RG911 in Phoenix Dec 16-20 at 10,000-Strong "AmFest" Convention!
Join us in Phoenix this Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue at our 9/11 Evidence Booth to wake up conservatives en-masse at the American Festival!
Thanks to our dear friends John & Beth, Pat, Jeff, Jeffrey, and Mike for their faithful support, as well as Kim and John who brought this amazing opportunity to our attention, we will indeed be having quite the presence on “Media Row” at this American-First convention.
Ten thousand attendees are expected to show up and watch the big names like Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Donald Trump Jr. (in addition to his father who is highly anticipated as a cameo speaker) and several dozen other iconic conservative speakers. They are all going to hear about 9/11 Truth, and see our killer 9/11 truth evidence booth:
We’ll have thousands of brochures and hundreds of DVDs available. If you know me, you know that everyone who walks by gets a copy of our powerful WTC evidence brochure highlighting World Trade Center Building 7! YOU can join us remotely for this critically important event by watching the livestream!
And guess what? If you can go to the convention there’s a discount code! Simply register at Am-Fest and use promo code: faith13 [ or Faith13 ].
But… if you would like to help us and volunteer at the 9/11 Evidence Booth to help wake up the attendees to 9/11 truth, we may be able to get you into the convention at no cost. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet thousands of like-minded truth seekers and witness history in the making as humanity wakes up to the Deep State crimes against humanity. If you would like to join us at Am-Fest 2023, please email Gail: Gail@RichardGage911.org
Our mission? To educate the attendees of this massive public convention to the truth about the explosive demolition of the three World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11.
We have also been invited to travel three hours to the US/Mexico border with John Alexander LiveBoarderNews, along with a couple of the keynote speakers. We will report to you first-hand from the border what’s really going on down there. From what I have heard it is a real problem for our country.
We were made aware of and encouraged to take the plunge and participate in the AM-Fest convention by podcaster Kim Yeater of Take Your Power Back, who interviewed RG911 on her show the other day! We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Kim!
We expect to land dozens of interviews of RG911 during the convention itself, from all of the podcasters crowding the entrance to the convention where our booth is located in “Media Row”. We are also hosting our own podcast “RichardGage911: UNLEASHED!” and will interview as many keynote speakers and attendees as we can nab about their knowledge of and commitment to the truth about 9/11.
We look forward to bringing you lots of live snippets from the AM-Fest Convention! Please do support us in this worthy effort as you are able. Our only support is from you:
Hoping that Roseanne is still a vocal "Truther".
Keep up the great work folks!! Hard to believe that it is taking the millions of "normies" 23 years to begin to discover what some of us could tell merely from watching the twin towers totally disintegrate as they fell to the earth, namely that, whatever caused this mega-tragedy and mass murder, it sure as Hell wasn't those two airliner impacts!!