Metropolia/Helsinki University Class Brings in RG911 to Teach Explosive WTC Evidence
37 Students | 3 Hours | A Dozen Tough Questions
Professor Donald Jordan teaches at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, School of Real Estate and Construction, in the Research Development and Innovation Department in Helsinki, Finland where he lives. He is relentless in having every one of his students exercise critical thinking relative to the catastrophic events at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
He invited us once again to teach our 3-hour class on the explosive destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11. The 37 graduate students were from all around the world, were quite attentive, and asked some great questions.
I hosted a Q&A at the end which is always the most fascinating and challenging section of the class for me. Joel asked about the strength of the building. Puneet S. asked about the antenna of the North Tower falling first, as well as the open space created in the Twin Towers. Aeryn M inquired about the quantity of explosive vs. incendiaries and the sound difference between them. Ayushi C asked me about the electrical and mechanical infrastructure connecting the different buildings of the WTC complex! And Ashraf asked for my Powerpoint slide presentation.
Tune into the class - because this is one of the most complete presentations that I have ever given - and the only 3-hour non-stop no-nonsense teaching in the last several years. I combined the best from the 3 parts of my 5-hour webinar series - 9/11: An Architect’s Guide into one presentation. I hope that you will learn a lot from the class and share widely! Additional classes at the University have included as instructors Niels Harrit and David Chandler which were also quite successful.
Donate to keep RichardGage911 reaching out to all universities, in all countries.
Professor Jordan introduced the subject to his students: “The 9/11 Case study will present twenty years of peer-reviewed research on what occurred at the World Trade Centre in New York City on September 11th, 2001. The scientific event that occurred that day had never happened before and has not happened since. No steel-framed fire-proofed structure has collapsed in history into its own footprint due to fire. This event concerns architects, civil engineers, real estate managers, and other real estate professionals.
Was it design flaws? Was it in the engineering of the structure? Had the facilities exceeded their life cycles? Were facility managers responsible for the deaths and lack of this type of emergency preparedness resulting from poor management preparedness and planning? Why was not proper forensics done at that time as prescribed by municipal and state of New York laws to determine what happened and prevent what occurred from happening again? How did high amounts of unignited nano-thermite turn up in the dust from the World Trade Centre? Should there be a new detailed, in-depth transparent investigation for further study?
As we know, research results can be replicated, which means they are more likely to be correct. Repeated replication of investigations may turn a hypothesis into a theory. This event is troubling and opens many questions about what took place that day from the real estate professionals and scientific viewpoint of architects, civil engineering, management, and others. It is essential for science and truth to prevent it from happening again.
On Monday, October 10th, 2022, at 16:00 (4:00 pm, Helsinki time), Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, will examine the event from an architectural perspective and study.
All the guest speakers will be addressing the subject matter from over twenty years of independent peer-reviewed research that has been done which opens up questions about what happened and whether there should be a new investigation.
This event is an excellent case study for professionals and academics.”
Outstanding Richard and Gail! Great job!
Thankyou Richard the Lionhearted, your wife and all those who have proven the deadly, evil false narrative.....The Truth finds a way. Anyone who looks at the overwhelming evidence at the Trade center, at the Pentagon, at Shanksville will say 100% it was an inside job perpetrated by our Government from Hell, mass murdering traitors who made $$$ selling short knowing in advance what stocks would fall.