Parallels: 9/11 & Gaza — RG911 Presentation on Dr. Rima Laibow's "Catalytic Conversations"
A Deep Dive into "Israel's 9/11" on 10/7/23
What do the tragic events of 9/11 and 10/7 have in common? Well, a whole lot more than you may have imagined.
If we learned anything from our collective research in the 9/11 Truth Movement it was that our Government and Media lied to us — on a colossal scale — from the cause of the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers, to the perpetrators blamed for the events of 9/11.
Dr. Rima Laibow, an icon in the Health Freedom Movement invited us to present the full two+ hours of the parallels between 9/11 & Gaza. And we did!
Watch this updated presentation from our deep research on this dark subject.
The attacks of September 11 appear in a long line of State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) or False Flag Operations, where the classic Hegelian Dialectic — Problem/Reaction/Solution — is deployed creating Order Out of Chaos.
Is it possible that, if we look deeper into the October 7th incursion by Hamas into Israel — deeper than just the initial fear-porn talking points of the mainstream media and government leaders in its wake — we might find a number of tags indicating that things are, once again, not what they seem?
How does the war trigger system work? What are the Parallels between 9/11 & Gaza? We found several:
(We owe a huge debt of gratitude to 9/11 Researcher Kevin Ryan for the initial research on the parallels of 9/11 & Gaza and presented at the IC911 seminar “Genocide & Empire”.)
A. They Create the Original PROBLEM
Part 1: Parallel — Previously Established and Geostrategic Goals — Coveting the Natural Resources of the Target Territory
Part 2: Parallel — A Rich History of Historic and Recent Provocations and False Flag Operations
Part 3: Parallel — Politically Useful Controlled Patsies
Part 4: Parallel — A Triggering Event — An Innovative Attack with Dubious Origins; A Manufactured Invasion from Foreign Operatives
Part 5: Parallel — A Catastrophic Intelligence Failure
Part 6: Parallel — A Military Stand-down — with an Obvious Uncharacteristic Delay in Response
Part 7: Parallel — Foreknowledge of the Attacks
Part 8: Parallel — Dancing Israelis — During the Attacks
B. They Manage the Public REACTION
Part 9: Parallel — Propaganda with Outrageous Slogans from Government and Media to Manipulate Public Emotion; Crisis Actors
Part 10: Parallel — Atrocities Alleged to the Enemy with Ensuing Dehumanization
Part 11: Parallel — Denial of Alleged Atrocities by the Enemy
Part 12: Parallel — Opposition Media/Journalists Targeted
C. They Offer the Prescribed SOLUTION
Part 13: Parallel — Military Revenge Attack Prepared in Advance with No Investigation
Part 14: Parallel — Occupy Territory of the New Enemy — The Land Grab
Part 15: Parallel — Widening the Conflict to Achieve Original Broader Goals
Part 16: Parallel — Effect Regime Change of Enemy Leadership
Part 17: Parallel — Enact “Forever War” Policy
Part 18: Parallel — $$ Billions Flow to the Arms, Oil, Banking, and Media Industries
Part 19: Parallel — Extreme Public Censorship by Government, MSM, and Social Media
Part 20: Parallel — Draconian Policies and Surveillance Instituted by Government
Part 21: Parallel — Malevolent Roots More Than 250 Years Old
Are the Palestinian and Jewish People Being Played Against Each Other by Puppet Masters?
According to the official narrative, on October 7 thousands of rockets were fired across the border, paving the way for a thousand or more Hamas soldiers to invade Israel by land, air, and sea — with motorcycles, trucks, paragliders, and speedboats. They were neither detected nor responded to for about seven hours while attacking numerous Israeli towns; performing alleged crimes, including murder, rape, and the beheading of babies; then kidnapping 200+ hostages whom they took back with them over the border.
Some of this appears to be true. But let’s look deeper into the patterns and see what we can learn. It has been well-established that the “attacks” of 9/11 were “synthetic terror” — a false flag operation. What are the parallels between the events of 9/11 and the Hamas attacks along the Gaza border? Are there elements of the classic Hegelian dialectic strategy — Problem/Reaction/Solution?
In Parallel #1: We take on the “Previously Established and Geostrategic Goals; Coveting the Natural Resources of the Target Territory”
We discover, for instance, that the goals of a vast increase in the US military budget, along with regional hegemony in the Middle East achieved by the 9/11 perpetrators were forecast by the neocon think tank “Project for a New American Century.”
We also find that Osama bin Laden was a relatively insignificant factor in the decision to invade Afghanistan (compared to its strategic military importance and vast profits from opium and gas pipelines) and that the reason cited for taking down Saddam Hussein in Iraq was also relatively unimportant compared to its strategic military location and vast oil reserves.
We tackle the all-important question: “Are the Palestinian and Jewish people being played against each other by puppet masters?”
We uncover a wealth of controversial information, digging into the roots of the Israeli/Palestinian saga — uncovering a dark history, not just the inception and artificial creation of the nation of Israel itself, but of a deadly international dis-ease, spawned centuries ago and infecting all of Europe, America, and the world via secret societies, with goals including destruction of governments and religions, and world domination, generating in its wake innumerable false flag attacks such as 9/11 and Gaza, with resulting wars of aggression under the guise of self-defense.
We look into the many geostrategic reasons Israel has for targeting Gaza for depopulation, including the long-awaited construction of their alternate route to the Suez Canal — the Ben-Gurion Canal.
And we look into the natural gas fields discovered two decades ago immediately offshore of Gaza that, if not for its Palestinian owners in Gaza, could make Israel $453 billion in profit as an exporter of gas to Europe — especially in the wake of the US-sponsored sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. Oil was found in these gas fields as well, worth an estimated $71 billion.
We show in this 20-parallel series that, just as in the 9/11 attacks here in the US two decades ago, there are indeed Deep State motivations for Israel’s current false flag operation.
War on Gaza: Israel Wants to Finish the Job Washington Started After 9/11