that day — and who is really responsible.
***[[“A republic can only thrive with the truth. But there was a shadow collective without the people.”]]***
“I’m not here to support a party, or a political candidate - unless they speak the truth about 9/11.”
“Sir, I think that the people who would most want silence on a “closed case” are killers that have not yet been caught!”
RG: “You’re too young to be conservative - you should be a democrat! I tried to grow my hair long and I voted for democrats because they were for the people. What’s wrong with you?!”
“There are these bad guys over there in the Middle East and we’ve gotta go them, but if they didn’t do this, then what was all that for?!”
“We trusted our government in the 50’s. Nowadays we don’t trust them at all.”
“From 9/11 to Covid — we need to put an end to this regime that’s putting people last.”
Day 3 - Tsumi got an earful of WTC evidence too!
Gail and Steve answer tough questions from an attendee who stopped by the booth on his way to the main speaking event.
Day 3 - Austin Benton - in New York during 9/11- “I questioned 9/11 from the beginning.”
Day 4 - Lieutenant Colonel Ret., Sean Connelly, Engineering Officer - served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Built shelters for soldiers to resist blast effects. Gov’t is lying, i.e. FBI interactions with the terrorists; Saudi intelligence involvement. Iraq selling oil outside of the US Petro dollar.
Day 1 - Adam - “You guys are a fire in the butt!”
Day 3 - “New Federal State of China” interviews RG911 - Parallels between 9/11 & Covid. This organization is quite well funded - and dedicated to the overthrow of President Xi’s CCCP.
Day 4 - How I do it “…evidence of ignited & unignited thermite.” No sale, but we got the pic!” :)
Day 4 - I try to meet people where they are, after a variety of elevator pitches. I mix it up!
Day 4 - Gail peeks in on the “Generally Irritably” Podcast who also interviewed me.
Day 4 - A sneak peak into how the 9/11 Truth action booth works. 25 seconds.
And… the convention wrap-up with Gail Gage:
Day 4 - Get to know Gail Gage up close and personal, as she shares her heart and the heartwarming miracle of how we got to this convention; and how Charlie Kirk saved us from his own committee who didn’t want the 9/11 issue at the at the convention! Richard & Gail also discuss the difficult 2021 transition from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Coming Up - More Critical Tabling Opportunities!
If you want RichardGage911 to keep up the great 9/11 Truth momentum - then we have 2 more very important 9/11 tabling opportunities - both out of State once more!
The first one is the Red Pill Expo in Rapid City, SD June 15/16 where we hope to speak yet again, but certainly anticipate hosting all the excitement at our RG911 Truth booth. Put 9/11 Truth front & center in the most popular conspiracy conference in the country.
The second major tabling event opportunity in 2024 is in Orlando, FL, June 17-19, at the annual National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) convention at which we have hosted a powerful booth for the last 2 years under the auspices of Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA). Send us to educate thousands of fire protection professionals about World Trade Center Building 7!
Article Excerpt:
Here’s the great news about this particular group of conservatives who are inspired by convention host Turning Point USA. They are all accustomed to being lied to by the government and media, and are quite aware of a number of conspiracies — from the Covid/Vax plandemic, to the January 6 “insurrection”, the college education scam, the dismantling of all relevant border security, the Critical Race Theory scam, to the manufactured Transgender movement, the destruction of America’s economy by international corporations and to the issues associated with Cultural Marxism.
The moment I read the above in this article, I thought, wouldn't it be great if groups like this could also speak with groups that focus on additional conspiratorial things? Such would create a bigger combination so people could see something that resembles the whole of what's happening: THE BIG LIE, and the tragedy of seeing how many people have fallen for who really need their eyes opened.
1. Things like the climate change scam;
2. The purported reasons why there are wars everywhere on earth (far more than just Israel and Ukraine). These are causing worldwide food and material shortages. Why? For the sole purpose of creating more genocide and downright misery so that people will beg for government to help. The controllers have a pre-prepared "Solution" for that.
2. Where our money has really gone;
3. CBDC and what it really means to freedom;
4. The WHO documents and what they really mean to freedom;
5. Agenda 21/2030 and what means to freedom;
6. Transhumanism and where such will lead humans.
7. More...including the arts
Everyone of these, including those in the quoted excerpt, point to one thing WEF reported early on: YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY.
I think it's certainly high-time people begin to see the whole picture for what it is, and to ask ourselves which way we want to go. As I see it, there are only two choices: Hive-Mind Tyranny and Independent Freedom. There's no such thing as middle ground this time.
Good job Richard and Gail, and Happy New Year too! I am looking
forward to the "Red Pill Expo" in
Rapid City, SD.