Josh Sigurdson "Why Anarchy?!" My Guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! at Anarchapulco
World Alternative Media Founder Sends Gage Out of his Comfort Zone
World Alternative Media’s Josh Sigurdson has been reporting on 9/11 since before I started Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. (I'm now independent). He has now been all around the world covering the Covid1984 issue.
We caught up with Josh at the Anarchapulco event after we presented "Dealing with the Truth about 9/11" here as a keynote speaker. Josh explains why he feels that "voluntaryists” is the real solution to the problems highlighted by Deep State and government corruption as evidenced by the truth about 9/11 and Covid.
Dear Richard & Gail,
your interview with Josh Sigurdson fits extremely well with the essence of the findings of the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. If you have time to watch their GRAND JURY model-proceedings (at, especially the part with the former investment banker Leslie Manookian on day 5. , you will see how deeply entangled the crimes of 9/11 and "Covid 1984" are.
I hope that your vision and plan of a 9/11 GRAND JURY will be enhanceed, extended and cross-fertilized by the Corona-GRAND-JURY-proceedings of the Berlin group!
Thank you both for your untiring
Project OMEGA MINUS, Germany