Precious Metals - The Time is Now! With Kirk Elliott, PhD
Our 9/11-Savvy Guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED!
Why have Gail and I chosen Kirk Elliott, PhD as our personal precious metals financial adviser?
Well... we like him, and he's very very good! Listen to the wisdom he has gives about precious metals in this deeply informative interview!
We have been increasingly concerned about the national and world economy – with engineered shortages, and dramatic rises in food and gas prices. We’ve also seen unprecedented spending sprees by our government - amounting to trillions of dollars in recent days—and years!
Also, we are in dramatically destabilizing times geopolitical. All out war with Russia is being pushed on us. Several of our friends and colleagues in the 9/11 Truth Movement (including now our dear friend Ann Vandersteel of the Zelenko Report, the host of our series of “9/11 Deep Dive” podcasts) have discovered Kirk Elliott, a unique precious metals expert who also knows the dark truth about 9/11 Truth. So we followed up on him!
Not only did we find that Kirk is one of the smartest precious metals experts out there, but in discussing our own personal financial security and strategy with him we found him to be warm, engaging, and quickly developed trust – and even a friendship. So he does indeed put people over profits!
You can call Kirk directly: (720) 605-3900
Chances are, you know someone who knows Dr. Kirk! He has his hands in everything; he lives downtown in the shadow of skyscrapers with his wife JoLayne, their son, and their dog Ted, a spunky and loving CavaPoo. He has a passion for seeing the streets restored and homelessness eradicated. In his free time he is on the streets, loving on the broken, and when he is not doing that, he is shredding on his electric guitar.
We encourage you to get informed about precious metals today. This is the one investment that has outlived the manipulations and currencies of every Deep State—for centuries. Give Kirk a call at 720.605.3900. Tell him Richard & Gail sent you.
And, look him up at - With any precious metals purchase you’ll be supporting our work here at RichardGage911!
Kirk Elliott, PhD - Highlights:
PhD in Public Policy and Administration (emphasis in Monetary Economics)
More than 25 years experience of protecting assets
Author of 11 books/curriculums/documentaries
Board member for 3 national non-profit organizations and a private college
National media appearances on: Dr. Dobson’s Family Talk, NRB, The Mike Huckabee Show, TruNews, Daystar, WND, The Dani Johnson Show, Drenda, Salem Radio Network, Infowars, and more.
Gold and silver have been good stores of value for well over 2,000 years, and that situation isn't likely to change any time soon. The petrodollar is on its last legs, and precious metals will most likely be big beneficiaries of its imminent demise. Russia may soon move to gold-for-oil transactions, which will benefit anyone holding precious metals (notably including Russia, China, and India). Very interesting video about this, here:
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