RG911 to Present "Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9/11" — Truth Action Project Forum Tuesday May 21 — Live Online!
TAP Forum Theme: "Gaza and the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict" — America's Funding of False Flags, Endless Wars, Ethnic Cleansing" — Join Online!
Hello friends! We are pleased to present our latest false flag exposure speaking event at the upcoming TAP Forum:
We invite you to join us live. You must pre-register to watch this webinar-format event. It’s free!
Here’s a 4-minute heads up and outline of my portion of this special forum:
Title: Gaza & 9/11: The Astounding Parallels
Take the deep dive into the playbook, used by the powers that shouldn't be, in their false flag operations. We focus on "Israel's 9/11 Moment" and compare, feature by feature, to the ploys used to deceive most of the world in the events surrounding 9/11/2001.
How does the war trigger system work? What are the Parallels between 9/11 & Gaza? We found several:
A. They Create the Original PROBLEM
Part 1: Parallel — Previously Established and Geostrategic Goals — Coveting the Natural Resources of the Target Territory
Part 2: Parallel — A Rich History of Historic and Recent Provocations and False Flag Operations
Part 3: Parallel — Politically Useful Controlled Patsies
Part 4: Parallel — A Triggering Event — An Innovative Attack with Dubious Origins; A Manufactured Invasion from Foreign Operatives
Part 5: Parallel — A Catastrophic Intelligence Failure
Part 6: Parallel — A Military Stand-down — with an Obvious Uncharacteristic Delay in Response
Part 7: Parallel — Foreknowledge of the Attacks
Part 8: Parallel — Dancing Israelis — During the Attacks
B. They Manage the Public REACTION
Part 9: Parallel — Propaganda with Outrageous Slogans from Government and Media to Manipulate Public Emotion; Crisis Actors
Part 10: Parallel — Atrocities Alleged to the Enemy with Ensuing Dehumanization
Part 11: Parallel — Denial of Alleged Atrocities by the Enemy
Part 12: Parallel — Opposition Media/Journalists Targeted
C. They Offer the Prescribed SOLUTION
Part 13: Parallel — Military Revenge Attack Prepared in Advance with No Investigation
Part 14: Parallel — Occupy Territory of the New Enemy — The Land Grab
Part 15: Parallel — Widening the Conflict to Achieve Original Broader Goals
Part 16: Parallel — Effect Regime Change of Enemy Leadership
Part 17: Parallel — Enact “Forever War” Policy
Part 18: Parallel — $$ Billions Flow to the Media, Banking, and War Industries
Part 19: Parallel — Extreme Public Censorship by Government, MSM, and Social Media
Part 20: Parallel — Draconian Policies and Surveillance Instituted by Government
Part 21: Parallel — Malevolent Roots More Than 250 Years Old
We’ve written the first two of about 20 articles on the Gaza subject, which you can find here:
and here;
Learn more about other false flag parallels at RichardGage911:
And support our critical work to wake up the world to the truth about 9/11:
It's a "Chosen" Agenda. We all know it but are not allowed to mention it. Zionists design it that way!
I'm very happy to see you now - 'unleashed' to speak freely on this subject - without having to second-guess, or censor yourself, because of the feelings of 10,000 other professionals, or a corporate board. The truth is something that we feel first in our guts. 'Too many cooks', are unlikely to produce an edible and nutritious meal.
I'm also happy to see you working with Allison Weir. "If American's knew" does great work. Additionally I'll say that MondoWeiss, The Grayzone and The Electronic Intifada have all done very important and revealing exposés on at least some of these areas, as well. I know Max is fairly resistant to looking into "9/11" - much less, taking a heterodox public position... But not everyone has to get everything right, all the time, on every subject. Personally I thank and support those who join us on the tip o' the spear - and I still hold out hope, for those who have yet to join us out there.
While I don't think Max and his Grayzone colleagues have yet to acknowledge the bigger picture of a history of Zionist/Imperial MIHOP False Flags and/or LIHOP "Intelligence Failures"... there's a long history of them. Pearl Harbor? Totally known about, and allowed to happen. The Lavon Affair? The USS Liberty? Blatant False Flag attempts... OKC? At LEAST LIHOP - probably MIHOP (remember the "Iraqi" John Doe #2?). Covert Action (and others) have peeled back the layers on that rotten onion. And low and behold - they had the Effective Anti-Terrorism and Kill Mumia Act of 1996 - all ready to go. I recall Sen. Feinstein saying, about an early version, that a looked a whole lot like THE USA PATRIOT ACT, "Mr. Chairman, I don't think that the American people are ready for this - YET". That was some eerie foreshadowing.
I will say the Max and Ali and MondoWeiss have all done yeomens' work in debunking the almost laughable War Propaganda - about Mass Rapes and 40 beheaded babies in an oven - all of which sound like PROJECTION by the Zionist Entity - which stands credibly accused of exactly those kinds of atrocities. Honest journalists and public analysts acknowledge that there was an insanely large amount, of indiscriminate- and most likely deliberately unleashed-, "friendly fire" by the Zionist Genocidal Forces - against the 1100 Zionist settlers, acknowledged now, in the padded body count. Scott Ritter has gone so far to point to the "Hannibal Doctrine" - and assess that ~80% of the killed were victims of fire from Tanks and Helicopter Gunships. Hamas lacked the weapons needed to incinerate a whole car or house, leaving only charred skeletons behind.
Anyways, I have no idea what Max's schedule is... But I think you should probably reach out to all of those outlets, and perhaps even Major Ritter, to invite them to tune-in for your presentations - which I know in at least 2 of 3 cases are always spot-on and phenomenal. It would be great if we could use this 'teachable moment' to reach some folks who would be invaluable allies in the alternative media sphere, were we to succeed in reaching them and making an impression upon their thinking. There's no guarantees that they'll watch - but I think it would be great for everyone - if they did.